There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 887: Looking at this formation is a bit scary

Chapter 887 Looking at this formation is a bit scary

Behind Secretary Du stood the captains of various brigade and commune staff. A large group of people had straight faces, looking at this formation was a bit scary.

Everyone in the village was in danger. There was no sound at all from the Nuo Da threshing floor. They all looked at Secretary Du nervously.

Zheng Dakui and Gao Guilan came and stood behind the crowd. He frowned and looked at Zheng Dashan with his hands behind his back.

He was standing next to Secretary Du, looking anxious, raising his hands to wipe sweat from time to time.

 “What is this for?”

Gao Guilan stood on tiptoes and looked forward, muttering softly.


Secretary Du suddenly spoke, Zheng Dashan was startled and almost threw away the roll call book in his hand.

Secretary Du gave him a cold look, and Zheng Dashan swallowed his saliva and started to name people.

Gao Guilan found that there were a few people behind her. The originally dark place suddenly lit a torch. She looked back and saw that the people standing behind were all commune officials, all looking at everyone eagerly.

Is this cutting off the way back?

Gao Guilan curled her lips. Fortunately, she didn't steal much in the past two days, but she was still a little panicked because although she didn't steal much, she didn't hide it. She just kept it in the warehouse!

Just search and you will find the right one.

“You take people and search every house starting from the first one, Zheng Dashan, you follow.”

Secretary Du first gave an order to his deputy, and then ordered Zheng Dashan with a calm face.

 I am really disappointed with him. Look at when Zheng Dakui was here, he could at least guarantee to pay public food, and even a little more.

He is so good, he can't even deliver the original amount. His ability is not even inferior to Zheng Dakui's.

  The people in the village were frightened. The stolen grain was hidden, but there was no guarantee that it would not be discovered.

It is a trivial matter to be criticized if you are caught, but all the food you worked so hard to steal will be turned over to the public.

Zheng Dakui frowned and looked at Zheng Dashan. He had long expected this day, and he should not have taken on this captain in the first place.

 The secretary ordered him to take the lead in the search. If he was found, he would get no credit and would be criticized for not doing his usual job well.

 If he can't find it, it means he got a bargain, but this possibility is almost impossible.

People in the village have been stealing so much recently, where can they hide so much food? Can you live without it at home? As long as one family is found, Zheng Dashan will offend the family.

 This is a job that is not human inside and out.

After the Zheng family finished eating, Li Xiuli rushed to clear away the dishes. Zheng Xinyue did not fight with her, but asked the eldest and second niu to go over and help!

“Changfeng, you sit down while I dig the foundation.”

Zheng Chenghu couldn't sit still after eating. He had basically finished the work in the past few days. The sooner he digs the foundation, the sooner he can build the house, so that his brother can get a wife.

 “Dig the foundation? Isn’t it about removing the foundation?”

Zheng Chengbao still doesn’t know the surprise his family has given him! I also plan to take off the wood and go to the mountains to cut wood for purlins on Sunday.

“You are in the hospital these days, and Changfeng’s grandfather comes every day to help with the removal. It’s enough already. Half of the foundation has been dug. When the digging is completed, we will start building the house.”

Zheng Chenghu put on his shoes and patted his younger brother on the shoulder with a smile. Foolish people are lucky. His younger brother was not at home, and the house was almost empty.

"I am coming too."

Zheng Chengbao put on his shoes excitedly. This was his home. How could he be left behind while working?

Gu Changfeng hesitated for a moment. He usually went to help, but today he felt that he should stay at home.

After Zheng Chenghu and Zheng Laosan left, Li Xiuli took the child back to her house sensibly.

 Zheng Xinyue, Gu Changfeng and their eldest brother's three children are the only ones left at home.

 “Go and do your homework.”

Zheng Xinyue arranged homework for the children. She took a sweater and sat next to Gu Changfeng to knit a sweater. From time to time, she pricked her ears to listen to the sounds outside, waiting for her parents to come back.

 (End of this chapter)

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