This lich needs more money

Chapter 18 I can’t refuse

When Amberxiu faced Isabel's almost nonsense question, Amberxiu didn't even bother to answer. He just said to her: Are you so tired that your mind is confused? Go and rest!

After saying this very rudely, Amberxiu turned around and left the laboratory.

Human beings are so fragile. We just worked overtime for a few days, and we became confused.

Isabel looked at the other person's back and didn't know why the teacher suddenly became angry.

It seems that the identity of the undead is a great stimulus to him. Yes, such a young alchemy genius turned into a undead wandering in the castle. This must be an unbearable memory. I am so stupid. , shouldn’t ask this.

However, even if I am angry, the teacher still cares about my body. He is so gentle.

Isabel sighed in her heart that there were indeed kind-hearted undead in this world, and at the same time warned herself that she would never ask a question about the undead again next time we meet.

Amberxiu left the castle in the night.

Finding slimes is not an easy task. Although they are very weak monsters, they hide very well because they are weak.

The slimes in this world do not have that cute jelly-like appearance. They are more often like mud hiding in various dark corners.

Excessive light and extreme temperatures are not suitable for slimes to survive. A dark and humid environment is most suitable for slimes. Humidity can maintain the physical shape of slimes. As for darkness, it is very suitable for slimes to hunt.

Slime usually stays motionless, waiting for its prey to come. Their slimy bodies can slide silently across floors, drip from walls or ceilings, squeeze through gaps... and are extremely difficult to detect when hidden.

Once prey is passing by, the slime will launch a sneak attack. Once wrapped in the slime's acid-filled body, most of the prey will be decomposed into nutrients and absorbed. However, the hunting efficiency of this kind of waiting for rabbits is not high. Most of the time, slimes use dirt, fungi and even garbage as their main food sources.

Amber Xiu hadn't studied slime much, and he didn't know where to look for it. It might not be difficult to get one or two, but Amberxiu started his research from scratch and conservatively expected three-digit slimes. You can't just mess around on your own, you need to find professionals to solve it.

If you are in doubt, just ask the adventurer to send a request. In most cases, you can get a solution.

Amber Xiu was still the same, flying directly to the Alchemy City in the middle of the night, and then came to the very lively Southern Cross Street.


The weather has gradually cooled down, and winter is approaching in the Alchemy City. On days like this, the pub always attracts customers easily.

Even though this tavern named Iron Slag Ember likes to add water to its wine, as the cheapest tavern in the Alchemy City, the tavern is still crowded with down-and-out mercenaries and adventurers.

A drink worth ten copper coins makes the drinker so angry that he can only vent his resentment on other things.

She slapped the table and cursed, and occasionally reached out to touch a busty maid who was passing by. If she touched her thigh, she would lose half of her money, and if she touched her butt, it would be a gain.

This is exactly what Ambrose needs to find.

As soon as he entered the door, the heat that hit his face made Amber Xiu frown. Liches generally like the cold, and the warm environment will cause uncomfortable moisture to stick to his bones.

The babbling dwarves singing folk songs in the corner are even more torture for Amber Xiu. If I don’t ask you to hire an elf bard, why don’t you hire a human instead? A dwarf's voice is like two stones touching each other. Can he sing an aria?

The economy is in recession, and even resident singers are so perfunctory.

Amberxiu shook his head, pushed through the crowd and came to the bar.

The orc bartender who was cleaning the glass said enthusiastically: Young mage, I have never seen you before. This is your first time. This glass is for you.

A small half cup of ale was served, rippling with a turbid yellow color. Even though he had lost his nose, Amber Xiu could still feel the sour smell coming from it. This was the wine that had gone bad after being watered down. The undead have no sense of smell and taste, but that doesn't mean they can't distinguish smells. This is what Amberxiu senses through the soul fire.

After taking a sip, he took out a few copper coins and placed them on the bar. Then Amberxiu said, I want to inquire about some information.

This is the rule, tip first when asking for information.

The tall orc wine stretched out a finger and pressed it on these copper coins. With the orc's big talent, he pressed five copper coins with one finger and quickly put them into his pocket.

My generous guest, what do you want to know?

Amber Xiu:......

Misstep, the copper coins should be moved away a bit.

This orc is naturally thick, and can be exchanged for five copper coins at the touch of a finger, or two at most for humans.

However, regardless of the heartache, Amberxiu asked: Is there a slime gathering point near here? The kind that need to be gathered in large numbers.

The orc bartender was still very professional and answered immediately: Of course it is the huge sewer in the Alchemy City, but the sewer is not very safe recently. I don't know what happened, but there are many dangers in the slimes in the sewer. variant.

Dangerous mutant? Amberxiu asked, What's going on?

Haha, does the guest want another drink? It only costs ten copper coins.

Amberxiu placed the copper coin on the bar and warned, I hope it's worth the money.

The orc bartender confidently put the copper coins into his pocket and gave the information that Amber Xiu wanted: You should know that many of the waste materials produced by alchemy require special treatment, which is a big expense. Recently, the finance of Alchemy City has There is a problem, and you should know this, so...

Just like industrial polluted waste, large-scale alchemy also produces large amounts of pollutants, which are very troublesome and expensive to deal with. When the orc bartender said this, Amber Xiu understood that those madmen poured the alchemy waste directly into the sewer, which caused the slime in the sewer to mutate.

No, it might not just be slime...

Amber Xiu also knew a lot about alchemy, and he quickly made a list of common alchemical wastes in his soul fire. If all these things were poured into the sewer, something very scary might appear over time.

But now is not the time to back down, the slimes should be collected as soon as possible before truly terrifying monsters are born.

Send me a commission. I need to collect... No, I need a guide who is familiar with the sewer environment.

Amberxiu originally wanted to pay directly to collect the slimes, but the danger of the sewers has soared, and the price of adventurers has also soared. So he would rather spend some time on his own, find a guide to take him down, and then catch the slime himself.

Although he is a parallel legend, no matter how legendary he is, he is still a legend, and he can still easily win against ordinary monsters.

Upon hearing this, the bartender immediately said happily: Haha, guest, you are so lucky. There happens to be an adventure team ready to explore the sewers, and they just lack a mage. If you can successfully join, even the guide fee will be waived, and You can earn a valuable commission.”

Amberxiu frowned and said with a bit of gritted teeth: You shouldn't have said that word.

The orc bartender was stunned for a moment and asked: Sorry, what did you say? I didn't seem to use any impolite words, right?

Amberxiu said word by word: You shouldn't say 'make a fortune', let alone 'valuable' and 'commission'.

What's wrong with these words? the orc bartender became even more confused.

Amber Xiu sighed and said, After you said this, I can't refuse.

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