There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 924: I have never seen this dress before

 Chapter 924 I have never seen this kind of clothes before

   “I was just thinking about it when I had nothing to do.”

Zheng Xinyue blinked and nodded in agreement, feeling a little unsure. Mainly because Master Huang's expression was too serious, and she couldn't figure out what she meant. Could it be that he was trying to embarrass her for himself?

Qin Liang's mother has been secretly sizing up Zheng Xinyue. She had heard her son say before that his factory director was not looking for a partner and would not ask anyone to introduce him. He was arrogant and had a cold personality.

But then she heard that she was looking for a partner, but she only found a divorced woman. She was surprised. He didn't want so many big girls, so why did he find a divorced woman?

 After seeing it today, she realized why Gu Changfeng didn't want the older girl to find this second-married woman. If she hadn't known about it in advance, no one would have thought that this girl was divorced.

She is as lithe as a fresh onion, and her eyebrows, eyes, and little red mouth, whether taken alone or combined together, she is a peerless beauty, so delicate that one can pity her, and her smile is contagious. It's pleasing to the eye when you look at it, and the talent and appearance match well with Gu Changfeng.

Hearing what Master Huang said, Qin Liang's mother turned her attention to the design drawing in Master Huang's hand. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she said excitedly to Gu Changfeng.

"Director Gu, you are quite capable, and you can also design! I have seen this style in Shanghai before. It was worn by a foreigner with yellow hair and a big nose. It is very classy and suitable for someone as tall as you. People wear."

Hearing Qin Liang's mother praising Xinyue, Gu Changfeng smiled and nodded, looking at Xinyue with pride in his eyes. Of course his daughter-in-law is amazing and always makes people shine.

 He liked the clothes she designed for him, and even looked forward to wearing them as soon as possible for the first time and being the first to show them to her.

 “I have never seen this dress before.”

Qin Liang's mother looked at another jacket again, confusion flashed in her eyes, but she obviously liked this jacket very much. She even thought about making one for her son and wearing it on a blind date to ensure that it was exactly the same.

 “You are very talented and I like your design.”

Master Huang looked at Zheng Xinyue with admiration in his eyes and praised her without hesitation.

You must know that although Master Huang looks gentle on the surface, he is actually very aloof. It is not easy for her to appreciate and praise him.

 “Thank you, can you make it?”

Zheng Xinyue said politely and looked at Master Huang nervously. She only said that she liked it but did not say whether she could make it.

“Yes, but it will take half a month. I can’t do it in a hurry.”

Master Huang nodded firmly. She liked these two clothes and was willing to try them, but she was afraid of losing her craftsmanship, so she took a longer time. Slow work brings out fine work, and she wanted to make it carefully.


Zheng Xinyue readily agreed. It was half a month before her third brother got married, and it happened to be cold, so she put on woolen clothes to resist the wind.

Zheng Xinyue asked her second sister-in-law to help her measure the third brother's size in the morning. Master Huang only had to measure it for Gu Changfeng.

Zheng Xinyue took the opportunity to look around and look at the quilt factory at this time. There were no electric sewing machines at this time, they were all foot-operated sewing machines. A large case was used for ironing. Cloth ends were littered on the ground. Zheng Xinyue looked at the cloth ends with regret.

The waste in the factory is too serious, and all the large pieces of cloth are thrown away. How great would it be if we took them back and spliced ​​them into the linings of cotton-padded jackets and trousers for children?

Gu Changfeng glanced sideways and saw Zheng Xinyue's look of regret. He followed her gaze to see the cloth on the ground. A smile flashed in his cold eyes. His little wife was quite good at living.

After taking the measurements, Zheng Xinyue and Gu Changfeng said goodbye to Qin Liang's mother and Master Huang. After leaving the quilt factory, Zheng Xinyue proposed to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to see her uncle. Fortunately, she went, otherwise she would regret it for the rest of her life.

 (End of this chapter)

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