This star just wants to learn

Chapter 345 Eighteen-year-old Sky

Iori Yukino: [No, I sang a song, and everyone was very satisfied and asked me to represent the village in the Sakura Regional Song Contest...]

Pu Tong had just finished talking about the script when he turned around and saw the news in the group.

What kind of classic Japanese manga plot is this? In order to revitalize his hometown, he is forced to become an idol...and then becomes a famous Ai Douluo?

Lin Yuxi: [This is a good opportunity to become famous all over the world. Isn’t this a good thing? ]

Iori Yukino: [You know me, I am a lazy dog. It is too tiring to participate in competitions. ]

People who think about fishing will always be approached by all kinds of troubles, and Iori Yukino cannot escape this law.

When she left, there was a lot of attention paid to her in China because of the werewolf killings. I didn't expect that such a thing would come to Sakura's door. It was quite outrageous to be afraid of what would happen.

A spoiled girl is forced to participate in a song contest, how should she break out of it?

Iori Yukino: [I really want to refuse, but the way each of them looks at me, with that expectant look, I can't refuse them at all! ]

Those people didn't want her to get good results, they just wanted her to represent everyone on stage.

Pu Tong and the others also know Iori Yukino's character. Although this guy usually shows off, she is still very serious when it comes to matters related to others.

Take the filming of "A Chinese Ghost Story" as an example. Although she was very distressed after being added to the role, she did not stop and complain. Instead, she worked conscientiously to complete the filming, didn't she?

And she didn't dare to finish the job because she had director Cheng Cheng's approval. Doesn't this just show her ability?

Pu Tong couldn't help but think, after a summer vacation, this guy wouldn't come back with the title of Cherry Blossom Competition champion out of nowhere. That would be too awesome.

Forget it, let Sakura girl have the headache, she still has important things to do.

The High School Affiliated to the Normal University posed a big problem for him. The script requirements for this campus drama were too troublesome.

Many screenwriters' stories are so wild and unrealistic that with so many inexplicable rules and regulations, it's no wonder they can write something good.

However, Pu Tong is different. He does not need to make up his own story. He only needs to find a TV series that meets the requirements from his memory and write it.

As long as he doesn't conceive, he won't be subject to so many restrictions.

Although that is said, it is really not easy to find a suitable school drama under so many weird restrictions...

The campus script is a disaster area. This world is like this, and his previous world is not much better.

Many screenwriters describe campus life in a way that is too simple and beautiful, almost becoming fantasy literature and fairy tales, and the plots are generally too routine and really not interesting.

The routines of all campus love dramas are basically like this. The people you like also like you. The handsome guys will surround Cinderella. Those who bully you will be punished. You can easily counterattack Qingbei and you will always like you. people together.

Anyone who has experienced middle school knows that the campus is not as beautiful as imagined. It is full of regrets about not being able to love, and the ending of unrewarded hard work. We are not the protagonists, but ordinary people full of regrets.

Pu Tong's impressions in recent years seemed to be all these bloody school dramas. He decided to think about what he had seen before...

He personally likes a youth school drama called "I'm Waiting for You in the Future". It tells the story of the male protagonist going back to high school to be a teacher for his class at that time. The whole story is in dialogue with himself. It can be said to be quite interesting.

However, this drama is not suitable. It has certain factors of the times, and is even unique to that world. It is obviously not suitable for today's schools, and it is difficult to achieve a publicity effect.

Then, forget about a lot of youth trauma literature, which may not even be in line with mainstream values.

My name is not Hei, my name is Chu Yuxun... Forget it, this won't work, the plot is too outrageous, and this is a university.

Class A? Forget it, this one is even more outrageous. A science fiction school drama is a bit too outrageous, and high school students discussing combat power index is too middle-of-the-road.

He thought about a few more movies, such as "Simple Little Beauty" and "Hello Old Time". Although they looked better and the campus interaction between the male and female protagonists was sweet, the problem was that it was too sweet!

It was clearly stated in the request that there should not be too many emotional dramas involving high school students. After all, this kind of thing was meant to be used for publicity, and some things were inappropriate to put on the surface.

"This is too hard to think about!"

There should be eye-catching emotional scenes but not too many high school student romances. Isn’t this inconsistent...

Although Pu Tong can also understand why they hope that there will be emotional drama in the plot. The emotional drama is added to inject soul into the story. Only with the soul of emotional drama can we capture the hearts of the audience.

After all, the seven emotions and six desires are common to normal human beings. Injecting emotional drama can often arouse the audience's yearning, longing, longing or expectation, or make the audience empathize, and capture the audience's heart to follow the drama.

Of course, it refers to excellent emotional scenes.

What's more, the emotional line can make the plot more holistic, and the plot can go down around a certain emotional line, making the story three-dimensional and comfortable, and not too scattered.

Just because he understands this, doesn't mean he can do it. Youth school dramas can't describe the emotional drama of students, so is it possible to write about teachers?

Pu Tong smiled bitterly, and was immediately frightened by his own idea.

That’s right, if you can’t write emotional dramas about students, why don’t we just imitate teachers?

As soon as he found the idea, memories came flooding back. When he was a child, he actually watched a school drama that revolved around a teacher.

"Eighteen-Year-Old Sky" tells an inspiring youth story between a group of lively and enthusiastic high school students and their quirky teacher.

This drama is indeed old. It first aired in 2002. He remembers that he stayed in front of the orphanage drama to watch it.

Chinese teacher Gu Yuetao and English teacher Pei Pei seemed like a perfect match for their happy enemies. Isn’t this an eye-catching emotional drama?

As a teacher, Gu Yuetao transformed a troubled class into a sunny team. He used a step-by-step method to make the whole class truly realize that quality education is sunshine education.

Doesn’t this just fit in with the educational philosophy and excellent teachers of the High School Affiliated to Normal University?

More importantly, every character in this drama has a rich personality. To this day, he can still clearly recall many supporting roles with distinctive personalities.

Interesting principals, deans, math teachers, Shi Yanfeng, Lan Feilin...

There will be boys in the class who are good at studying but have a weak personality and will be bullied by others. There will also be girls who love beauty but have no time to dress up because of their studies.

In this drama, you can more or less find your own shadow in it, and you and I and him who were sitting next to you at that time.

Everyone can be the quiet one in the classroom seat and just want to live their own little life.

Everyone has their own story, and everyone is their own protagonist, unlike today's youth idol dramas, where the supporting characters are just tools, just to help the male and female protagonists fall in love.

What makes Pu Tong still fresh in his memory is that the student CPs of this drama are not together, and the class beauty of Bai Yueguang chose to leave. Perhaps this is what youth is like, full of many regrets, laughter with tears, and joy in suffering.

"Then write this story!"

He hopes that everyone can be a sunshine boy, and he wants to use this story to let more people see a sky that truly belongs to the age of eighteen.

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