This star just wants to learn

Chapter 165 IP Empowerment

It's not difficult to ask Pu Tong to sing another song about cats. He remembers quite a few songs about cats.

For example, SHE's "Persian Cat", Jolin Tsai's "Good Cat", and even many children's songs are all related to cats.

Cats have always been human companions, so there are many related works.

If he were Jiaxintang, he could even sing "Cat Poisoning" by Miss Jiaran...

Of course, he's not.

It is not difficult to come up with a song related to cats. What is difficult is how to make this song a continuous flow.

Because of its brainwashing and easy-to-spread functions, saliva songs are very suitable for quickly increasing their popularity in a short period of time, but after the popularity passes, quality and foundation are the foundation of success.

"Don't tell me that you composed another song so quickly?" Iori Yukino's jaw almost dropped.

No, she couldn't wake up at such a short time, so another song came out so soon?

"That's not true. I just want to attract customers with one song and retain them with the other..."

It's reasonable for him to come up with one song, after all, it's a saliva song that doesn't require much creative thinking, but it would be outrageous to come up with a second one.

There is no creative bottleneck at all, will it really not arouse others’ suspicion?

So this second song still needs long-term planning.

At least, it can’t be taken out in the near future...

"I don't think it's necessary." Lin Yuxi stared at him very seriously, "Using this store as the background of a song's music video may have a promotional effect, but if we do another song without changing the ingredients, the effect will definitely be mediocre. .”

She doesn't know much about business, but this kind of thing is actually easy to understand. If two songs are used for promotion, if both songs are popular, the effect of the first song has already reached its peak. If the second song is used again, The second song is definitely not as effective as the first song...

"Who says I'm going to do the same thing?"

Pu Tong also considered this issue.

The publicity effect that a song can have is only temporary. As time goes by, the song may still be popular, but the publicity connection will fade.

What's more, the promotional effect that one song can have is actually almost saturated, so there is no need to use the same plan for the second song.

Manager Wen was confused by what he heard, not to mention the three underage girls next to him. They looked at each other and had no idea what Pu Tong had in mind.

"The first song was promoted through advertising, which is a way to attract traffic in the short term." Pu Tong tried his best to give them a few explanations in simple words, "If the second song wants to be popular for a long time, that is to create a stable ip!"

"IP?" Yu Wanwan was born in a merchant family, so he was naturally familiar with this word.

If an IP brand gains popularity and has its own distinctive characteristics and personality, then it will have the ability to attract customers in the long term.

"Yes, if this cat cafe becomes a brand and has regular users and fans, this is undoubtedly the best direction!"

Pu Tong analyzed: "My idea is to gain popularity through the promotion of this song, and then slowly develop my own IP."

For cat cafe IPs, of course there are a few celebrity cats, such as Garfield, Tom, Totoro...

As for the second song prepared by Pu Tong, it is actually the episode "Good Night Meow" from Luo Xiaohei's War Chronicles. After all, cats in Chinese comics are more suitable for opening up the domestic market.

The cat cafe life started with Luo Xiaohei, and then gradually gave birth to Peking Opera Cat, Rainbow Cat, Blue Cat, Happy Star Cat...

Why does it feel like a good fit to start a book?

"Of course, I'll just provide you with an idea. It's not free." Of course, Pu Tong said this to Wen Qing.

Because he likes cat cafes, he can help with a promotion, but he can't do that kind of thing if he really puts his heart and soul into it.

The pie in the back is huge, sorry, you have to pay to unlock it depending on your mood...

"It should, it should!" Wen Qing said with a smile, "I am very interested in what you are talking about. I will definitely contact you if I have the opportunity."

Who wouldn’t want to brand their cat cafe? It’s not just to make money, but if it becomes bigger and stronger, the living environment for cats can be better!

But the problem is, she really has no money now, so she will definitely pay to unlock it next time.

"The IP you mentioned, I'm afraid it's not enough to just rely on songs." Lin Yuxi held her chin in thought, "It's not easy to create an IP."

"Of course, if you really want to make things right, you still need other industries, such as comics..."

These celebrity cats are all characters in anime. Animation may be a bit difficult, but comics can still be done. After all, there is a ready-made "little painter" here.

"No, why are you looking at me?" Iori Yukino was trying his best to understand what Pu Tong said, but when he looked up, he found that they were all looking at him.

"A song, a story, do you want this blessing for you?" Pu Tong looked at her with a smile, having already made up his mind.

Just like the comics and theme songs of Doraemon were given to Iori Yukino, he also planned to give the songs and comics of the first cat cafe Luo Hei to Sakura Girl.

After all, she is a professional, and a cute and warm song like "Good Night Meow" is suitable for her to sing.

"Don't be like this, I'm really too lazy to move." Iori Yukino said with a sad face.

When she first started drawing Doraemon, she did it for fun. At the beginning, fans just watched it for fun. Unexpectedly, she continued to update. Now there are a lot of people following the update. They send private messages to her account every day to remind her to update...

Now another one comes, how can she bear it?

"Updated, my little painter!" Lin Yuxi touched her head, "You don't want so many cats to end up on the streets because of the closure of cat cafes."

"You are committing moral kidnapping!" Iori Yukino dodged her hand.

I have to say that her hair gets oily easily because she is always touched by Yu Wanwan and Lin Yuxi.

"The cat demon Xiao Hei stole the Sky Pearl and was discovered by Di Ting. He was beaten back to his original form and seriously injured and escaped..."

"Ah ah ah, please stop talking!" Iori Yukino couldn't hear this.

Every time I tell a story to seduce her, the key is that I am still easily fooled.

There was no way she could resist Pu Tong's bizarre stories.

"There's no need to do things you don't like, just be happy." Yu Wanwan noticed Iori Yukino's anxiety and patted her back gently.

"That's not..."

On the contrary, she likes to draw comics and these stories, and she also hopes that the cat cafe will get better and better.

But she really didn't want to have too much pressure.

"I misunderstood again, didn't I? There is no need to rush when building an IP!" Pu Tong sighed, "No one is rushing you, just take your time."

"Take your time, maybe one day you will become one of the best cartoonists?"

This is completely possible. There are so many stories in my head. If Sakura Girl can really draw them, she will be awesome!

"Well, I can give it a try, but you can't rush me!" Iori Yukino pursed her lips, "I'll draw the story, and you have to tell me the story before you finish it. You can't whet my appetite."

This guy has to start every time, which is too torturous.


Pu Tong couldn't promise it. After all, some anime hadn't ended yet when he traveled through time. He couldn't create his own endings out of thin air.

"I knew you wanted to tease me with stories..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Why do these words sound like a scumbag?

Is that because he didn't talk about it? He also forgot some plots. He is not a humanoid computer.

Besides, there are so many stories in his mind, so of course it would be interesting to tell them slowly. If they were told all at once, Sakura-chan wouldn't be able to remember them even with her IQ.

Although Iori Yukino expressed dissatisfaction with Pu Tong's painting behavior, she still took over the task of singing and comics.

The current plan is that Iori Yukino can start creating comics now. After Tang Luocheng completes the first wave of publicity after recording songs, and then the store becomes popular, the cat cafe's IP plan can begin, and Iori Yukino's gold content will be truly Reflected.

Creating an IP is a slow process, and this cat cafe obviously won’t be able to sustain it for long. If you directly create an IP, it will be a dead end, so you need to promote the first song to bring the store back to life.

If only the first song is promoted, Maoka will only be a small shop that only gets temporary traffic and will not go far.

The two songs are actually two steps of the plan, no matter which part they are, they are indispensable.

Yu Wanwan looked Pu Tong up and down, and suddenly felt that his deskmate had some business acumen.

If dad knew about it, he would probably approve of him...

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