This star just wants to learn

Chapter 614 Pu Tong, you have done all the bad things

The director of "Defense of Love" felt his scalp numb when he watched it backstage. As an emotional mediation program, their program has a 100% winning rate so far.

No matter how big the conflicts between couples are, there is no one who can't be persuaded to come back after being on their show...

Who knew that today, their 100% reconciliation rate would be broken by Pu Tong, and the first pair of guests on the show would become passers-by with his help.

Others persuaded him to break up, this emotional program mentor has something special.

The recording of the show is still going on, but the audience in the audience has long lost the idea of ​​looking down on Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan. It is obvious that the two of them do have something.

Moreover, why do you always feel that the show is better?

Under the introduction of the host, the second guest couple quickly appeared on the stage. Unlike the first couple who were obviously estranged just now, they seemed to have a harmonious relationship and even made small gestures like whispering to each other.

However, both of them seemed to have some obvious social fears. They did not dare to look up at the audience, and sat in their seats with their heads lowered without saying a word.

It’s rare for a couple to be so introverted…

Under the host's guidance, the boy nervously raised his head and began to observe the surrounding environment.

He looked around and suddenly noticed Pu Tong in the corner.

"Ah, Pu Tong!"

The boy suddenly screamed with excitement, and he patted the arm of the girl next to him and motioned for her to watch together.

When they noticed Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan, they even waved excitedly, as if fans were seeing their idols.

The girl showed the same expression soon after seeing Pu Tong. The synchronization rate between the two was ridiculously high. No matter how you look at it, they should be a couple made in heaven...


Pu Tong took the initiative to chat, and the look in his eyes was definitely that of a true fan. He didn't expect that when he came to be a mentor, he would also meet his true fan as a guest.

The two of them were very happy when they heard that Pu Tong took the initiative to talk to them. For them, being able to record the show today was a huge profit.

Perhaps because of the presence of their idols, they immediately felt more at ease and began to tell their stories.

The two of them met at an offline Werewolf social event. Both of them were a bit socially anxious. The reason why they did not miss the event was simply because Werewolf was Pu Tong's work and they were both Pu Tong's fans.

After the event, the two missed the last train at the last stop, so they met and got to know each other as if destined.

They discovered that each other's sneakers were the same, and their hobbies in the fields of reading, food, and movies were surprisingly similar...

Not only do they like Pu Tong, they also like the same songs, books, film and television works, and even their life preferences and life plans.

So the two naturally fell in love and entered a period of passionate love.

The two of them fell in love quickly because of their common interests. They had all the beautiful aspects of love in their student days.

Their ideas and thinking were almost in perfect sync, and the two of them didn't even have any disagreements, let alone fights.

"We cuddled up in bed, read a book together, and discussed our favorite animations and movies. It was like we had met another version of ourselves. We talked about everything and were intimate."

The audience in the audience was mesmerized. In this life, it is very difficult to meet someone who is 100% compatible with you. If you can meet such a partner, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are favored by the God of Love.

They met and got to know each other because of Pu Tong. This is a bit too romantic!

Could such a perfectly matched couple actually have relationship problems and come to the show to seek help?

The audience was still looking forward to it, but several people in the instructor's seat were already frowning. Theoretically speaking, two people who are too similar are not suitable for being a couple.

Sure enough, after spending some time together, the two of them got a little tired.

There is no reason, I just feel that this kind of love is too dull, the two of them are too similar, so that life will always be like a pool of stagnant water.

We obviously liked each other very much when we were together, but as time went by, the initial warm heartbeat gradually faded away.

When two people are happiest together, the way to maintain the status quo is to keep repeating. However, repetition will make people feel tired and the happiness will fade away little by little.

This kind of happiness will definitely be thrown under the pressure of life, and all the edges and corners will be smoothed by reality.

Everyone looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable in their hearts. Will even a soul mate like this drift away?

They were looking forward to the conflict between the two being resolved and getting back together, but the thought of them going back to a dull and boring life was a bit too heavy.

The two mentors didn't know how to speak. They had already started to persuade him to make peace before, but today Pu Tong was a time bomb. If he didn't move, neither of them dared to move.

“People who are similar are suitable for having fun together, and people who complement each other are suitable for growing old together.”

Yu Wanwan muttered something to himself, breaking the silence, and everyone immediately looked at her.

She thought she had said the wrong thing, so she quickly covered her mouth and shrank behind Pu Tong.

"That's right..."

Pu Tong continued, "Compared to the loneliness of one person, the loneliness of two people is more unbearable."

It would be a bit too painful for two people who are too similar to live together, and they can see each other at a glance.

Seeing that Pu Tong had "taken the initiative to start a group", the remaining two instructors followed and began to use professional terms to analyze their relationship.

From a management perspective, a team must have several people with completely different personalities working together to achieve the highest efficiency.

The same is true for falling in love. Two lovers must be different, and difference is very important.

The boy and the girl looked at each other with very calm eyes, as if they had already guessed this possibility.

The two of them fell in love only because they were attracted by similar preferences and tastes, rather than complementary love.

Although the instructor didn't say it clearly, the two of them already understood that maybe they were more suitable as friends than lovers.

In fact, Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan are a good example of a pair. One of them is reserved and the other is sunny, one is dull and the other is sensitive. Perhaps only such two people can maintain romance and freshness in the passage of time.

The second couple, the second couple in today’s show also ended in tragedy...

Both the audience and the program crew were a little numb, wondering what happened to this program and how they could continue to live despite such conflicts in the past.

I thought that Pu Tong would give up as soon as they got along, but I didn't expect that the next two couples would naturally not escape the bad luck of being persuaded by Pu Tong to break up.

"Brother, please stop being a bitch and break up as soon as possible. It will be good for both of you."

"Sister, this scumbag is not worth it. It's time to break up."

"Additional betrothal gifts are something people do, so divide them up as soon as possible and don't make yourself suffer!"


The five groups of guests in one episode were all unable to escape Pu Tong's persuasion. The audience and the program crew were trembling beside them.

Is this something humans do?

The key is that what this guy said makes sense. It would be better for everyone to break up if things can't go on. Instead of continuing to suffer, it's better for each of us to be well.

What he did was right, but it seemed outrageous. In this old show, every couple has been able to resolve conflicts in the past two years.

As a result, once he became a mentor, he broke up five couples in one episode, even his own fans?

As the old saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage. This guy is doing all the bad things when he demolishes one temple after another.

"it is finally over!"

After the recording of the program ended, Pu Tong quickly stood up and left his seat.

Yu Wanwan was used to moving around after sitting for a long time. Normally, it didn't matter. Today, they were sitting together, so that every time she moved and played Pu Tong, she could feel the elastic rhythm. His heart was so excited that he really didn't dare to sit there anymore. Went down...

"Uncle Wei, how are we doing?"

Wei Mingfeng and the program director looked at Pu Tong blankly, not knowing how to evaluate his performance in the program.

As temporary replacements, their performance can be described as perfect.

It's just that their breakup rate in this episode is as high as 100%...

Now that Pu Tong is here, I’ll share it all with you!

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