Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 43: Rheinharut

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Firut couldn't help vomiting loudly, and the moment his small face bulged was also exposed to the fact that he was jealous. After all, he had had many intimate contacts with Ma Yuan, and now seeing the other party'seeking new love', most of them can't sit still Too.

"Then, that is just an accident, an accident."

Ma Yuan's expression of a hippie smiled face, but inwardly she knew it, a joy she had never jumped out of her chest.

really! This weapon blessed by the Flame Elf has a strong potential. Even if it is only gradually mastered and integrated, Ma Yuan will gain a lot, so it will appear the embarrassing situation of using nosebleed at the same time.

"It's really a good weapon. Unfortunately, your swordsmanship can't match this kind of weapon, so let's face it, younger brother, although I have left an irrelevant Asian, I will not continue to let go of the key. No one, no one."

The eyes of the intestine hunter are cold and suffocating. For example, the polar witch hidden in the ice cave, any action may make the offender crush the bones and become the residue on the ice.

The cold wind wrapped the three people, and the dark rhythm made them almost unable to breathe, feeling the violent cold before death.

when! when! The showdown of swordsmanship is like a dance with ghosts and ghosts on the blades. Both sides jump to each other's bodies regularly, dodge or attack. Everything looks orderly, but it is seen in Ma Yuan's constant hanging color Clue.

"I haven't noticed yet, brother, although this is cruel enough, but my speed is completely beyond what you can see, the cloak behind me can also resist a deadly magic attack, so any means to me It is almost ineffective, not to mention that the resilience I have now surpassed that of ordinary humans."

The contemptuous expression of the gut hunter seemed to ignore everything, and it was true, most of Ma Yuan's attacks failed.

The cuts and tears that did not penetrate the skin seemed to have never existed, but after a short period of time, they recovered as before, and there were not many obvious scars on the skin.

This is very embarrassing. It's just a BOSS with a blood-returning ability. The result is definitely that Ma Yuan suffered a loss. After all, he is still a flesh and blood.

"Indeed, you are right. General swordsmanship can't hurt you."

Dragging the long sword with the glory of the flame elf in his hand, Mars hardly produced too many times during the attack just now. Ma Yuan tried hard to restrain the power of this weapon, but he was not afraid of the strength of the other party.

After all, to such a degree of fighting, there is no longer any fear. Even if you are kneeling and begging for mercy, the bowel hunter is always a bowel hunter. After hearing it, he will still complete his task without hesitation.

"and so……"

brush! The sword spirit that emerged at that moment seemed to be the courage to fight. Ma Yuan held the elven sword in his hands, and the whole body seemed to be covered with a light scent of flame.

Of course he was not a magician, not to mention hanging, but he took an adventure in the details that no one noticed.

"He, when did that thing appear on his body, actually glowing?"

Firut's observation is more keen, and he directly discovered that something was shining on Ma Yuan. After the waist light faded away, he finally realized that it was a badge, but it was only taken away by Amelia. Compared, it still needs to look more refined.

The pattern is lifelike, and you can even feel an exclusive breath belonging to the strong, and the dragon claw carving reveals the origin of this badge.

"This pattern seems to be familiar... Here, this seems to be the badge of the superior follower of the Juggernaut family. Only the badge that can be obtained by the "absolute trust" given by the contemporary Juggernaut! It is not just recognition of character, There is also a talent for swordsmanship, but why did Ma have this thing?"

Amelia also knows some secrets and important messages on the mainland. Although Filute looked at the fog, he seemed to have felt the picture of countless gold coins waving to himself.

The truth is only known to Ma Yuan. Perhaps at the moment when the alley met, the young swordsman not only asked him, he even took a fancy to his character and qualifications, and chose to give this high-level badge to the other party, even in The baptism of the sword saint's way was felt invisible.

But what Ma Yuan and Amelia wouldn’t know is that the people who really accept this kind of washing and finally rejuvenate the energy of the sword saint’s way are really awful.

"What! Isn't it possible to sell a lot of money? I mean, this time, Ma Yuan owed this girl a favor. Let him sell this for a little gold. It's not too much for me."

"Well, nobody actually dared to ask for this badge. Philute, including the stolen badge, was the same. Ma Yuan just wanted to take it back and return it to the original owner. As for this woman, it must have been bought. No one wants to buy such expensive but dangerous items."


The dialogue between the two girls is full of joy, and the contradiction seems to be gradually resolved. Emilia even said that this exclusive badge is of extraordinary significance.

After all, outsiders get exclusive badges inside but it is a kind of blasphemy, even if the other party is willing to return and pay at the same time, it will surely suffer crazy revenge from the major power families afterwards.

"Interesting, so are you going to use this kind of attack to decide the outcome, but what if it doesn't work?"

At the last moment, both of them poured into the light and could hardly see the complete part of the body. The Matem and others outside the house seemed to feel the shocking aura inside the house and did not continue to clamor with the magic of amplification.

Buzz! At that moment, the two women completely held their breath, witnessing the exaggerated sword spirit that swept through the air and even changed the painting style.

Ma Yuan held up the elven sword in his hand, and after several swings, he finally carried out a slash after power accumulation, which included the mysterious impact of the sword saint's way. The power should not be underestimated!

The intestinal hunter wrapped in it was the first to reveal his body, and the dagger in his hand even showed horrible jagged scars.

"It's a really good result. It can actually hurt my weapon, but now you, I am afraid that you have completely lost the fighting ability?"

The bowel sneer sneered and walked out of the smoke with a torn body, but his recovery speed was still amazing, and even a sword mark was almost close to her key point, but eventually she was survived by the gods.

Ma Yuan, however, has lost all his fighting abilities and is paralyzed on the ground as if everything is about to end.

"Unfortunately, I still failed. It seems that you are really an excellent assassin. Unfortunately, you still misunderstood my true intentions."

When the despair was about to be broken, the wall of the stolen spot was penetrated by an amazing light. When the two women fell into despair, and Ma Yuan gradually lost the ability to fight and even move, a tall and powerful body also came to the crowd.

"It’s hard for you, Ma Yuan, I came when I saw the breath of the resonance of the badge. I have disposed of the guy who abused privacy in Matem. As for this dangerous lady, if you don’t put down your arms, I'm afraid I can only do business routine."

Rhein Harut van Asteria. ,, ..

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