"Oh my god, Pu Tong is alive."

Unexpectedly, I could meet Pu Tong as an audience, which made many people present who were his fans extremely excited.

In the past, they had only seen Pu Tong on the screen and heard his songs in music software. Unexpectedly, they actually saw a real person in class today?

They immediately decided to post it on WeChat Moments to show off, otherwise they would all miss this God-given opportunity.

Pu Tong looked around the auditorium of the studio, and was stared at with so much intense gaze by so many people, many of whom were his peers and primary school students. He felt that he was about to become a teenager.

"How do you feel about Pu Tong being a guest on our program today?"

The two sat on both sides of the sofa, and Feng Xiang officially started chatting with Pu Tong.

"It's interesting. After all, I have to watch the show and write my review after school starts. It will definitely be interesting to watch it myself."

Pu Tong's joke-like opening instantly made many viewers smile, and the serious atmosphere of the show was also livened up a lot.

"Haha, then you have to send me your thoughts after watching it. After all, only by personal experience can you have a deeper understanding." Feng Xiang joked, but he did not expect Pu Tong's thinking to be so out of the ordinary.

"Just kidding, I am actually very excited to be on the show. In the first lesson of school, I will tell the children that a happy life is hard to come by. They must establish lofty ideals and cultivate good values ​​​​from an early age."

Pu Tong paused and continued: "But I think the meaning of the first lesson at the beginning of school is more than that. I often miss the first lesson in school when I was a child, especially after the summer vacation. The first sentence the teacher often asked So, kids, did you have fun during the summer vacation? Usually we would answer, happy."

"Perhaps the first lesson of school is also a time to pick up the mood and start over again!"

Feng Xiang nodded, and then his words went on. There was indeed a storm in his heart. You must know that Pu Tong was completely unprepared.

His short words just now gave "the first lesson of the school year" a new entry point. It was not just a class, but the beginning of the school year and a new beginning.

While he was stringing together words, he lamented that the program team really did the right thing to hire this guy. It was different to hire a professional student, who would come up with two golden sentences every minute.

The two chatted for a while and jointly introduced the first chapter of the class, "The Past." Through the stories of great sages who insisted on truth and ideals, they experienced the meaning of ideals illuminating the future.

The program of this chapter is a stage play that tells the story of the revolutionary martyrs who fulfilled their original aspirations and were not afraid of sacrifice and hardship.

Pu Tong was thinking while watching, it would be great if Yu Wanwan was here, maybe he could play a role and show his face.

“The group of images of astronauts, pilots, athletes and other new-era forge ahead who work hard and win glory for the country all use the power of role models to inspire the majority of young people to firm up their ideals and work hard.”

After the stage play ended, Feng Xiang also made a brief summary. This is a story about people in the past who adhered to their ideals, and it is just the beginning of this class.

Pu Tong does not have many lines in this chapter, because his significance is mainly reflected in the "present chapter". After all, basing oneself on the present and looking forward to the future is a stage for young people.

"Student Pu Tong, what do you think of the saying that ideals illuminate the future?"

With Feng Xiang's transition, the first chapter officially ended. He also turned the topic back to Pu Tong and wanted to hear his opinion.

"The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now." Pu Tong paused and explained: "The past will never come again, and the future is difficult to grasp. The most important thing is to be responsible for today and use today's diligence. Eliminate past regrets and gather confidence for the future..."

What a tree planter!

When Wei Mingfeng heard this sentence in the background, he knocked on the table at hand excitedly. What he said was so good. It compared being a human being to planting trees. Not planting trees means sticking to your ideals. This metaphor is so wonderful.

What's even more rare is that Pu Tong's sentence directly unified the three chapters of the show "past, present, and future".

He rubbed his hands excitedly and felt that inviting Pu Tong over was the right thing to do. This guy was born purely for art.

Soon, the second chapter will begin, and Pu Tong will also perform a program as a guest.

Today, instead of the usual acoustic guitar, he chose an electric guitar for the first time.

It's not that he's showing off his skills, it's mainly that today's song is more suitable for electric guitar.

He stood on the stage with his guitar, perhaps because he had something to rely on. When he looked into hundreds of eyes in the audience again, he no longer had any panic.

Perhaps this is the power of music, and it is also his only talent...

"This song "Stubborn" is for everyone."

With an electric guitar, because he's going to sing a Mayday song today.

Compared to those positive energy songs that shout for ideals and call for perseverance, he still prefers Mayday, forever young and always full of tears.

Feng Xiang, who was sitting in the waiting area, and Wei Mingfeng, who was backstage, couldn't help but sweat, because they didn't know what Pu Tong's new song was like.

They also learned about it before the show, and Pu Tong just told them, "We are all the same, young and hesitant."

But as soon as the rhythmic intro came out, Wei Mingfeng's doubts disappeared. This song still has the potential to be a masterpiece. It can only be said that Pu Tong is indeed Pu Tong.

Pu Tongxiang suddenly remembered that all the boys in his class used to like this song and would sing it whenever they had nothing to do, but he was the only one who won the first prize for singing this song in the campus song competition.

At that time, he was so awesome that he had the idea of ​​becoming a star... Of course, it turned out that this path was not suitable for him.

He calmed down and began to play and sing this song seriously, giving it to every young audience and to his young self.

["When I am different from the world, then let me be different. Persistence to me is to overcome strength with strength. If I am not good to myself or lie to myself, even if you don't forgive me, you can't forgive me.\

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