There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1017: Reluctantly looking away

Chapter 1017 Reluctantly looking away

 “It’s really lively, more fun than the Chinese New Year.”

Gu Meijiao also covered her ears and said excitedly.

 “Say something auspicious quickly, and I’ll give candy to whoever speaks nicely!”

Gao Guilan held a handful of fruit candies in her hand and said seductively to the children that the best words of auspiciousness come from the mouths of children.

The colorful candy wrappers shone with colorful light in the sun. The children looked at the fruit candies in Gao Guilan's hand and couldn't stop drooling. Their mouths were so full that they seemed to be flying down three thousand feet.


 “The barn is full of grain.”


"happy New Year."

Fortunately, the adults at home had taught these children what to say before they came. Each one of them was eager to show off and rushed over to surround Gao Guilan. Childish voices came one after another. .


Gu Meijiao couldn't help but laugh, and Zheng Xinyue also found it funny. She looked at her mother with a pair of big bright eyes. She was usually so stingy, but today she was really generous. She could give her two pieces of candy as she wished. This was normal. It's simply impossible.

 “I’m going back to cooking.”

The most lively part has passed. Zheng Xinyue turned around and said to Gu Meijiao, who was still stretching her neck and looking excited.

"I am coming too."

 Gu Meijiao reluctantly looked away, mainly because there was nothing interesting to do next, which was to lift up the remaining beams and let the bricklayers build the house. She was not interested in these.

It would be better to learn how to cook from Sister Xinyue. Ever since I had Sister Xinyue, I have always been disliked by my mother.

She said that she couldn't even cook and would not be able to get married in the future. In order to marry herself off, Gu Meijiao decided to become Sister Xinyue's apprentice and learn cooking from her.

Of course, what she wanted to learn most was to bake rabbit. Just thinking of the fragrant smell made her mouth water.

Zheng Xinyue has no experience in cooking for so many people. Originally, she said that she would invite two tables, but it seems that the master and the village helpers may not be able to seat two tables.

Li Xiuli was not allowed to go to the fun because she was twin and had conflicting zodiac signs. She stayed at home to work.

 In order to entertain guests, you need a dining table. Zheng Maoshan's family has moved the dining table here a long time ago, not to mention Chen Sili's family. They are building a house for his daughter and uncle, so they also moved the dining table.

When Zheng Xinyue came home, she saw that her grandmother, her two aunts, and Chen Sili’s mother were all helping to cook!

 “Grandma, aunt.”

Zheng Xinyue greeted them one by one with a smile on her face. These mothers would not rush out.

“Xinyue, after your third brother’s house is built, it’s almost time to hold a happy event. You and Changfeng should hurry up too!”

Zheng Maoshan's daughter-in-law has always been very grateful to Zheng Dakui for helping his family, so she took the initiative to help. When Zheng Xinyue came back, she asked with a smile on her face.

Zheng Xinyue saw the kindness in her eyes, a shy red cloud appeared on her face, and replied with a smile, "It's coming soon, I'll wait until my third brother gets married."

 “Look how nice your in-laws are!”

Zheng Maoshan's wife's eyes were a little dim. If Cuixiang hadn't behaved like that, given her family's conditions, the in-laws she found wouldn't be so contemptuous.

ˆ “.”

Zheng Xinyue didn't want to answer her words, so she rolled up her sleeves and went into the house to look for Li Xiuli. When she entered the door, she saw her second sister-in-law washing cabbage and potatoes! The same big pot, this is an authentic big pot rice.

“Second sister-in-law, we have to prepare one more table.”

Zheng Xinyue took a look at the things that had been put away. There was only a large basin of corn noodles, which was obviously not enough. All the men working there could eat it.

 “Ah? Are there so many people?”

 (End of this chapter)

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