1034. The power of the 1032 rule

Shrine City.

The battle between Klein and Gunther has already entered a fever. After Rams was killed by Relags, Gunther wanted to escape, but at this moment, Relags has been staring at him. Blocked all his escape routes, and Gunther did not learn to transmit – and even if he would transfer, Klein would not give him a chance to transmit.

Klein, who is pressing step by step, has already forced Gunther into a desperate situation. Now Gunther has even used the stunts at the bottom of the box, that is the power of the law.

The sword he used at the moment has attached to the law he touched – “cold.”

The supernatural level of the apocalypse can be promoted to the honor level after various means of touching the law through various means. The “cold” rule is touched by Gunther when he honed himself on the frozen ice sheet, just because he touched this law. He can only be promoted from the extraordinary level to the honor level.

The Supreme level is just a touch of the law. It can barely use the power of the law to strengthen their attacks, but it is completely impossible to talk about the rules of freedom.

Moreover, with the strength of the supreme level, the force of the law that has just been touched is forcibly used. Although the power is very strong, the consumption is also huge. If the supreme power is forced to be helpless, the force of usage is rarely strong.

But now, Gunther has no other way.

Gunther’s law and his legendary sword “Frost Heart” have complementary effects. Now every attack of “Frost Heart” comes with a more terrible cold effect than before. This bitter cold can be significantly slowed down. The speed of the enemy greatly weakens his defense, and even the resistance provided by the ice armor has no effect.

It stands to reason that in this case, Klein should be greatly affected, but unfortunately, Klein touched the law more strongly than Gunther.

His rule is “destruction.”

Yes, there are only one rule that members of the Solant family can touch, that is, “destruction.”

It is not that they have only this kind of talent in their blood, but because of the heirloom of the Solant family, the thorn of the Destroyer.

The thorns of the Destroyer bear the will of the ancestors of the Solant family. They have condensed their experience and experience in this sword, making it easy for future generations to touch the law easily through this sword. Achieving superclass to supreme promotion is the most important reason why Klein will be promoted to the highest level so quickly.

Of course, convenience is convenient. The disadvantage is that if the descendants of the Solant family want to be promoted to the highest level through this channel, the only rules that can be learned are “destruction”.

However, Klein does not care about these, what is not important, the important thing is that he can be promoted to the highest level, not to mention, the “destruction” law contains the meaning of destroying everything, is a very powerful law, how is he? Will you dislike it?

The icy swordsmanship and the smashing swords of the two are constantly stirring in the space. Any force leaking out can easily kill the gold-level apocalypse. At this moment, the battle between them is no longer Others can intervene.

Damn it! He is too strong!

In the heart of Gunther, he was miserable, and he retreated. He gradually closed the offensive and turned to defense. This allowed him to stay longer, so he could find a route to escape.

However, he underestimated the strength of Klein and provoked the power of the law. After Klein’s attack can ignore all defenses, Gunther’s turn to attack will only make himself more passive.

“–go to hell!”

The savage thorn once again gave a strange light, and Klein smirked and slammed into the head!

Gunther saw a flash of cold, and his hair was erected. He carried the blood of his body and poured it into the heart of the frost, blocking the sword across it.

The two swords touched each other, only listening to the “squeaky” sound, the legendary sword long frost heart was actually broken by the same legendary destroyer!

“Frost Heart!!!”

Gunther screamed, and after being cut off, the accumulated power in the frost heart exploded in a moment, and the debris wrapped in the cold air shot in all directions. Klein, who was close at hand, was the first to bear the brunt, and was suddenly swallowed up by the terrible cold!

However, Gunther was not affected by the “cold” rule. The sword fragments were also blocked by the shield activated by “The Heart of Uldulas.” He couldn’t care for his own love sword at this time. I seized the only chance, and quickly pulled back, a flashing technique appeared 100 meters away, and then continued to escape!

“Where to escape!”

Seeing that Gunther had no weapons in his hands, Ray Lagos rushed up to stop him.

“The traitor! Give me death!”

In the eyes of Gunther, the fierce light flashed, and he pointed to the sword, and stabbed the past!

Lei Lagos saw the cold light flashing away, and the smile on his face did not even disappear. He was pierced by Gunther’s sword, and the whole person was frozen.

Supreme level… can it be so strong?

This is the last thought before Ray Lagos lost consciousness.

Lei Lagos is too small to be the power of the supreme power. Perhaps the difference between the power they show and the peak of the extraordinary level is not a difference, but once the force of the law is used, it is the difference of the rolling type. .

And with confidence, he didn’t even open the field in the first place. It would not be an accident to be killed by Gunther.

Gunther ignored the angry Relags and continued to flash out to the city of hymns!

In the front of the palace, a sudden burst of “bang”, Klein broke free from the ice, captured the position of Gunther in the first time, sneered, and held the thorn of the destroyer, locked Gunther’s back, and then – Throw a long sword!

“go to hell!”

The savage screams and flies out, absorbing the legendary sword of Klein’s full force and even tearing the space in a short time, appearing directly behind Gunther!

When Klein locked the air machine, Gunther felt a feeling of extreme crisis in his heart. He didn’t even have to look back, he could feel the rapid approaching murder!

He desperately applied the flashing technique, hoping to get rid of the lock, but the killer was biting him!

Sword gas has even penetrated into his skin and flesh!

I am resting!

Gunther was completely desperate.


At this moment, Gunther suddenly heard a snoring sound, and the murderousness behind him disappeared.

Gunther took a look back at the pain and suddenly he was shocked.

It was a young man who was flying in the air. At this moment, he even grabbed the thorn of the Destroyer and completely ignored the struggle of the thorns of the Destroyer!

Who is he! ?

What happened was Dunn.

When he just arrived here, he found that Klein was chasing Gunther. Because the enemy of the enemy was a friend, he subconsciously saved Gunther.

But when he took the thorn of the Destroyer, he discovered the anomaly.

This sword is attached to an unusual force.

Dunn was able to clearly perceive that the power of the sword overflowing is constantly destroying the protective spells on his body, and the hand holding the sword can even feel the tingling sensation.

Even the sword was faintly faint, and it seemed to be fatal to him.

This made Dunn very surprised, and this is the first time in two years that he has come to Plandal for a clear sense of crisis.

Dunn thought for a moment and suddenly woke up.

“Is this the power of the law?”

In order to prevent him from doing too much fire and worrying about destroying the world, the gods did not give him the power to standardize the fields and laws, so Dunn was very strange to the power of the law, although Angus, Jean and Egwin also mastered it. The power of the law, but they can’t just use the power of the rule when they are fine. In strict terms, Dunn is the first force to touch the law (the power of the world will be a higher level).

“Dunn !!!!”

There was a roar in the distance, followed by Klein’s fist in front of Dunn!

Dunn once again had a faint sense of crisis.

The golden gloves are faintly red, and the law of destruction is attached.

Dunn pulled his hand and retweeted, and instantly opened ten different types of shield-like spells in front of him, but the ten-layered spell shield was crushed by Klein’s fist in the blink of an eye.


It is a very destructive rule of law, and can even ignore various protective spells.

“Ha ha ha ha – even if you are strong and how! Today is your death!”

Klein ignored Gunther not far away, and only Dunn was present in a pair of murderous eyes.

“come back!”

Klein slammed and the thorns of the Destroyer in Dunn suddenly struck and tried to return to Klein.

Dunn raised his eyebrows and simply put the sword into the portable space. The power on the sword was dangerous and might even hurt him. To be safe, it was better to collect it.

He clap his hands and look at the dumbfounded Klein, pouting: “When you throw a weapon, you have to be prepared to throw things away. Isn’t it common sense?”


Gunther stayed there.

He even took the sword away! ?

What a joke! ?

The thorns of the Destroyer have the will left by the ancestors of the Solant family, how could they be equipped with other people’s income space! ?

But things that shouldn’t happen at all are now in front of him!

Dunn, in front of him, took the family of the Solant family!

Klein licked his lips, and his emotions were even worse than knowing that the city of Lor’marmar was destroyed. The news leaked even worse: “You, you, you, this, this damn-“

“It looks like it’s very lively.”

Dunn glanced at the infamous Palace Square and then glanced at Gunther: “You have a hatred with him?”

Gunther stayed, shook his head and nodded.

“Is it still or not?”

Gunther had to say: “There is no, now there is.”


Dunn pulled out the blood of a goddess and threw it to him: “Drink, then, wait for me.”

Gunther took the blood of the goddess in a dumb, completely unaware of what to say.

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