There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 954: God opened his eyes and made me alive again!

Chapter 954 God opened his eyes and made me alive again!

Gao Guilan was already angry that her mother would be so impatient to go back and settle the accounts with her two sisters-in-law. It showed how much they had done when the old lady was ill in the past few days, so when she heard the knock on the door, she yelled out the window angrily. Voice.

The third child, Zheng Chengbao, was sleeping in the eldest brother's room. He slept too late last night and the rooster didn't wake him up in the morning. The eldest brother pushed him twice so that he could turn over and continue sleeping.

But as soon as I yelled, Zheng Laosan got up and rolled down the kang with a confused look on his face, almost falling headfirst off the kang.

"Slow down!" Zheng Chenglong frowned and pulled his brother, but his mother was still domineering and strong. He called him a brat twice but he didn't move. He rolled up with just one shout from his mother.

Zheng Chenghu was washing his face and hair in the yard. When he heard a knock on the door, he hurried over to open the door. When he saw his uncle standing outside the door with sweat on his face, he unexpectedly shouted: "Uncle?"

 “I’m here to deliver something to your grandma.”

Gao Yunshan looked ashamed, but his mother had to rely on her sister and brother-in-law to support her in old age. He went home last night and saw the empty east room without sleeping all night, so he sat in his old mother's room and felt extremely uncomfortable. He got up early and drove Qin Shuxia back. My mother's family packed up my mother's good things and took them to my sister's house by bike.

 “Come into the house quickly!”

Zheng Chenghu died in his sleep. He didn’t know about his grandma being picked up! I thought my uncle was asking him to be taken to the hospital, so I invited him into the house.

Zheng Chengbao and Zheng Chenglong came out of the west wing and respectfully called uncle. My mother-in-law is uncle, and the status of uncle in the countryside is still very high.

Gao Yunshan promised, but his speed did not slow down, and he was anxious to see his old mother.

I haven’t been separated from her since I was a kid! Even during the days when my mother was hospitalized, he would go to work during the day and go to the hospital to take care of her at night.


Zheng Xinyue heard her uncle's voice and hurriedly came out to greet him and shouted respectfully.

 “Well, how was your grandma last night?”

Gao Yunshan saw Zheng Xinyue and hurriedly asked about my mother's condition.

 “I can’t die! I’ve let your wife and second daughter-in-law down!”

Zheng Xinyue couldn't answer, so Mrs. Gao said something coldly in the room. Gao Yunshan's eyes widened when he heard his old mother's voice. He didn't care to talk to Zheng Xinyue and rushed into the room. He looked at the old lady sitting on the kang in surprise, with circles in his eyes. famous.

 “Mom, Mom, can you speak now?”

 “God opened his eyes and made me live again!”

Mrs. Gao was about to shed tears when she saw her son. The anger in her heart was a little less, and the chill in her voice was a little less. But thinking of her two daughters-in-law, her softened heart hardened again and turned white. The son said with the same hatred.

"What are you here for? Are you helping your wife to see if I am dead? I am useless and you despise me. Only my niece, uncle, grandson and granddaughter treat me as a human being."

“Brother, I’m not telling you, men have to stand up at home. Look at our mother who just got sick and my sister-in-law is so angry with her. Why do you keep such a woman?”

Gao Guilan's words were like knives being thrown at her eldest brother. In the past, her eldest sister-in-law did too much. She would still think about her nephews and nieces and didn't want her eldest brother to divorce, but now she didn't plan to care about others and directly put pressure on her eldest brother.

"I have already driven her back to her parents' home. Today I will go to the work unit to open a letter of introduction. Even if I am a bachelor, I cannot get a woman who treats me badly!"

The shame in Gao Yunshan's eyes became even stronger when he was told this. He raised his head and reassured his sister with a firm tone.

“Brother, you did the right thing, you can’t keep a woman like my sister-in-law!” Zheng Dakui, who had never participated in the affairs of his mother-in-law’s family, suddenly spoke up. This was something unprecedented, and everyone looked at him.

“Dakui, did you see something?”

In order to thank everyone for your support, Fei'er will update one more chapter today, and there will be more soon~



 (End of this chapter)

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