Chapter 1030 A hostile look

Zheng Xinyue stopped and looked across the street in confusion. She clearly felt a hostile gaze.

During work and school hours, people and bicycles were passing by on the street. Many people looked at her and Gu Changfeng, but it was just a quick glance, either with envy, jealousy, or pure admiration. No one was noticed. Suspicious, doubts flashed in Zheng Xinyue's eyes, has she been too suspicious recently? Why do she always feel like she is being watched?

 “What are you looking at?”

Gu Changfeng noticed something strange about Zheng Xinyue, stopped with her, and followed her gaze to look across the street.


Zheng Xinyue didn't want Gu Changfeng to think that she was nervous, so she looked away and smiled at him and shook her head.

 “Let’s go!”

Gu Changfeng's left eyebrow raised. He had just seen a flash of uneasiness in Zheng Xinyue's eyes. His big hands naturally wrapped around her slender waist, and his deep voice had the power to reassure her.

Before leaving, Gu Changfeng's sharp eyes fell on the thick weeping willow opposite. The leafless willow tree only had dead branches, swaying in the wind. Without the vitality of spring and summer, it naturally could not block the back of the tree. The person standing was a red figure.

 Gu Changfeng's ice-like eyes flashed with disgust. Although he had long been accustomed to this kind of woman spying on him secretly, he still felt disgusted in his heart.

From that day on, Gu Changfeng went to work during the day and at night to build a wardrobe for Zheng Chengbao for several days. Originally, Zheng Chenghu wanted to build a double-door wardrobe for his younger brother. He only knew this old style and could only hold more things. Aesthetics.

Seeing the three-door wardrobe that Gu Changfeng had built for Cheng Bao, he moved around the front and back to help Gu Changfeng.

Zheng Chenglong was not idle this Sunday. After the house was built, it was time to paint the walls. While taking advantage of the break, he planned to finish the work first, then ram the floor, and finally build the pot table and earthen kang. The work in the house was basically Once the big things are done and the furniture is put in, you can get married.

At this time, lime was used to paint the house. The lime was thrown into a basin, poured with water and left to suffocate. There would be splashes visible to the naked eye.

Zheng Xinyue wore a hat folded with newspapers and insisted on following her to paint the wall. She looked curiously at the splashing water in the cauldron. She got naughty and stirred it up with a brush. Zheng Chenglong looked at her sister from the side and did not stop her. He just let her Play like a child.

Several children were running back and forth, chirping and laughing happily, but Gao Guilan screamed and ran home in fright.

“Xinyue, let them do it, don’t get yourself all over it.”

Gao Guilan held her daughter back from painting the walls, a job that was all done by men.

 “Mom, I want to brush, it’s fun.”

Zheng Xinyue couldn't bear to do such a fun thing. She refused to leave. Gu Changfeng was painting the wardrobe in the yard. Zheng Chenghu was good at carving. With his help, the wardrobe was more beautiful than imagined.

Gu Changfeng held maroon paint in his hand and couldn't help but frown. The color was too fresh. If it was too fresh, it would look rustic. It would ruin the skills of himself and his second brother. He was wondering whether to add a little rosewood color. , when he heard Zheng Xinyue's voice coming from the room, he couldn't help but raise his head and look into the room, a smile flashed in his deep eagle eyes.

Xinyue always shows childishness from time to time, as if her innocence has not been lost. Maybe these jobs that look dirty and tiring in their eyes are novel in her eyes.

There were many times when Gu Changfeng thought that Xinyue's original world was so advanced, so why was she so curious about so many things? Wasn't it true that her world wasn't there?

 “Changfeng, what’s wrong?”

 (End of this chapter)

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