443. Chapter 442 Refugees

Joseph was a native of Kaspermi Fort. He grew up here and grew up half a lifetime. He has not left the square of Kaspermi for a hundred miles.

Although he has never left here, Joseph is very satisfied with his life. He has a virtuous wife and a sensible son. The family cares about the farmland and the orchard, although it is very important for the lord. Tax, but good to eat every year.

But this year is different.

Since entering the month of sleep, the climate of Kaspermi Fort has been rushing all the way, every day is gloomy and terrible, and almost no sunshine has ever been seen.

Although it is normal to get cold after entering the winter, Joseph feels that something is not quite right.

The night of sleep in previous years may not be as cold as this year.

In my memory, my father once told him that the same month of a sleeping month is the same. As a result, the cold moon has lowered the blizzard. Even the houses are buried by heavy snow. People can’t even get out of the door. The cellar is frozen. Hundreds of people were frozen to the streets, the aristocrats gathered for the sale of food, causing civilians to be unable to buy food, and many people were starved to death at home.

“I am afraid that there will be a snowstorm next month.”

The worried Joseph said so to others, but no one believed his words.

Everyone laughed and he became a “master of the Master” (because a powerful magician can influence the weather).

Joseph was worried about this fact and began to secretly reserve food.

Then, the cold moon came, and the facts gave everyone a slap in the face.

Blizzard really came, and the whole week of heavy blizzard covered the entire land. The snow of one person blocked the door, people could not go out, and they could only rely on the food at home.

“This damn ghost weather! I have to find a way to get some food!”

Joseph looked at the snow that had not yet merged. The grain and dried meat stored in the barrels were about to be warned. Only the last four days of rations were left. If they didn’t want to do anything, their family would have to starve to death.

The tightly wrapped wife whispered: “Let’s borrow some food from Bob next door?”

“Impossible,” Joseph shook his head. “This kind of ghost weather, no one will be willing to lend food to other people… I am sure that the grain store in Kaspermi Fort must have been closed, and this snowstorm has occurred. They must reserve food – either raise the price and bite it.)

“The weather doesn’t know how long it will take…”

“It won’t be too long, Blizzard has stopped, but the snow will last for a long time.”

Joseph’s face was very ugly: “These snows are big problems, we don’t have firewood.”

Such a thick snow, Kaspermi Fort must have frozen a lot of tramps, the situation in these villages outside is not optimistic, can not leave home in a week, will not reserve so much firewood on weekdays, can burn in the home Things have burned out, and once there is no burning thing, the cold temperatures will quickly take their lives.

“Or will we take off the chair and burn it?”

“Firewood is just one of them. We don’t have food anymore. We must find a way to solve the problem of food.”

Joseph wrapped his clothes and knelt down: “I went to the city to see if I could buy some food, I would be able to smash it.”

Just as Joseph was going to forcibly go out, there was a sudden knock at the door.

The Joseph family suddenly became shocked. How thick is the snow outside? How can anyone?


“It’s Bob.”

Joseph hurriedly opened the door. Outside, Bob was buried in the snow, and the whole face was frozen.

“come on in!”

After Bob entered the door, he asked very simply: “How much food is there in your home?”

Joseph opened his mouth and said in disbelief: “There are two days of rations.”

“Two days?”

Bob frowned. After a while, he said, “Two days in two days! You can’t be a big deal for everyone, as long as you can get to your destination…pack up and get ready to go!”

“Pack up things? What do you mean?”

Joseph was shocked: “Where to go?”


Bob paused and lowered his voice and said, “You still don’t know? There is a big deal in Kaspermi Fort. Warcraft attacked the castle and killed a lot of people. Lord Lawrence decided to pay the soldiers’ pension. Temporary collection of a protection tax – if there is no money, you must take out the food to mortgage.”

“Protection tax!?”

Joseph suddenly raised his tone: “This ghost weather, our own food is gone, we have to pay taxes!? We have to starve to death without food!”

“So, we all discussed it and decided to leave here and go to Ellington.”

Bob said very calmly: “Owen, the owner of Potions House, is willing to lead us.”

“But so suddenly… the snow outside has not melted yet!”

“After hesitating, after the snow has cleared up, the tax official will go directly to the door.”

Bob said faintly: “Now there are 22 villages in the village, and you are worse.”

“Everyone agrees!?”


Bob said: “The people who listened to the Datang Chamber of Commerce before said that Ellington is different from before.”

“Ellington…but it’s a long way! The carriage has to run for six days!”

“We don’t have a carriage, but we have feet.”

Bob’s face is indifferent: “Don’t leave here, sooner or later, will be killed by Lord Lawrence, leaving here, there is still a chance.”

“Yes, but…”

Joseph, who has never left Kaspermi Fort, has an inexplicable fear of travel.

“Do you know that the merchants who came over from there before the winter were full of praise for Ellington, saying that it was a city of miracles that is changing with each passing day.”

Bob is very eager to say: “I heard that the roads there are all paved with a kind of black gold, no matter how windy or rainy, it is very flat and not muddy. I heard that the food there will be in one day. It is mature, even the poorest farmers are richer than the farmers in other places, where they can earn gold coins if they are willing to work, and they can eat delicious barbecue and bread every meal!”

Joseph, who had been able to dry his meat for a few days, swallowed his mouth: “But they certainly don’t welcome outsiders…”

“No, you are wrong. I heard that foreigners are very welcome to settle down.”

Bob said with great certainty: “They say that Ellington is different every day. The lords there need a lot of people to build the city. He will spend money to hire people to work for him instead of calling for free. It is said to be taken every day. To the reward of dozens of silver coins.”

“Dozens of silver coins a day!?”

Go to the fear of ****! Joseph’s psychological defense collapsed instantly: “When do you leave??”


Bob opened the door and went out without going back. He said that he had said it. If he would not go, he would look at himself.

“Dear? Are we really going to go? It’s so cold outside, son, he…”

Joseph looked at the frozen son, and said, “We must take risks, or we will die when we stay at home! Dear, pack things, bring food and clothes, and don’t want anything else.” !”

The two men were busy at the beginning, and Joseph ran to the bedroom, carefully plunging the coins he had accumulated for many years into his arms, a gold coin, 15 silver coins and 82 copper coins. This is all his savings.

The knock on the door soon sounded again. When Joseph opened the door, there was already a group of people ready to go.


Looking at the familiar faces filled with confusion and anticipation, Joseph took a breath and said, “Ready.”

In this way, the Joseph family joined the army of escape.

On the snow-covered land, they quietly left their homes for most of their lives and began a long journey to Ellington in the south.

Day after day, the team did not stop, they did not dare to stop – legally they belonged to the wealth of Lord Lawrence, the soldiers of the lord found that they fled from Kaspermi Fort, will be hanged!

The more southward, the less snow there is. The deep snow in the calves is very small compared to the beginning. They rely on each other, support each other, share food with each other, and persist in resisting the cold.

“Everyone is cheering, I am going to Ellington soon!”

Every time someone can’t keep going, the Bob and Owen who lead the team will describe the beauty of Ellington: “Everyone can eat and wear warm, everyone has the opportunity to make money, don’t worry. Being arbitrarily exploited by the guards, don’t worry about being hired by the tax official…”

In the world of these farmers, they have never heard of it, and they have never seen such a beautiful city. When they came here, they were almost supported by a single breath.

“Dad… Dad…”

Joseph’s son whispered unconsciously, his body hot, and he had a fever because of the cold.

“How long is it!”

Joseph’s spirit was also very bad. Along the way, their troops also imported refugees from many other villages. These people also consumed a lot of rations. In fact, they had already finished the last food yesterday.

The hungry escape team is on the verge of collapse.

“It’s here soon!”

“You always say right away! My son is almost dead!”

Joseph red eyes, rushed to want to beat this guy severely meal.

“Retain your strength! My friend! I won’t lie to you!”

“But this is a lie! What is better than the Kingdom of God! Why haven’t we seen it yet!”

“One two one! One two one ha…”

There is a very rough voice in the distance that is approaching here.

“Not good! It is a thief!”

Joseph’s face changed dramatically, and the thief near the Latiya hills was notoriously much.

His words made the people in the team rush, and the woman and the child cried in a low voice.

Bob shouted: “Concentrate the formation! Men are standing out! It’s time to protect your family!”

Owen, who fled, bitterly looked at it and thought about it, quietly smashing an alchemy potion in his hand.

Soon those people appeared in front of everyone, a group of warriors who were half-naked, armed with weapons and looked very fierce.

“The thief! Let’s die!”

Owen screamed with his eyes closed and directly smashed the alchemy in his hand!

“Shan the thief?”

The face of the strong man was blocked in the back of Elsa’s face.

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