This star just wants to learn

Chapter 602 A better self

Pu Tong calculated left and right, half an hour passed, and still there was no progress...

He put down his pen and rubbed his dry eyes. There was no clue at all on the first question. It could be described as a bad start.

None of the techniques he had learned before seemed to be of use, and even his ultimate attack - Ding Lingling's notes were helpless on this question.

It seems to be a hard fight.

Time passed by minute by second, and he looked around at the other candidates who were writing furiously. After all, he didn't know how to write.

For the first time, he was a little nervous.

He suddenly remembered the time when he was trapped and helpless in his previous life.

At that time, wasn't he the same as now? He was confused and helpless watching others busy with their own lives.

If this were him in the past, Pu Tong would tighten the pen in his hand and feel a tight breath in his heart.

He is no longer who he was before.

When he met the helpless and frightened self again in his memory, he realized that he had become a powerful and powerful person. He could deal with the current problems and troubles, and the harm of the weak only belonged to past.

As long as you have the right attitude, there are always more methods than difficulties.

He paused, and the pen he originally held in his hand began to spin on his fingertips, round and round...

The invigilator felt that Pu Tong suddenly became a little different. Just now, he was frowning because he couldn't solve the question, but now, he doesn't seem so confused.

The pen on Pu Tong's fingertip suddenly stopped, then he held it again and began to write his answer on the test paper with a calm expression.

After opening his mind, Pu Tong spent five minutes to finish this question. He looked up and found that the first question had been difficult for him for an entire hour.

One hour of thinking and five minutes of answering questions. That's what math is like. If you don't understand, it's useless no matter how hard you try. All you need is a sudden flash of inspiration.

After coming here, he chose to learn this path, and it was this choice that led him to stand here and become a better version of himself.

Pu Tong rubbed his wrist. There were still two questions waiting behind him. The real preliminaries had just begun...

Seeing the smile on Pu Tong's lips, the invigilator let out a long sigh. If this kid overturned, it would be difficult for their school to find a chance to send Pu Tong in.

But now it seems that he has regained his form. As long as he performs well, Qingda Putong is very likely to be a sure winner!

Maybe it was because he adjusted his mentality in time, or maybe he was tortured by the first question, but Pu Tong just felt that the second question was a waste of points.

Although geometric theory is a bit abstract, this type of subject is what he is good at. Even during training, members of the Kyoto team could not beat him on this type of question.

Pu Tong didn't even write a draft. He just picked up the pen and wrote the answers directly on the test paper. He got a score of 7 points easily. Halfway through the exam, he only had the last question left...

Now he is not in a hurry. The first two questions are most likely correct, and the final question is theoretically the most difficult. He still has a lot of time left, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't get full marks.

According to the situation in previous years, the three questions in the preliminaries can get the second score, and the promotion to the finals is basically certain.

With one hour left before the end of the exam, candidates have already begun to hand in their papers one after another.

The national exam is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Among these people, there may be a genius who answers all three questions correctly and leaves the exam in style, but most of them probably just can't sit still.

This is three hours. If you really don’t know the questions, sitting there with your eyes wide open for three hours is the ultimate torture. Since you really can’t do it, you might as well go out early to get some fresh air.

Of course, with Pu Tong's character, it was impossible to hand in the paper in advance. Even if the circle of people around him had finished, he would naturally sit where he was and remain still.

There are so many people out there, and they will definitely come over to talk to him when they see him. If he still has an answer, don't worry about it. It's better to sit here for a while.

The invigilator looked at Pu Tong, who was as steady as an old dog, and couldn't help feeling quite happy that he was not in a hurry. She wished that Pu Tong would check a few more times to make sure he got a good grade!

Three hours was simply the ultimate physical and mental torture. When the exam was officially over and he walked out of the examination room, Pu Tong felt his butt was numb.

Several groups of people gathered outside the examination room. They were chatting and laughing in a relaxed manner, which made Pu Tong's legs even weaker...

Masters are all masters!

He quickly found his team. The five of them, Zheng Ke, were obviously waiting for him. They all had smiles on their faces when they saw him coming.

"Did you do well in the exam?"

"I can't do it together."

Wouldn't you smile so happily?

Pu Tong almost laughed out of anger. These people had such a good attitude. They even felt panicked after completing all three questions. They were actually able to talk and laugh with ease.

"I couldn't understand the first question at all, which made me so angry, so I got angry!"


The six of them cursed and walked towards the dormitory. Teacher Hu had been waiting in the dormitory for a long time, holding a piece of paper in his hand, which should be the standard answer.

He looked at Pu Tong and the others with furrowed brows, eager to hear some good news from them.

"I just got the standard answers from the organizing committee. Please correct your answers and estimate your scores."

The feeling for the answer is like opening a lottery ticket, nervous and full of expectations.

Pu Tong took the answer. The first question was so powerful that he couldn't be wrong. The second question was easy. 90% of the derivation process for the third question was correct, but it was a pity that he didn't do it all in the end.

"It should be...18 points."

Scoring 18 points on a 21-point test paper is already a good result. Although it is not the top, it is definitely no problem to be in the top 60.

So, Pu Tong is very likely to enter the finals?

Teacher Hu breathed a sigh of relief. As long as one person can reach the finals, then the trip will be profitable.

Zheng Ke's math prowess was already at the bottom among several people. He couldn't write the three questions casually, and he could probably get around 70 or 80 points.

In their Jianghuai Province, apart from Pu Tong, who had the highest score, Cheng Huan, who ranked second with 14 points, got one and two questions correct.

The schedule of the Mathematics League National Competition is: preliminaries in the morning, marking and statistical rankings in the afternoon, the results will be available in the evening, and the national finals will be held two days after tomorrow.

Pu Tong has also entered a short "offseason". He doesn't know whether to pack up and go home if he stays.

The waiting process is the longest and most painful.

He had nothing to do, and after ensuring that the rehearsal of his friends was over, he called Yu Wanwan as soon as possible.

"How's it going, Pu Tong?"

Yu Wanwan was in the car when he saw Pu Tong's phone and opened the video. The other six people immediately came to the camera to greet him.

Looking at the familiar smiling faces, he only felt that his fatigue was reduced by half.

"I don't know. I don't dare to open the champagne in advance."

Pu Tong was unsure, and everything was still unknown until the final results came out.

"Pu Tong, come back and cook quickly. I'm tired of Aunt Yun's cooking..."

Iori Yukino stared at the screen with her small face, seemingly taking the opportunity to observe the indoor environment on his side.

Without Pu Tong, it feels like the lives of the seven of them have lost a lot of fun. Thinking about it carefully, this guy is the real "team soul" of the eight-man team.

How can we play without the backbone?

"How could you ever talk like that?"

Lin Yuxi immediately gave her a blow to the back of her head. There was still a competition to follow. If she told him to go home early, didn't she curse him to be eliminated early?

They all wanted to see Pu Tong as soon as possible, but they also hoped that Pu Tong could go all the way and come back with a medal.

Iori Yukino stepped aside in pain, and several boys scrambled to appear in the camera.

"Pu Tong come back quickly and take us flying!"

They usually rehearse shows, and they have nothing to do at night, so they all downloaded the game together.

Coupled with Liu Neng, who is also a game anchor, they will have five black holes when Pu Tong comes back!

Fifth row is good. Pu Tong didn't play games before because he was afraid of delaying his studies. Now he has passed the most difficult competition. After fighting for most of his life, he still can't enjoy it?

To put it bluntly, the challenge of leading Feiliu Neng is not as difficult as competing.

Just as he was about to brag about his strength as a wild king, Zheng Ke suddenly rushed into the dormitory in a hurry and waved to him with a look of joy on his face.

"Brother Tong, you are ranked 26th and have entered the national finals!"

The people on the other end of the phone were stunned when they heard this. Looking at the calm-looking Pu Tong on the screen, they couldn't believe that the person who was about to stand on the stage of the National High School Mathematics Competition finals would be some of their good buddies.

Pu Tong smiled at the people on the phone. He went to the official website and took a look, and was surprised to find that the first 19 scores were all perfect scores.

Is he a human being?

To be honest, he had given up hope on the country. It would be a bit outrageous to compete with these monsters on the same stage.

But he is very satisfied with getting here, and it shouldn't be a problem to get a walk through the preliminaries.

I just don’t know which college would like him...

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