There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 838: Don't let yourself catch your sore feet

Chapter 838: Don’t let yourself get hurt

 How could Section Chief Zhou dare to ask Zheng Chengbao to file a complaint? Last time, Director Gu took care of himself because he was not in the hospital to take care of him. If he knew that Lao Han was injured because he sneaked home to drink, this security section chief would be in trouble.

“Xiao Zheng, look, I didn’t say anything! Look at you, can we still talk to each other in the future?”

Section Chief Zhou was able to bend and stretch, so he took out his cigarette and coaxed Zhen Chengbao with a smile, one mouthful was like a younger brother, another breath was like an older brother, as if the two had been good friends for many years.

“Old Han, you want one too. You can’t smoke the chief’s cigarettes.”

Zheng Chengbao is also bad, and I want to send him away with just one cigarette. What did Lao Zhou think?

 He grabbed the cigarette box directly from Zhou Jianshe's hand, took out one and handed it to Lao Han, and put the rest in his pocket.

Zhou Jianshe almost squirted blood after a mouthful of blood. His wife controlled him and bought ten packs of cigarettes a month. After opening this pack, he didn't even smoke a single one! It was confiscated by Zheng Laosan. Is there any justice?

He was unwilling to give in. He extended his hand to Zheng Laosan three times in a row, but he turned a blind eye. He was also sprayed with a puff of cigarette smoke, which made him cry. He was wiping his tears! Zheng Chengbao's lazy voice was heard over there:

“Section Chief, look at your poor health, your old age, and your usefulness. Please smoke less in the future.”

Zhou Jianshe glared at Zheng Chengbao. This kid had the ability to make people angry to death.

Don't let yourself catch the sore leg, otherwise you won't be able to kill him.

Zheng Chengbao looked at the frustrated Zhou Jianshe with a smile. He could bite himself if he could, but he could suffer if he couldn't.

Who asked him to be lazy and slippery and come here to show off?

Zheng Chengbao was replaced by an old worker from the grain depot. Now Lao Han can basically take care of himself and does not need to be served by young and strong people.

Zhou Jianshe smelled the smell of cigarettes and became addicted to cigarettes. He thought that even one cigarette would be fine if he brought back a pack of cigarettes! Licking his face, he reached out to Zheng Chengbao for a cigarette.

 “Xiao Zheng, give me one to cheer me up.”

Zhou Jianshe was aggrieved. The cigarettes he bought were confiscated by Zheng Chengbao? If you want to smoke a cigarette, you have to ask him for it as if you were begging for food!

"Section Chief, I'm doing this for your own good. It's the grain harvesting season in our grain depot. Do you understand fire prevention and theft prevention? What should you do if you cause a fire by smoking? At a small scale, you are harming public interests, but at a big scale, you are destroying the country's grain collection. Plan, this is a crime, I am saving you, don’t think I want to covet your cigarettes!”

Zheng Chengbao smiled like a bad guy, and he took a big puff of cigarette and blew all the cigarettes into poor Zhou Jianshe's face.

Zhou Jianshe was unprepared and inhaled a puff of cigarette, which made him cough violently, but he couldn't wait to say to Zheng Chengbao:

“Then if you smoke, aren’t you also sabotaging the national grain collection plan?”

“I’m not going to take it to work! Look at the sky outside, it’s dark. I’ve been in the hospital for eight days. I have to go home and change clothes tonight, so! This cigarette will definitely not be brought to work!”

Zheng Chengbao threw the finished cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his toes. He smiled and looked at Zhou Jianshe, who looked annoyed and distressed.

 “What? You’re not going back to work in the grain depot?”

Zhou Jianshe no longer cared about the pack of cigarettes when he heard this. He stared at Zheng Chengbao with wide eyes.

 I was thinking of exchanging him back to the grain depot so that I could go home and have a good sleep tonight.

From the time Lao Han's accident happened to now, he was locked up in the grain depot by his director, but he never had a good night's sleep.

Furthermore, after Lao Han's accident, he became frightened when he went to patrol the grain store. A black shadow could scare him half to death.

Even a thief as fierce as Zheng Chengbao can't catch him. How can I dare to provoke a thief with my body?

Especially tonight, he was always feeling anxious and uneasy, as if something was going to happen! What a fright!

 (End of this chapter)

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