: Informal talks [Zhongbei]

Ah this?

In the quiet room on the second floor, Wu Wang frowned and looked at the magic treasures that might be older than Shennong in front of him, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

I thought that the boss Fuxi had left some treasures for himself, or it was the classics of exercises.

Even, Wu Wang had had unreasonable thoughts before, thinking that the big brother Fuxi might pass on the mystery of how to keep reincarnating in the Human Realm to him, a little monk who had witnessed such a great battle, in some way.

never expected

What Fuxi gave him were indeed books, and they were stone slabs engraved with the ancient human domain characters.

But the content inside has nothing to do with Taoism.

character theory;


gift of man

Thousands of slates and hundreds of books!

Wu Juan scanned it with his immortal consciousness and roughly read it, only to find that the message contained in it can be condensed into three sentences:

Boy, you have to be a good person.

Boy, you should be a good person by doing this.

Be yourself, kid.

“these are?”

Wu Wang asked tentatively.

Shennong nodded slowly, and said seriously, “It’s the classics that the late emperor asked me to hand over to you.”

“Isn’t it?” Wu Wang asked tentatively, “After comprehending all these classics, you can comprehend the supreme way, gain supernatural powers, and stand in the forest of strong men in the wilderness?”

There was a smile on the corner of Shennong’s mouth, but this smile was a little weird.

Jade Bird stood obediently at the corner of the table, acting as a spectator.

Wu Wang asked again: “Could it be that Emperor Fuxi felt that there might be some deficiencies in my personal conduct?”

“That’s not true,” Shennong said with a smile, “The former emperor spoke well of you, saying that you are a young man with potential, but you are not under enough pressure and a little sloppy.”

“Then this!”

“Rites are the foundation of the human domain.”

Shennong said solemnly: “Don’t underestimate these things, the methods of cultivation and immortality are all methods of protecting oneself, while the classics written by the former emperors are the guides for the human realm.

In short, just memorize everything, don’t let down the trust that the late emperor placed in you. ”

Wu Wang:

“Hey, okay.”

He solemnly put these storage treasures back into the Yin-Yang ring and placed them in the most conspicuous position. He secretly made up his mind that he must read them carefully and carefully after returning home!

Try to read all these classics within a hundred years, and improve the connotation of being a human being!

Wu Wang suddenly thought of something, and asked aloud: “Senior Sanxian”

“It should be regarded as gone,” Shennong said slowly, “but it can also be said that it still exists.”

Wu Wang probably understood.

Fuxi said before that the three are one. At this time, it is roughly understood that the Sanxian Laodao has become a part of the emperor’s consciousness.

Thinking of this, Wu Wang’s mood was a little complicated.

Shennong also sighed slightly, and the two of them leaned back in their chairs and fell silent for a while across the desk.

Qingniao suddenly had the urge to return to its original appearance, to make a pot of tea for the two of them, of course, it was just such an idea.

She raised her head and stared at Wu Wang’s side face, subconsciously and in a daze.

Wu Wang asked: “Does the late emperor have any other instructions?”

“No,” Shen Nong shook his head slightly, and said slowly, “The situation was already very dangerous at that time, and the late emperor only had time to tell me a few words about the road to the human realm, and”


“Forget it,” Shen Nong smiled and shook his head, but didn’t say much.

Wu Wang said: “I’m actually still a little puzzled.”

“Just say it.”

“The dream of senior Sanxian was not caused by the incarnation of the order of the Heavenly Emperor, but by the consciousness of the Heavenly Emperor?”

“That’s right,” Shen Nong explained, “according to my understanding at this time, the main consciousness of the Emperor of Heaven and the incarnation of the Order of the Emperor of Heaven are actually separated, at least they cannot be contacted at any time.

But judging from the actual situation, when the consciousness of the Emperor of Heaven is divided into three, they can actually communicate with each other. ”

“That doesn’t make sense again.”

Wu Wang frowned and said: “The main consciousness of the Emperor of Heaven, the incarnation of order,Ontology, if it corresponds to the human nature, divinity, and animal nature of the Emperor of Heaven, the three must be connected with each other.

Then why didn’t the Emperor of Heaven pull Sanxian Laodao back early?

As long as there is external intervention, wouldn’t it be easy to destroy the soul of the late emperor? ”

Shennong said: “There should be the successor of the former emperor.”

“I think there is another possibility.”

Wu Wang pondered for a while, tapped his fingers on the table habitually, and said with a smile: “Senior, tell me, is it possible that the scene just now happened countless years ago?”


Shennong squinted his eyes and smiled, and asked, “What is this saying?”

“Actually, Emperor Fuxi passed away a long time ago, before the era of Shennong began, before the dark turmoil.”

Wu Wang stood up, while thinking, sorted out the conjectures in his heart, and organized his words.

He paced back and forth, talking as he walked, eyes full of light:

“In that day’s palace, Emperor Fuxi completed his long-planned great cause, invaded Emperor’s consciousness, and forcibly became Emperor’s humanity.

Since then, there have been no Fuxi emperors, and there are only emperors.

Then, the emperor’s own consciousness collapsed, and one was divided into three, no, four or even five.

The main body that bears its own divine power maintains the most important animal nature, the Avenue of Order entrusts absolute rationality, and the rest carries the will of Fuxi, the first emperor, and constantly explores the way of self-salvation in the world. ”

Wu Wang snapped his fingers.

“If that’s the case, then what doesn’t make sense will always make sense.

Although the Fuxi Emperor we have come into contact with is the will of the Fuxi Emperor, it is already a part of the emperor in essence.

The whole process can be seen as Emperor Kuang accepting himself as who he is today.

Whether it is us or the God of Spring, they are all the tools and steps he subconsciously prepared for himself, to convince himself and let him admit his humanity.

Of course, Di Kuan probably didn’t realize what he was doing either.

But we just need to observe and see if the emperor who returned to the Heavenly Palace will show a side of indecision and hesitation, and we can basically deduce what is going on.

Senior, why are you laughing at Senior? ”


The blue bird also called out curiously.

Shennong restrained his smile calmly, and said slowly, “Did I laugh?”


The blue bird jumped and called twice.

Wu Wang took half a step forward, sat back in the wooden chair, stared at Shennong with burning eyes, and whispered: “Is it really like this?”

“It’s actually hard to say exactly how.”

Shennong smiled and said, “You can take this as an extension of the battle between Fuxi and Diku in the late ancient times, but no matter what the situation is, it is obvious that Fuxi won.”

“It’s natural,” Wu said with a smile, “If it’s the situation I speculate, then the emperor’s defeat will be even worse.

Fuxi’s talent and style are really admirable.

But is the candle dragon really so scary? ”

“Torch Dragon, it’s not a question of whether he’s scary or not. Compared with Emperor Kuang, he’s more destructive and harder to control.”

Shennong’s eyes flickered slightly.

Wu thought for a moment, took off the necklace around his neck, and placed it on the table.

He said: “Taking advantage of this opportunity, let’s have a good talk about Zhulong, Renyu, and Beiye.”

Shennong agreed with a smile, and his sitting posture became much more correct.

Wu Huang called softly: “Mother?”


The blue bird blinked its bird eyes, and subconsciously raised its wings to cover its chest.

The gems on the necklace flashed a little bit of light, and a three-inch-high phantom slowly formed within it.

Before Wu Wang had time to introduce, the blue bird fluttered its wings and flew aside, hiding behind the screen.

Shennong made a move, thickening the formation inside and outside the quiet room for a while.

As the celestial light flashed, Cang Xue’s figure was already floating above the jewels of the necklace. She was wearing an ice-blue long dress, and her face was more or less similar to her usual appearance, but colder, with a bit of holiness in it.

The true face of the ice god.

She nodded slightly to Shennong as a greeting, and said softly, “Ba’er, what’s the matter?”

Wu Huang smiled and said: “Mother, what do you think is the matter with that emperor?”

“He was suppressed by Emperor Fuxi.”

Cang Xue said with a smile.

Shennong couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Wu Wang blinked and brought the topic to the main topic.

“Mother, what kind of innate god is the Candle Dragon God? It’s really like what we said.”

Cang Xue was silent for a while.

Seeing this, Shennong asked, “There are a few records in the Human Domain, a place beyond the sky, and it seems that someone has intruded there in a daze.”

“Well,” Cang Xue said, “If my predictions are correct, the exercises of the Tianyan Xuannv Sect are related to Tianwai, and they are the backhands they created.”

Wu Wang asked: “But is it related to His Majesty Suiren?”

“Suirenshi has indeed been to Tianwai,” Cangxue said helplessly, “but he went toAfterwards, he was very disappointed, and he didn’t know what happened. He challenged Zhulong head-on, and fled back to the wilderness after failing. ”

Wu Jue murmured in a low voice: “Mom, why didn’t you tell the child this before.”

“Know too much and you’ll be tired.”

Cang Xue said softly, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Shen Nong said: “Does the Ice God know how long it will take for Zhulong to return?”

“It’s a little unclear,” Cang Xue said, “I came here in too much haste, and there was no one to rely on when my spirit descended, and I fell asleep for a long time.

I can rely on the avenue to vaguely sense the situation over there, and I can also have a simple conversation with my father, the water god.

But it’s really hard to say exactly what’s going on outside the sky. ”

Shen Nong pondered while holding his beard.

Wu Wang was quietly thinking beside him.

Cangxue looked for the figure of Qingniao, as if she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to chat with Qingniao.

“Wu Wang, you really don’t have to worry about this.”

Shennong laughed and said, “Even if Zhulong comes back, your life will not be in danger.”

Cang Xue said: “Seeing that the Human Sovereign has taken good care of my son, if that day comes, I will also protect the Human Domain.”

“Thank you Ice God,” Shen Nong smiled and cupped his hands.

“The emperor is polite.”

Cang Xue thought about it carefully, and said again:

“Actually, not all the gods in Outer Heaven follow Zhulong, but we stand on the opposite side of the emperor, and Zhulong is the strongest, that’s all.

Of course, your grandfather is old and stubborn, and he has a deep friendship with Zhulong. ”

Wu Wang showed a clear face, and said in a low voice: “Since this is the case, then the candle dragon god system should not be a big threat. The one that is actually threatening is the candle dragon itself.”

“No,” Cang Xue said, “it’s chaotic will.”

Shen Nong also said: “The most dreadful thing is the chaotic will that grows in Zhulong’s body.”

Wu Wang was a little confused.

Cang Xue smiled and said:

“You, don’t think too much, hurry up to practice and understand the Dao, and follow the method of cultivation in the human realm to become extraordinary.

Recently, have you neglected your retreat fellow practitioner with Fairy Ling? ”

Wu Wang subconsciously glanced at the blue bird, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

Mother sees that his childhood is too moist now, so why make life more difficult for him?

Shen Nong also said: “That’s right, since the emperor has returned to his throne, the Heavenly Palace must move frequently, if you don’t want to take the way of dominance, you can practice in seclusion with peace of mind.

Fame, fortune, and prestige, I let Xiaojian and the others take care of them, and I won’t lose you. ”

Cang Xue showed a satisfied smile beside her.

But Wu Wang said: “These are just floating clouds, I plan to go back to Beiye to live for a while.”


Shennong asked with concern: “But do you feel uncomfortable in Human Domain?”

“People’s hearts are unpredictable, and there are so many ghosts and monsters; the world is long, and the road is firm and self-forgetful.”

The great battle outside the sky once again appeared before Wu Wang’s eyes.

He said:

“My Dao heart is a little restless, and I want to go home and ask for some peace.

There are still many imperfections in Human Domain, and the loose system has brought various disadvantages, which I can actually understand.

And people’s hearts are inherently selfish, and I am a person with a lot of desires, so I have no right to judge others.

But this time, it touched me a bit. ”

Wu Wang smiled, his eyes were slightly blurred, and he said slowly: “I never thought that the human race could reach such a level and touch that position.

I was wondering if my way could one day rewrite the order.

I also wonder if my figure can stand in front of all living beings like Emperor Fuxi.

Entering the Heavenly Palace alone, endowing the Emperor with humanity;

You can even jump out of the shackles of the years and lead the latecomers forward at a certain node;

Needless to say, the creation of yin and yang, deduction of all laws

Mother, senior, maybe the first emperor Fuxi didn’t touch the realm of Dao, or maybe the former emperor Suiren was not in the strongest state of the human race.

Also, where did God Nuwa go?

Who created this world, and why does it exist?

The age of gods has changed five times, each time is a long time, how many powerful gods have not passed away, but lost themselves in the great way.

Also, what is the avenue?

It’s like arithmetic. ”

Wu Ju lowered his head to look at the wooden board, and looked at the place where Mu Daxian was before he went upstairs.

He laughed and said: “The basis of arithmetic is based on the fact that one plus one equals two, but why it is equal to two is difficult to explore, this is the most basic part that is defined.

Who defines the existence of the avenue?

Is it the Pangu that has been spread in the human domain? ”

Shen Nong said slowly: “Pangu is just a rumor in the human domain, there is no such legend in the Great Wilderness itself.”

“What about God Nuwa?”

“This is the mother god who created the human race,” Shennong said slowly, “but when the first emperor of Suiren established the Human Domain, the mother god had long since disappeared. There is a saying that she transcended and escaped from the wilderness.”

Wu Huang smiled and said: “Then can we seek such detachment? After detachment, there will be a mysterious world?”

Shennong couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

“So, I want to seeone look. ”

Wu Wang looked at Cangxue, then at Qingniao, and his eyes fell on Shennong’s somewhat old and slightly tired face.

“If you want to explore this world freely, you need to become a strong person first.

Then, I want to become a strong man in the Great Wilderness.

Standing above mediocrity, standing between heaven and earth, just like His Majesty Fuxi. ”

And don’t embarrass your hometown.

Wu Lu silently added something in his heart, the thoughts in his heart sank, and then seemed to suddenly open up.

Vaguely, he seemed to see that figure lying in the void, surrounded by pain, wearing a light blue spacesuit.

The figure fades away;

The clothes were slowly taken off.

The figure slowly got up and walked towards the shining light spot in front of it. Behind the light spot were wooden buildings and stone houses, a vast grassland, and the bustling secular world, and there were several clearer figures.

Layers of sentiments surged in Wu Lu’s heart, he closed his eyes and chanted softly, and a faint cloud of smoke filled his body, exuding a little fragrance.

Suddenly realized.

Shen Nong looked at Cang Xue, and the two smiled kindly.

Then, Cang Xue waved to the blue bird, and the three-inch-high phantom dissipated, and the necklace flew back to Wu Fan’s chest by itself, and put it around Wu Fan’s neck.

Shennong summoned the blue bird, held it in his palm, and disappeared from there.

But the restriction left by Shen Nong did not dissipate, lest Wu Wang’s epiphany be disturbed by others.

The yin and yang ring on Wu Huang’s right hand suddenly flashed a faint light.

The magic treasures left by Emperor Fuxi that he had just put away flew out of Wu Wang’s ring by themselves.

These storage treasures were suspended in front of Wu Wang for a while, and wisps of faint but extremely pure aura flew out of them.

Congenital yin and yang qi.

On the desk in the quiet room, two wisps of innate aura, one black and one white, slowly converged, condensing into a Taiji diagram in the constant pursuit, and then transformed into a gossip outside the Taiji diagram.

The few storage magic weapons fell to the side, and most of the restrictions on them faded away.

The condensed Taiji gossip map, but he couldn’t help but slapped it on Wu Huang’s forehead

at the same time;

Dongye, Yanggu, and Fusang Giant Tree are on a higher branch of the tree, and they fall in the palace at the intersection of the branches.

With a soft moan, the figure lying on the throne slowly opened his eyes, the tail of the snake was sliding slightly, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

Several similar voices started a conversation inside him:

who am I?

You are the emperor, you should call yourself me.

I remember that I was fighting against Fuxi. Fuxi’s Dao surpassed me. He forcibly became a part of my will. I separated this part of my will and searched for a solution between heaven and earth.

Human domain, yes, I went to the human domain later, and kept reincarnating in the human domain.

It is me who is in reincarnation, not Fuxi who is in reincarnation.

But now, Fuxi’s will has been smoothed by me, I return to the Heavenly Palace, I am the winner!

Yes, you are the Emperor of Heaven, you have defeated Fuxi.

Fuxi’s way of gossip is nothing more than that.

We won, we should be one, we are one, we just need to rest for a while.


Eh? Where is this? How can Pindao feel that there are still a few fellow Taoists in Pindao’s body? Where did Emperor Fuxi go?

Those voices fell silent instantly.

Di Kuang’s eyes were full of anger, and strands of golden light erupted from his forehead.


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