This star just wants to learn

Chapter 252 Actually, I’m doing okay

"I've seen people record songs, but I've never seen so many of you come to record songs."

The sound engineer looked at the group of people in front of him, a little frightened by the battle.

As a person in the social circle, he also knew these people. They were all famous celebrities. It was really rare for so many people to gather together. Those who didn't know better thought they were holding some large-scale event.

Pu Tong is also an old acquaintance. He has recorded quite a few songs for Pu Tong, and the influence of those songs is obvious to all. It is actually quite honorable to be able to record songs for a creator like him. thing.

"I would like to ask, what style of song are you doing this time?" The recording engineer is really curious. Pu Tong is really strange. They have recorded several songs with them, but none of them have the same style. , popular ones, and even children’s songs. I wonder what he is going to do this time.

"A gentle song..."

Pu Tong didn't explain much and walked into the performance room on his own. Several other people gathered around the sound engineer and waited quietly.

Sun Yilin looked at the glamorous people in front of him, and suddenly wished that he could be invisible so that he would not be noticed.

As long as someone glanced at her, she would scan herself from head to toe... Standing with this group of people, she really felt a little out of place.

Maybe it was a mistake to come today.

"Is this your first time in the recording studio?" a voice beside her sounded, subconsciously making her take a step back.

She raised her head carefully and looked at the short-cut boy in front of her through the thick glasses.

"When I went to the recording studio for the first time, I was shocked. It was so quiet. It felt like there was nothing else except music!"

Gan Hengxu smiled: "But I have never recorded an outstanding song, which is a pity!"

"Yes, there will be a chance." Sun Yilin's voice was so low that only Gan Hengxu could hear him clearly in such a quiet place.

"Thank you." Gan Hengxu nodded, "Don't be nervous, everyone is here to listen to the music. Pu Tong's songs must be wonderful, let's listen together!"

The girl nodded, feeling much better in her frightened heart.

In the recording studio, Pu Tong adjusted his guitar and cleared his throat to get a feel for it.

Mao Buyi's voice has a sense of story, which he cannot imitate, so he can only imitate it as much as possible.

He nodded and motioned for the sound engineer to begin.

[“The sun rises and sets, deep and deep.

There is a small square table with meat and vegetables.

A figure is busy calmly,

A pair of hands made this time warm. ”]

The prelude is very simple, like telling a quiet story. In this quietness, the song officially begins.

The sentence goes deeper and deeper, directly creating a sense of picture. The camera keeps going deeper and deeper, and finally stops on a small square table.

A simple line drawing, a sunrise and sunset scene, deep and deep, a small square table, a portion of meat and vegetables.

There are no delicacies, only simple meat and vegetables on the table. In the eyes of the "busy figure", this is all the love she can give her children.

This kind of quiet and soothing beginning is completely new to Pu Tong's previous works.

Several people looked at each other, a little surprised. They all knew that Pu Tong was very talented, and they also thought about how exquisite this song would be, but such a plain beginning really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even Sun Yilin, who had read the lyrics, did not expect this song to be so gentle.

Just when they were all immersed in this warm beauty, in the second paragraph, the painting style changed.

[“A person who is too young is always dissatisfied,

Stubbornly unwilling to stop traveling far,

Walking a long way looking at the high sky,

I forgot to look back to see if she was crying. ”]

The child who ran away from home did not know how eager eyes were behind him, because he was too young, he was always dissatisfied and stubbornly unwilling to stop and take a long journey. Looking at the high life and walking a long way, I forgot to look back and see if the waiting person cried.

All the love in the world points to reunion, but the love of parents points to separation.

Our parents lean against the door and stare at us fading away. However, we often only focus on moving forward bravely, but forget to look back at the tears behind us.

This lyric is the simplest, but also the heaviest. They have traveled a lot, but unknowingly they are too far away from home.

Sun Yilin trembled, recalling those scenes of arguments with her mother... She had always wanted to get rid of this shackles of love, but during the rampage, had she ever seen her tears?

Gan Hengxu subconsciously raised his hand and then put it down dejectedly. This kind of mood was something that outsiders could not mix with.

["The moon is bright and the wind is light,

But you are knocking on my window lattice,

Don't worry when you hear this,

Actually, I'm doing okay. ”]

This lyric is the most tender in the whole song, and the melody has the shadow of a folk lullaby. Using a lullaby to remember my mother brings this longing to the top.

"Actually, I'm doing okay," he said, and he restrained his sadness in time, talking to his mother in the gentlest tone. Living a good life is the greatest comfort that the living can give to the dead.

No one likes separation, but precisely because of separation, we will live harder after leaving each other.

Maybe if this is the case, the people who are leaving will also be very happy when they see you happy!

"Mom, don't worry about me. In fact, I'm doing okay!"

Tears welled in Sun Yilin's eyes. If she could, she would have wanted to say such words to her mother... But there was no chance.

She thought of her room that was not too small, her favorite pink sheets and quilts, the window screens that let in the sunshine, and the little bear on the bedside. Her mother washed it clean and sprayed it with my love. Perfume, because my mother knows that even at such an old age, she still likes to sleep soundly holding a teddy bear.

She recalled that when she was in junior high school, her mother got up at five o'clock and rode a motorcycle to take her to school in silence. In the winter morning, her face was covered with frost but she smiled and said it was okay. When it rained, her head and face were full of frost. It was all rain, and her knees were filled with water. She even waved her hand to hurry into the classroom. She secretly turned around and found her mother shivering with cold in the rain.

However, that person will never appear again in the rest of her life.

She resisted the urge to cry loudly, covering her mouth and not daring to make a sound. She didn't want to be too embarrassed in front of this group of people.

The song ended with a soothing guitar tune, and only the girl's slight sobs were left in the air.

The others heard it clearly, but mentioned it tacitly. Perhaps for her, not being exposed to her vulnerability was her last self-esteem.

"Very, very good..." The sound engineer's voice was trembling a little. He didn't expect that Pu Tong would actually come up with such a song this time.

He has been working hard for many years, and he is also the kind of wanderer who never moves forward. When he returns during the Spring Festival next year, his parents will be older than they remembered.

Because of this, he could clearly feel the emotion contained in Pu Tong's song.

But what the song expresses is tear-jerking sadness. It just tells a quiet story, tells a quiet longing, and gives people the strength to live a good life.

As Pu Tong said, this is a gentle song, not so shocking, but touching people's soul.

The debugging and follow-up of the song were all handed over to the sound engineer. It was not convenient for them to stay for a long time, so they walked out of the recording studio together.

Because of Sun Yilin's visible sadness, there was much less communication between them.

"Thank you everyone..." Sun Yilin sighed, and seemed to have adjusted a lot. Silent people are good at observing, and she could also see that these people were taking care of her emotions.

These celebrities are also very good people.

It was almost noon when they finished recording the song. It was so hot at noon in the middle of summer that they didn't dare to stay outdoors and decided to go home.

Several of their celebrities were picked up by special cars, so Pu Tong and Sun Yilin had to take a taxi home by themselves...

Originally, they wanted to give the two of them a ride, but Sun Yilin didn't agree and Pu Tong was too embarrassed to leave them alone, so they could only take a taxi together.

"You have to send her home safely!" Gan Hengxu said sternly, "Don't get heatstroke in such a hot day."

"I know!" Pu Tong rolled his eyes. This guy's preference is too obvious.

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