This star just wants to learn

Chapter 352 Is this appropriate?

"It's finally finished..."

Pu Tong pushed away the keyboard and spread his hands, feeling for the first time the joy of taking a break from the busy schedule.

It took him seven and a half days to finally complete the script of the TV series "The Eighteen-Year-Old Sky" with the help of his father. The TV series only lasted 22 episodes, but he was exhausted.

In fact, it only took seven days to write the script, and he revised it in the last half day.

The original work was already very exciting, and it was impossible for him to make any superfluous additions. He only made changes where place names were involved.

For example, the school where the story takes place in the play had to be changed to the High School Affiliated to Adult Normal University. The play was originally used to promote the school, so there is nothing wrong with this.

Many place names and product names that existed in the original world also had to be slightly modified. After all, there is a certain generation gap.

Pu Tong flipped through the pages of the document and then noticed that the entire script was four to five hundred pages long, with an average of about twenty pages per episode.

"Oh my god, I actually wrote this. How thick is the binding?"

Of course, scripts are divided into sections for formal use, and no one would stupidly hold a stack of paper to film...

The script has been written, and the next thing to do is formal negotiations!

"Get it done early and get ready to travel to Kyoto." Pu Tong was also afraid of procrastinating for too long. After all, he still had a competitor this time, and efficiency was also part of his competitive advantage.

When he thought of this, he immediately decided to call Ding Yutao so that he could have a good talk with the school.

The script must be negotiated with the other party, otherwise sending the script online would be a bit too hasty and not safe enough.

A few seconds after his call was dialed, Ding Yutao hung up on the spot. Just when Pu Tong was wondering what the situation was, the other party quickly called again.

"I was in a meeting just now..." Ding Yutao said with a hint of anger, "What's going on?"

"I've written the script. When can we meet to discuss it?"

"It's written, so fast?"

Ding Yutao exclaimed in the empty corridor, which seemed particularly abrupt.

It has only been a week since he asked Pu Tong to write a script. He can create a work in such a short time, seriously?

"Of course, do you think I would call you to have fun?" Pu Tong explained, "There is also a theme song, I'm ready too."

"Do you want it?"

Ding Yutao was silent for a long time after hearing this. He didn't know whether to praise him for his efficiency or his talent. To be honest, he was very worried about the quality of the script, but now, he couldn't care so much.

Just now, Vice-Principal Sun brought over a script adapted from the new book by writer Xia Chong Yudong, and he temporarily asked them to add a meeting.

Moreover, Vice President Sun's intention was very obvious, that is, he wanted to take the script first. As long as everyone at the conference table thought the script was acceptable, the matter would be a done deal.

As for the promise to Pu Tong, it can be easily resolved by saying "the script is not good".

This is why Ding Yutao had a tough tone on the phone just now, because he was disgusted with the behavior of this group of people but was powerless to do anything about it.

Meetings are always decided by a show of hands, so what if he is the only one who objects?

Originally, he planned to remain silent until the meeting was over, but who would have thought that he would suddenly receive a call from Pu Tong.

There is hope!

"Come on, come to school with your script, now!"

"Ah?" Pu Tong obviously didn't react. He thought the two of them had an interview first and then talked with the school. He didn't expect the progress to be so rapid?

What's even more exaggerated is that it's still now.

He thought he was anxious enough, but he didn't expect Ding Yutao to be more anxious than him.

"We're in a meeting to review that writer's script, you have to hurry up!"

After hearing this, Pu Tong understood the reason for his anxiety.

Whether they are adapting the original work or hiring a professional screenwriter, it will definitely be more efficient. It is normal to be faster than him.

If the High School Affiliated to the Normal University deems this script acceptable after review, I’m afraid I’ll have no chance at all if I go there too late. The stakes are too high to be careless.

He didn't dare to delay any longer, so he quickly copied the songs and script into the USB flash drive, packed his things and went out.

Ding Yutao hung up the phone with an indescribable feeling.

In fact, he was not sure. After all, it would be difficult for Pu Tong, an amateur, to write a script that took him seven days to write than a professional story.

But when he thought that his daughter would always use a lot of nice words when discussing Pu Tong at home, he gained a little more confidence in Pu Tong.

Maybe it was never Pu Tong that he believed in, but just his daughter's vision.

Ding Yutao sighed and walked into the conference room again with a straight face.

Vice Principal Sun obviously did not let him go out to answer the phone, and immediately coaxed the other teachers into submission, saying that this was more cost-effective.

Stories that have the original work as a reference make it easier to shoot and refer to, and can also attract many fans of the author to support them. Why not?

"Okay, now that Vice Principal Ding is back, let's start appreciating this script..."

In fact, Sun Mao could have started posting the manuscript just now, but in order to appreciate the angry expression of his rival, he chose to drag this guy in.

Next, prepare to be completely impressed by the excellent work and break everything you hold on to into pieces!

Ding Yutao was unmoved and just watched quietly as Vice President Sun opened the play "Just Encounter" on the presentation file.

"The title of the play is very interesting. Meeting the best school in the best years of youth makes you feel good, doesn't it?"

Sun Mao laughed a few times and then began to read the text.

At the beginning of the story, the heroine was still in the third grade of junior high school and was in a confused stage, not knowing which school she would take the exam to.

"Okay, okay, that's right. Only when you are suddenly attracted to our school during this confusing stage of entering the third grade of junior high school can you show the advantages of our school!"

The rest of the people also nodded. This is a good entry point. Starting from the time when the heroine noticed her favorite school in the third year of junior high school, the publicity effect will definitely be sufficient.

Ding Yutao pursed his chapped lips and felt quite bad... Unlike many school dramas on the market that start directly from high school, this beginning is indeed very attractive.

They each had their own thoughts and continued to look down.

Just when the heroine was confused, her brother, who was in the middle school affiliated to the Normal University, brought his good friend, the hero, back home.

Then the outrageous plot suddenly started. The heroine fell in love with this big brother at first sight, and then chose to apply for the High School Affiliated to the Normal University in order to follow in his footsteps...

Seeing this, everyone in the conference room immediately became uneasy. They thought it was the school's excellent style of study and teaching philosophy that attracted the heroine, and they could use this to promote it.

Who would have thought that the heroine in this script actually applied for this high school because she had a crush on her elder brother.

It is worth noting that the heroine was only in junior high school at this time...

This, this, this, this is simply a wrong view. It's okay if it's in a novel. There will definitely be people who like the age difference and the upbringing, but this is a TV shoot, so you can't be trolled to death by then?

This is simply reverse propaganda!

Several people at the conference table looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment. Then they remembered that this writer wrote about sweet pets in school...

"This script is good, it will definitely become popular by then!" Ding Yutao laughed loudly, "By then the reputation of our high school affiliated to Normal University will be famous all over the world!"

Sun Mao's face turned blue and white when he said it, and he almost cursed her on the spot. He had already said a wonderful campus story, why was it still an idol drama?

Using this TV series to promote their school would probably make them laugh to death.

"How about... let's wait for Pu Tong's script." The old principal coughed twice, interrupting the awkward atmosphere.

I have to admit that this is the current situation of school dramas, as if they are not good without talking about love.

These youth idol dramas are really misleading to students. The male protagonist hugs the female protagonist in the school princess, pulls the school switch to cause a power outage, and drags the female protagonist to watch shooting stars...

Is this appropriate?

"What Pu Tong writes does not necessarily mean it is good." Sun Mao muttered a few words. Professionals all have this kind of virtue, so amateurs must be good?

Not to mention that the guy himself is in a relationship, so what he writes is probably average.

Ding Yutao was about to retort, but was interrupted by the phone ringing again. Seeing that it was Pu Tong's call, he unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, we'll know soon!"

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