This star just wants to learn

Chapter 598 Only we can hack Beijing University

Judging from the National Olympiad gold medals, Southern Zhejiang has been the first-line hegemon in recent years, followed by Shanghai and Kyoto, and even ranked third.

Then there are Northern Hubei, Southern Hunan and Sichuan and Chongqing. From time to time they squeeze into the top three, which is considered to be the first line.

Among them, Huanggang in Northern Hubei was on the front line when it was at its peak, but it has fallen slightly behind by half a point in recent years. Compared with before, it can be regarded as less brilliant.

As for Jianghuai, they are a solid second-tier team. Only a few of them can make it to the national team if they explode every year.

There is no way. The performance of each province's digital competition is basically linked to the local education philosophy. Where the overall strength gap is, it will be difficult to catch up in the short term.

Pu Tong rubbed his eyebrows. Although their team was not a weakling, it was still difficult to win glory for their hometown with good results.

"Don't think about it, boys. There is still a day to adjust your condition tomorrow. The math competition focuses on daily accumulation and there is no point in stressing. You can go to the Tsingtao University campus and it's not worth your time."

Teacher Tian sighed, picked up the cigarette on the table and ran outside to smoke, leaving only Pu Tong and the others looking at each other.

"Try to go further."

Zheng Ke looked around at the few people. Based on their current strength, Pu Tong was the one who was most likely to represent their province in achieving good results. Instead, they became teammates...

The other four people also had wandering eyes, obviously realizing this fact.

Even though they have come this far, if they fail to achieve a good result in the preliminaries, they will not be able to get a walk or anything, and they will have to go home in despair.

"Don't be too nervous, everyone. We will go shopping at Tsingta University tomorrow. We should relax before the exam!"

Pu Tong's words immediately relaxed the atmosphere in the room. In fact, what Teacher Tian said was right. It is useless to sharpen your weapon before the battle in a number competition. Being tense all the time can easily have the opposite effect.

Instead of worrying about being stressed out on the last day, it is better to go out for a walk and relax. Even if the results are not satisfactory, visiting Tsinghua University is still a worthwhile trip.

The other five people also readily agreed to accompany Pu Tong on a tour of the Tsingta University campus. How grand is this?

If this is photographed by others and posted online, they will be famous for being exposed...

Everyone had made a good appointment, but unexpectedly, Kyoto was hit by heavy snow in the middle of the night. Early the next morning, several people looked at the falling snowflakes outside the window and felt a little melancholy for a while.

Jianghuai dare not say that it is like spring all year round, but it is definitely warmer than Kyoto. With the weather like this, what should we do if we catch a cold?

"I really want to go out and play!"

Several grown-up boys were lying by the window, and they even felt like they were seeing a resentful woman in a boudoir, thinking about them, thinking about them very much.

We are all from the south, and it is rare to see snow in normal times. Now we can even see snow and Qingdao University campus together. Who can bear this?

If you think about it carefully, walking around the campus in the snow actually has a different artistic conception...

The six people looked at each other and immediately decided to dress warmly and go out for a walk. They were all teenagers and how could they be stumped by a snowstorm!

As soon as they went out, they were confused. Why was it not so cold after it snowed?

They were also top academics and quickly used their knowledge to give reasonable explanations.

When it snows, the water vapor in the air turns into snowflakes and dissipates some heat. It is precisely because of this heat that the snow is slightly warmer than usual.

“I’m not afraid at all now!”

They were originally a little afraid of catching cold, but it turned out that the snowy Tsingta University campus was not that cold, and they could just take a walk around the snowy scenery.

Pu Tong looked at the flying snow in the sky and suddenly remembered that Yu Wanwan and the others must have never been to Qingdao University. It would be a pity not to see such a beautiful snow scene.

He decisively took out his mobile phone, took some videos along the way and sent them to the group. The dynamic snow scene would definitely be more impressive if recorded on the screen.

[Is this Qingmu University? What a nice view. ]

Yu Wanwan responded to his message immediately. Everyone else was busy rehearsing, but she was the only one who was free for the time being.

After all, they were a chorus show, and the rehearsal effect was mediocre if she was present alone. What's more, Pu Tong was already confirmed on the Spring Festival Gala. To put it clearly, their show did not need to be observed.

[Wear more clothes and don’t catch a cold! ]

Yu Wanwan was afraid that he would freeze outside in the snow, so she took the trouble to warn him, acting like a good wife.

Pu Tong smiled happily, but it could not escape everyone's eyes. The other five people only felt that they were stuffed with a mouthful of dog food on a snowy day, cold and sour...

"How many of you guys don't have girlfriends?"

What era has it been? Nowadays, dating among high school students is not a closely guarded topic. By then, when everyone goes to college, everyone will have their own partners, and it will be too late to regret it.

"Addicted to learning, unable to extricate myself."

The five people suddenly felt a little embarrassed. It wasn't that they didn't want to talk, it was mainly that they really didn't have time. Top students usually have to study, so where do they have the time to do this?

Even if there is, they still choose to practice the ruthless way!

Pu Tong shrugged upon hearing this. Sure enough, the world of top academics is lonely. If Yu Wanwan hadn't taken the initiative to get close to him, he wouldn't have been single like everyone else.

Perhaps his words had an effect. They wandered around and ended up near the Academy of Fine Arts. As expected, they all wanted to see the beautiful senior sister.

Pu Tong sees through things without telling them, it’s really easy to guess what these little boys are thinking...

Before they reached the main teaching building, they heard a lot of noise. It seemed that students from Tsinghua University were holding some activities.

"It seems to be a club activity."

Are there any outdoor club activities on a snowy day?

Along with a burst of cheers, Pu Tong and others couldn't help but become curious, and walked over to join the onlookers.

In addition to other Tsinghua University students passing by, there were also many other students participating in the math competition, who were obviously out to visit like them.

"Winter is warm and it snows late in the evening, so when you look north, it's all white!"

Pu Tong heard the loud chanting of poetry in the crowd, looked up at the title on the poster, and then realized that it was a poetry club.

Reciting poems in the heavy snow to meet friends through literature, what a high-spirited young man?

Several young people sat together, writing sentences on paper, with the ice and snow surrounding them, as if they were a foil to the scholarly spirit.

Pu Tong suddenly felt that this scene was full of artistic sense. Through them, he seemed to have seen the ancient literati who recited famous poems in the snow.

"Isn't this the Shuimu Poetry Club? What are they doing?" A few college students who had just arrived around started talking.

"You can tell at a glance that they are here to show off at the Academy of Fine Arts. They are also trying their best to attract the attention of beauties."

The corner of Pu Tong's mouth twitched when he heard this. He wanted to take back what he had just thought.

No wonder the event location was chosen here. So this is what this group of people thought? Okay, okay, this is what college students should look like!

"Did you see the camera over there?"

The two people who were chatting just now were still discussing. When Pu Tong heard the words, he took a look and noticed the photography equipment not far away.

Why does it look like...

"They are live broadcasting, hehe." The leading college student laughed: "Guess what the meaning of this poetry meeting is."

Poetry party, live broadcast, and snow chanting.

Pu Tong patted his head and suddenly had a guess.

A few days ago, the United Poetry Association of Peking University held a collection of poems about snow, and the title also used those two sentences of his.

Tsinghua University and Beijing University are "bad friends" separated by a wall. On weekdays, no one obeys the other. Whether it is admissions or daily interactions, they are always tit-for-tat.

Not to mention the battle for recruiting students every year, there are countless secret rivalries between the two sides!

Peking University’s Weiming Lake freezes in winter and you can go skating. A trip costs five yuan for Peking University students, ten yuan for people from outside the university, but twenty yuan for Tsinghua University students...

Also, the goose leg aunt at Peking University suddenly disappeared, and later I found out that she had been deceived by Tsingta University. As a result, Peking University students could no longer eat the delicious roast goose leg.

In order to compete for superiority, these two universities are sometimes very childish, and the main theme is "Only we can take advantage of the other side!"

When the Poetry Club of Tsinghua University broadcast a poem about praising snow, it was obviously for Peking University students to watch. For the time being, Peking University’s poetry collection event ended with a Tsinghua University student winning the championship, which would be fun to watch.

Pu Tong couldn't help but laugh. The Beijing University students are probably going to be mad to death now.

"The one with the obscene smile, why does he look so much like Pu Tong?"

A confused voice immediately brought the scene to a deadlock, and even the snow in the sky slowed down and froze in the air.

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