Assess 3rd day.

The main test direction of the third test-Heart Origin power chip.

This is also Lin Chuan’s strength.

For more than a month in Greyish White Furnace, in addition to completing the puzzle set by Teacher Tieyin, Lin Chuan spent the rest of the time studying the advancement of [Heart Origin Mechanical System Cutting Technique].

For more than a month, his level on the Heart Origin power chip is advanced by leaps and bounds.

In response to the test questions in this area, Lin Chuan is confident that as long as the scope of Dean Takks’s questions does not exceed the Mechanic level, he can cope with it freely.

The fact is true. After reading the nine exam questions in the third session, Lin Chuan’s mouth curled slightly without a trace. If he did it seriously, he could finish it in an hour.

Even for these nine exam questions, Lin Chuan feels that they can only be considered average. If he is replaced, he can set up more than 50% more thinking traps, so that the candidates can answer the questions and answer them in a spiral. explosion.

However, this also proves that, as Teacher Tieyin said, this year’s exam questions, Dean Takks is still show mercy, and one third in each exam is an idea question.

This kind of thinking question has a lot of flexibility. Although it is difficult to get full marks, as long as the thinking is correct, you can always get some points.

Lin Chuan believes that this is how it should be when it comes to questions. Mechanical qualification assessment is just the first stop of Mechanical Domain.

The knowledge about mechanical technology can be improved in the future, but the idea of ​​this thing needs to be developed from the young age, otherwise, once the age is old, the thinking will become rigid.

“I don’t know how Amod did in the test…”

While doing the test, Lin Chuan thought of the young White Dwarf. He was a little worried about the Old Brother. When he exchanged test sites last night , Amod is very worried about today’s assessment.

Because the assessment of the Heart Origin power chip will also involve the knowledge points of the Heart Origin code, Amod will be confused if it is linked to the Heart Origin code.

At noon, after the third test is over.

Coming out of the lounge, Lin Chuan went to check the status of the Senior Elder School Sisters just like the previous two days and found that they were in good condition.

After that, he moved towards the 16th lounge. Before reaching the door, he heard a “bang” sound coming from inside.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help being shocked, releasing a trace of Mental Energy and “seeing” the young White Dwarf hitting the wall inside.

peng~ peng~ peng~ ……

The sound of hitting the wall lasted for two minutes, and the back door opened and Amod walked out. The forehead was swollen high and he walked a bit staggering.

“Oh…, Lin Chuan, the knowledge points you told me last night, if I review more…”

Amod said in annoyance.

Last night, the two of them were on the question together. Lin Chuan’s prediction of knowledge points, one third of the knowledge points were tested.

Unfortunately, Amod’s foundation on the Heart Origin power chip is not good, and there is no time to review that many, and there are too many to see.

“How was your test?” Lin Chuan asked.

“[Middle and Lower], if paper-grading teacher show mercy clicks.” Amod sighed.

Lin Chuan also sighed. After being in contact for the past two days, Amod has estimated the score very accurately. Since it is said to be [Lower Middle], I am afraid it is the score.

“Old Brother, don’t worry. This is just your assessment of the score. Everything depends on the results of the assessment. Relax and don’t affect the mentality of tomorrow’s fourth game.”

Lin Chuan comforted.

Amod nodded, his mentality adjustment is much better than Tongshuan and Oruog.

“In the evening, let’s exchange questions together. Tomorrow’s main test direction is the Heart Origin code, which must not be missed. I have a headache and take a break.”

White Dwarf young man clutching his forehead, There was more redness and swelling there.

Lin Chuan nodded with a smile, looking at the deserted corridor, there were bangs from time to time in some lounges, and someone hit the wall again.

Om…, a message popped up, sent by Yi Xing, inviting Kitty Lan to eat together, and sent different kinds of cat food.

Yi Xing’s left arm “Scale Shedding” ended last night, she wanted to play the cat with both hands.

Lin Chuan shook his head secretly, preparing to decline. He felt that he still shouldn’t leave the examination area for three consecutive days, which would not affect him.


Suddenly, the door of a lounge not far away opened, and a female Gnome candidate rushed out, screaming into the corridor.

During the assessment period, Lin Chuan is not surprised that the examinee has any excessive behavior, but it is the first time that he has seen such a situation.

This female Gnome examinee, she…has no clothes, bare green strips, running in the corridor…

Lin Chuan: “(@_@; )”

Kitty Lan on the shoulder: “w(゚Д゚)w”

next moment, a rush of footsteps came, and the invigilators and guards rushed At the end, a blanket was put on the female examinee, a tranquilizer was inhaled, and the psychological counselor was on the sidelines to give psychological guidance.

I have to admit that the various preventive measures in the examination area are really in place…

However, this female examinee’s accident seemed to be a fuse, and she took several breaks in a row. The door of the room opened, and several White Dwarf candidates rushed out and hammered at the wall.

There is also White Wolfman test-takers who jumped out and howled a wolf at the monitor in the corridor. His body swelled and began to transform…

For a while, the corridor became a mess, Lin Chuan’s way back to the lounge was blocked.

“Forget it. I’ll go to the appointment.” Lin Chuan replied to Yi Xing-don’t stop at the door of the base, see you at a far point outside the base.


At the same time.

In the center of the base, the invigilator office area, the top floor of the tall building.

In the Head Examiner’s office, Dean Takks’ angry roar came out, which caused a panic in the person outside the door. Whose call was secretly thought to make Dean Takks so self-control.

White Wolfman invigilator Monty approached quietly, his ears trembling, with White Wolfman’s keen hearing, he vaguely heard a name, complexion changed.

Monty walked back and motioned to the person not to come near. He whispered: “It’s Dean Ferdinan’s call.”

Dean Ferdinan? !

Everyone’s hearts are shaking, showing awe, Dean Ferdinan of Kingdom Mechanic Research Institute, that is the leader of White Dwarf Kingdom Mechanic.

In the office, Dean Takks blows his beard and stares, and the beard braids of his chin are all torn apart. He shouted at the communicator, “Dean Ferdinan, I disagree, why should Hammer of the Furnace Academy Talents are the first choice, ranked tenth!”

“This time I invited me to write a question, but you Mechanic Research Institute, now there is a turmoil, and the pot is me again. You guys. Is the Mechanic Research Institute not sticky?”

On the other side of the communicator, Dean Ferdinan’s peaceful voice sounded: “Takks, you should know that Mechanic Research Institute, as a symbol of Kingdom Mechanic, does not hold the pot. “

Dean Takks: “…”

Every time I face Dean Ferdinan, his Tutor and Takks feel a sense of powerlessness. The teacher speaks really straightforwardly. White.

breathes deeply, Takks said solemnly: “teacher, Hammer of the Furnace Academy’s priority in talent selection, is the third overall pick, and I suddenly squeeze to the tenth overall, I don’t agree!”


“I was squeezed to the tenth overall pick this year. I am afraid it will be difficult to return to the third overall pick next year.”

“You must agree. This is my teacher Command.” Dean Ferdinan said calmly, but his tone was beyond doubt.

Without waiting for Takks to refute, Dean Ferdinan said again: “I’m actually very happy that you came up with this question this time. It’s easier to deal with this kind of trouble. Otherwise, next time, you Dean’s position can’t be kept.”

Takks was startled and wanted to say something, then realized something and didn’t speak.

“Did you also think of it? Smart student.”

On the other side of the communicator, Dean Ferdinan laughed, “Hammer of the Furnace Academy has developed so fast over the years , You are a newcomer in the Kingdom Mechanic circle, and you have long been jealous. There was a disturbance this time, and you just took the opportunity to show your weakness. It was nothing more than the Academy’s right to choose talents. It doesn’t hurt to throw this bargaining chip out. You understand?”

“Understood. All the teacher arrangements.” Takks replied in a muffled voice. He is also a decisive person. Knowing that the teacher is for oneself, he immediately agreed.

Slap…, the communication was hung up, Dean Takks was silent, for a long time, subconsciously stroked his beard, and found that the ropes to tie his beard were broken, he couldn’t help laughing at himself.

“Compared to the teacher, I am far behind the fight for high-level rights in the Kingdom…” Dean Takks sighed.

Take out the rope, tie the beard, and there is a knock on the door. White Wolfman invigilator Monty whispered: “Dean Takks, there has been an accident in three test areas. Would you like to come out and take a look.”

The office door opened, and Dean Takks came to the monitoring room, looked at the unexpected situation in the north-western test area, and asked if any candidates were injured.

“These candidates are emotionally stable and there is no problem.” Monty replied.

Dean Takks nodded, took a look at the White Wolfman invigilator, this young Mechanic ability is good, it is worth paying attention to.

At this moment–

On the side of Light Screen, Dean Takks saw another youngster, walked out from the gate of the base, and got into the same luxury car again, sprinting go with.

When the surrounding personnel saw this, they all made a squeak in their hearts. Secretly thought, why this youngster was again, was caught by Dean Takks for three consecutive days.

“Who is this examinee?!”

Takks’s anger that had just subsided in his chest was ignited all of a sudden, pointing to that side and sternly: “Take the examinee’s information Call it out for me. During the exam period, I have been out of the examination area for three consecutive days. Are there any candidates? There is almost no self-consciousness of the candidates.”


White Wolfman invigilated The officer had long been holding the Light Screen and searching for candidates’ information. After finding out the results, he couldn’t help being shocked, and his face was embarrassing.

“Dean Takks, this examinee…”

Monty has not finished speaking yet. Dean Takks has already taken the Light Screen in his hand. The latter glanced at the examinee’s information and became even more angry. .

“Are you a Grandmaster Tieyin student? So young, this is the first time to participate in the assessment this year, are you going to come for a cutscene?”

“hmph, even if it’s a cutscene, you can do this Are you lazy?!”

“As a student of Machinery Grandmaster, I should play a role model. Today, I will take care of Grandmaster Tieyin.”

Dean Takks forehead pulsed, and he roared: “Bring the test marker over and I will review the test paper personally to see what the examinee looks like. I’ll talk to Grandmaster Tieyin about this later.”

The person present was embarrassed, but he didn’t dare to disobey. Anyway, Dean Takks was instigated by the incident and Grandmaster Tieyin couldn’t find them.

For a moment, Monty and other five invigilators entered the Head Examiner office with a specially made Light Screen.

This specially-made Light Screen is a test question applicator. It requires five invigilators in the East, West, North, and South areas, as well as the invigilator area, plus the Head Examiner ID to open it.

Generally, if you want to turn on the test question marker, you need to report to the top.

However, Dean Takks has a special status and does not need to go through such a procedure.

di di di Didi…

The invigilator on the scene swiped down the certificates one after another, and handed the appraisal device to Dean Takks, who also picked up the certificates and swiped them.

The Light Screen lights up, and the test papers of the one by one test takers appear. Dean Takks searches for Lin Chuan’s test papers and enters the Head Examiner number to unlock the batch mode.

“I want to see what this kid did in the exam…”

Opening the first stage assessment paper, Dean Takks scanned it, holding the Light Screen with steep hands There was a tremor, and his face kept twitching, looking a little hideous.


Monty and other invigilators heart startled, this examinee seems to be in a mess, this time it can be troublesome.

If you do well in the exam, the matter of the candidate leaving the exam area is over. After all, people are not bad in the exams, so why can’t they go out and relax?

Now, the situation seems to be bad…

Then the five invigilators saw Dean Takks holding up the applicator and blocking his face, seeming to calm down. Their angry expressions made their hearts even more flustered, and it seemed that the examinee did not get a bad test. This incident was so embarrassing that it was the Cracked Scale Canyon examination area. This is troublesome.

For a long time——

Dean Takks turned off the special Light Screen, dropped it on the table casually, expressionless, coldly snorted and said: “You got something in the test, go out, this The applicator will stay with me first, and I will contact Grandmaster Tieyin later. This matter involves the students of Machinery Grandmaster, don’t spread it out, keep it secret. Do you know?”

hearing this, five Instead, the invigilator was relaxed. Dean Takks’s attitude seemed to take into account Grandmaster Tieyin’s face and didn’t want to make matters worse.

The invigilators saluted and turned to leave.


The office door was quietly closed, Dean Takks sat for a while, looked at the closed door, a little worried, stood up, locked the door firmly, walked back and took the special Light Screen Up.

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