This star just wants to learn

Chapter 347 Send you away

Xie Mu: [I won’t tell Ling Ling that I’m going to the High School Affiliated to Normal University for filming. I’ll find her then and give her a surprise. Master, what do you think? ]

Pu Tong was stunned when he heard this. He really deserves to be a master and a disciple. He thought of all this together.

He planned to go to Kyoto to surprise Yu Wanwan, but this guy also wanted to surprise Ling Ling.

Although the other party already knows Xie Mu's identity, they won't be surprised, only frightened.

Of course, Pu Tong estimates that he will be even more frightened when he meets Xie Mu...

Pu Tong: [Okay, okay, there will definitely be a lot of student extras during the filming. You should ask the seniors in the senior class if there are any names related to Ling Ling. ]

He could only hint at this. For someone like this who is entering school normally but cannot go to class because of his health, there should be a lot of people who know about her.

Xie Mu: [By the way, Master, who should I play? I’ve never acted before, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to perform well. ]

Ever since he found out that he was a related person in the group, he felt a little awkward... Others relied on their own efforts to compete for jobs, but he relied on others, which was a bit embarrassing.

And if he doesn't perform well at that time, he will often be criticized by the director and producer. As Pu Tong's appointed person, even if he is willing to give you, he will also embarrass the master.

Because of this, he had to ask about the character's personality so that he could practice twice as much so that he could at least not embarrass Pu Tong.

Pu Tong: [You should play Tang Song, a good and introverted student. ]

This is a character who has a weak personality but is very righteous. He also looks young and cute, making him a very lovable character.

To be honest, Xie Mu does not fit this character, but in "The Eighteen-Year-Old Sky", he is one of the characters that impressed him the most in Tang and Song Dynasties.

Because he fits the character of many middle school students, and it is easier for the audience to feel more sympathy and like this character.

He definitely wants Xie Mu to play an outstanding role, which will be very helpful for his acting career.

Since it is an informal decision, a good role must be arranged, otherwise such a good opportunity will be wasted.

Xie Mu: [Hiss, introverted and weak...]

Introverts are often the most difficult to act, because they basically have very few lines and use them most of the time. Expressions, eyes and small movements express inner uneasiness and tension.

For a new actor like him, this is simply a hellish level of difficulty!

But he won't be afraid because of this. When there is pressure, he will be motivated. He has basically not come out yet. He still has a long time to practice.

Pu Tong: [Introverts are easy to act, just like Sun Yilin from our class. ]

Xie Mu: [You mean, Gan Hengxu’s sweetheart is like that? ]

If you think about it carefully, Sun Yilin is really such a quiet and introverted little girl. With someone to refer to, it is very simple to perform the role.

Xie Mu: [I have a plan. During the holidays, I invite Gan Hengxu and Sun Yilin to go out for dinner. They will talk about their relationship, and I will observe my acting skills. Isn’t it beautiful? ]

Hey, why does it sound so familiar?

Pu Tong rubbed his brows. Isn't this how Mu Nan observed his relationship with Yu Wanwan? Sure enough, life is a weird circle.

Having said that, it seems that Mu Nan is waiting to observe himself and Yu Wanwan at the National Theater. Now is the best time. If he doesn't go there first, Mu Nan will definitely be disappointed.

After chatting with Xie Mu, Pu Tong turned on his computer for the first time in a long time, planning to write a serious script on it.

He plans to write an episode outline first to provide a high-level summary of the content and length of each episode and to facilitate his own recall.

After all, the technical difficulty of TV drama scripts is higher than that of movie scripts. TV dramas last longer, have higher requirements on characters and structure, and are more holistic. It is necessary to have a complete outline.

The story of "Eighteen-Year-Old Sky" begins when Gu Yuetao flicks coins before going out every day.

Fulfilling days always go by quickly. In two days, Pu Tong wrote about four episodes. Mainly because it took a while to write the outline and list the main characters at the beginning. As the emotions go smoothly, the efficiency will only increase in the future. faster.

But he couldn't care less about it today because he had to see Yu Wanwan off at the airport.

In Pu Tong's impression, it is often very difficult for celebrities to fly. There are always some inexplicable fans who count the time to take pictures at the airport, which often affects the normal travel of other passers-by.

Many celebrities are also outrageous, as if they are afraid that others will not know that they are celebrities. They are surrounded by a lot of bodyguards, assistants and so on, and they are surrounded by stars, which makes it easy for people to come and watch.

But Yu Wanwan would definitely not do this. This was her private schedule and naturally it had not been made public.

Even so, Pu Tong still wore a mask. After all, it was a public place and he couldn't cause trouble to others.

The airport is a very delicate place. Some people say goodbye to their loved ones here, some people welcome their loved ones here, some people rush around here, and some people come back from exhaustion here. The people who come and go always bring their own emotions. Back and forth cycle...

When Pu Tong arrived at the airport by car, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

Even though he didn't want to make this short separation too sad, he still felt a little sad when he thought that the girl in his heart was about to be thousands of miles away from him.

The sky was a little dark in the morning, and it looked like it would rain soon. Pu Tong sighed, because he didn't bring an umbrella, and because the atmosphere added a bit of sadness to the separation.

What the book says is true because of the scenery.

Pu Tong walked into the airport and looked at the crowd around him, trying to find Yu Wanwan among them.

As far as the eye can see, there is a bustling and endless flow of people. There are people who are sad to leave, but also eager to return home. Farewell, it never makes people happy.

The airport is a bit noisy and complicated, just like a post station where people come and go. The sights, emotions and feelings are unavoidable and cannot be suppressed.

Pu Tong looked around and soon noticed the girl not far away.

Perhaps because he didn't want Pu Tong to be difficult to find, Yu Wanwan was wearing a couple's outfit with him today, and he could be recognized at a glance.

Next to her was Jiang Yun, who was dragging her suitcase. Ji Shutong certainly didn't trust her to travel alone, so naturally someone would look after her.

"Didn't you bring an umbrella?" Yu Wanwan glanced at the sky outside and immediately took out a small flower umbrella from his bag.

"It's not raining in Kyoto, you can use it!"

Pu Tong didn't notice it, and reached out to accept her kindness.

Yu Wanwan is Yu Wanwan. She never complains about why she came here so slowly, nor does she cry because of parting. She is like this, always caring about whether he will get wet or catch a cold when he returns.

"The color is a bit flowery, don't mind."

"I don't mind." Pu Tong smiled, "You gave it to me. It's too late for me to show off to others..."

The two looked at each other and smiled, obviously saying nothing, but Jiang Yun on the side could see some unspoken love.

Unconsciously, she suddenly felt her teeth were a little sore.

"It's almost time, come in quickly." Pu Tong glanced at the time and reminded them to pay attention to safety.


Yu Wanwan and Jiang Yun packed up their things and walked silently to the security checkpoint. Pu Tong held a small flower umbrella in his hand and planned to watch them leave.

Perhaps this is how farewell should be, without many unnecessary politenesses and pleasantries, just a look and a few words of advice, and then one moves forward and the other stays in place.

Yu Wanwan looked back at him from time to time, but he just smiled and nodded, not wanting to bring her too much sadness.

Pu Tong couldn't help but wonder if Yu Wanwan would give up her dream of acting and stay by his side if he said he couldn't let her go.


But he didn't want to do that. He just wanted to watch Yu Wanwan become what she ideally wanted.

Just as he was staring at the girl's back, Yu Wanwan turned around again, but did not continue to move forward.

She turned around and trotted back. Pu Tong was stunned for a moment, then opened his arms and let her fly into his arms.

"Wait for me to come back!"

"Of course!" Pu Tong couldn't help but tighten his embrace, wanting to rub her into his heart.

You also have to wait for me to come back.

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