326. 326 chapter Tina’s growth

In the next few days, Ellington started a hot and busy campaign of “Civilization, New Wind, and Three Views”.

All people are being given a simple conversational education to tell them how important this month is for Ellington, how the performance of the residents will affect future development, and their personal performance will be How important it is…

The result of the conversation was that every resident of Ellington was flattered—it really produced the feeling that he was the owner of Ellington. Once he did not perform well, he not only lost Ellington but also lost himself. People.

All the people seem to be touched by this common sense of honor. The heavy responsibility falls behind the shoulders. They all understand the truth: the honor of the territory is not only for the lord, but for everyone. Need everyone to maintain together.

Then, an extremely intense storm of civilization swept through the whole of Ellington.

No one spits on the street anymore. Everyone consciously throws the rubbish into the trash can. The adults also educate the children not to urinate anywhere. The street is neatly decorated with elf-style greening measures to make the whole Wellington has been renewed and has become like a green dream city.

Of course, more importantly, a large number of residents struggle to change themselves and create a very good atmosphere. After outsiders enter this atmosphere, they will be warned and accused of making uncivilized behaviors, and then they will be unconsciously The effect has become a civilized person over time.

This is a good habit that can be transmitted.

Dunn is happy to see this situation. It is very difficult to develop a good atmosphere. Not only must everyone participate, but also long-term and unremitting efforts.

Therefore, when things start to act when the population base is smaller, the effect becomes more obvious, and the easier it is to do, and once the population base becomes larger, the relationship between people becomes complicated. It is very difficult to change the overall atmosphere.

Now Dunn is equal to using his experience and lessons on earth to forcibly shape an ideal civilized country. Everything moves forward in accordance with the perfect trajectory expected, and reasonably avoids problems that may arise in development. Next, the development of the territory will be extremely smooth.

The construction of the apartment block is also very close to the end, as long as the trainees arrive, they can arrange to check in – of course, the fee is charged.

As a deputy of Fiona, Tina followed the construction process of the apartment area. The young girl got a lot of experience in this process and learned a lot of things. She knew that she had no power. Dunn’s reason for her promotion might be just I hope to find someone to share the pressure on Fiona, but for Tina, this is enough. This is an opportunity that many people can’t encounter in their lifetime. She cherishes it.

But as one great man said, the more you know, the more you discover your ignorance. The girl who has now won a rare opportunity is like a sponge, eagerly absorbing all knowledge.

Her enthusiasm has even been touched by Fiona, and she is increasingly valued by this little sister, and she is increasingly being used as a real deputy to cultivate. Recently, her task of giving to Tina has gradually increased. The importance has also slowly increased.

Tina did not let her down.

“Tina has performed very well recently and I think she has really become my adjutant.”

After Patina went to the Haier Zum mine to check the accounts, Dunn and Fiona sat in the study room and sipped hot tea, watching Nora squatting on the table against the tea, and leisurely time let her The wings are fully relaxed and pulled.

“Are you sure? Will it be a little too urgent?”

Dunn is a bit strange, how long has it been? On the earth company, Tina is afraid that even the internship period has not yet passed, can this be taken office?

“No, I have to admit that you found a good seed this time. Although there is still some basic knowledge that is not mastered, she does not think she is so clumsy on the surface, she is a very smart girl.”

Fiona put down the teacup and gently poked Nora’s cheek. She said with a smile: “She is very active in learning. I think that after her enthusiasm, put her in the real position, she is You should learn faster under pressure.”

Dunn also reached out to poke Nora’s cheek, then turned Nora on the table, ignoring her struggles, her fingers pressed on her stomach, and then he said, “I will train a talent, you Don’t crush her, she is not like you, your foundation is good, and now you are awakened with talent, she is just an ordinary person.”

Fiona rolled her eyes: “Since you know, why don’t you help her awaken talent?”

Dunn smiled, and suddenly he pulled his mouth and subconsciously retracted his hand. Nola took a sip of his finger and Dunn raised his eyebrows and slammed Norah’s head. He said casually: “Fiona I am afraid you have to understand one thing. Sometimes, giving too much benefit and attention is not necessarily a good thing for others.”

Fiona just picked up the cup, slammed it, put down the cup again, and thoughtfully said, “What do you mean… friend’s alienation?”

“It’s not Fiona, it’s so smart.”

Dunn praised her and said that while playing with Nola, she explained: “Maybe you didn’t notice, because our promotion and training of Tina has made her and her friends have a gap.”

“For the first time, I promoted her as a maid supervisor. Her friends would only envy and even send a good blessing because everyone was equal before and they still kept pure kindness.”

“Then I asked her to take care of my living room. Her friends are still envious, but there is no blessing.” After a pause, Dunn whispered subconsciously. “And then, I casually said that she would become you.” The adjutant, Marlene took over her maid’s supervisor position, but this time, even the envy is gone, and her friends have begun to feel embarrassed.”

Fiona interjected: “It was all the same maid before. Why can she become an adjutant, and I can only wash clothes in the backyard? It must be that she climbed the bed of the Lord’s adult – similar to this unbalanced mentality. ?”


Dunn shook his head: “But you can’t blame them. People have this kind of mentality. The difference is that some people can control it, some people can’t control it. The most important thing is that if you continue to give her preferential treatment, it will further enlarge. The gap between her and her friends, although her friends already feel that she is not a person in the circle, but for Tina, she still values ​​those friends.”

“After all, it is a very kind child…”

“Can you say that she is not kind?”

Dunn asked, Fiona was speechless.

“I can only say that Tina is lucky. She insisted on being seen by me and touched me, so I gave her a hope, but who can say that her maids are not enough to insist on not working hard enough?”

Dunn spread his hand and said very innocently: “No one, so we can’t evaluate them before we know a person thoroughly.”

“Well, what do you want to say?”

“Help Tina awaken talent.”

Dunn said: “This kind of thing is not difficult for me, of course, but the problem is that here, continue to give Tina special treatment, will widen the distance between her and her friends, wait for her day to rest, want to find When friends chat and play, they find that they have been abandoned by their friends. What is the mood?”

Fiona imagined that she was Tina, and then was ridiculed by her former friends, completely alienated, and then she nodded silently.

“So, why not help her and her friends all awaken talent at the same time?”

“Fiona, do you think it is important for the servant’s maid to be a territory, or the soldiers who might risk their lives to defend their homeland?”


If there is someone else, Fiona will hesitate, but in Dunn’s words, there is no need to hesitate to answer: “Of course the soldiers.”


Dunn nodded. “So, do you think it would be appropriate to give the warriors the treatment that they can get through the hardships and sweats so easily?”

Fiona was silent again and shook her head.

She also knows that it is not appropriate.

This is not a difficult problem, but a complex human heart issue.

“That’s a good way to please the maids, but it will make those soldiers cold-hearted–the rewards that they can get through their bloody sweat training. Some maids can be sold and sold. Who will balance? This imbalance There will be no problems in the short term, but it will take a long time, but it will become a hidden danger.”

Dunn poked Nora and shook his head and said: “Maybe I will be overthrown by the ruthless lord.”

Fiona is silent, this possibility is not without.

Nora was a little angry when she was poked by Dunn. She couldn’t help but yell: “You are a big pervert of lasciviousness! What are you arguing! Stop!”

“Hey? I see you coming and going, I thought you were very happy.”

“Damn Dunn! You wait! I must want you to look good!”

Nora was furious and decided to stuff a few terrible bugs into his mouth while Dunn was sleeping at night, and give a good lesson to this stinky guy!

At this time, a pale face Elsa rushed into the study, panicked and shouted: “Lord Lord! Big things!”

Seeing Elsa actually panicked like this, Dunn and Fiona got up: “What? The guards trained an accident? Or your parents? – Is it Eliya?”

Elsa shook her head again and again. After Dunn was slammed by Fiona, she said hard: “There were just a few miners who appeared in the transmission array. The news came from them… The Haierzum mine suddenly collapsed! ”

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