setting hole

Elina’s eyes turned round.

“The duke’s son…? Then you’re Gongja-nim?”

I nodded.


Elina had a moment of doubt.

“Why is His Highness Confucius out at night like this?”

No matter how naive a saintess may be, she must have felt a bit suspicious.

I sighed and held out my hand to Nias.

Nias looked at my outstretched hand and tilted her head,


He smiled and put his hand on top of mine like a puppy.

“Ehehe. tell me!”

And then he smiled brightly.

I looked at Nias sadly for a moment. poor.

And I was outraged.

“…what are you doing! Fool!”

“Why, why are you doing that?!”

Nias looked at me with sad eyes.

“Seal! Seal week! You left it! you idiot!”

“Ah yes!”

Nias hurriedly pulled out the seal and handed it to me, perhaps ashamed of the misunderstanding.

“I’m calming down.”

I tried to punch Nias in the forehead.

A bit weak as usual.

But then, Elina suddenly intervened and blocked my hand.

“Don’t talk so harshly. No matter how much he is a servant, he is a person!”


Elina looked at me with straight eyes and pushed me hard.

“Personality! Such words are an act of destroying one’s personality! In particular, I didn’t do anything particularly bad, but it’s violence!”

“That’s my servant, no matter what I do…”

I frowned and tried to refute Elina.

But before I could finish my words, Nias interrupted Elina.

“I-I’m fine. The young master is kind… and often helps me! It’s because I get really dazed a lot!”

Nias desperately tried to protect me.

Elina said with a kind smile to Nias, who was making an imaginary effort.

“it’s okay. I’ll protect you…”

“hey. Nias. stop now Did you say Elina? Never mind…”

It was when I started to get angry and tried to spit out a word.


[Satisfying Nias’ masochism. (229/10000)

Get 50 Plot Points!]


I was momentarily taken aback and stopped talking.

why does this rise?

This level of bullying had already been repeated quite a bit.

Nias’ masochistic tendencies could not be satisfied.

‘Wait, no way…’

I looked at Nias.

Nias had now awakened to a new pleasure.

A situation where someone protects you from being bullied. And in a situation where he defends his master who is tormenting him again.

“…it’s okay. The owner is really kind!”

Nias spoke in defense with a teary expression on her face.

This might be usable.

It was time to move what was bothering Nias to others.

My rumor… it’s getting worse… but it’s 10,000 times.

‘It’s not the time to hide the situation.’

To be honest, my heart hurts when I think of my reputation that will be eroded in the future.

But what can I do?

“It’s over. The family seal here.”

I held out my seal, resigning myself to hearing anything from now on.

Seeing the family seal with a soaring eagle on it, Elina looked at me in amazement.

Trust and distrust were competing with each other in the silver eyes.

“I can’t believe it…but I will.”

And fortunately, trust seemed to have won out.

“Thank you too.”

At my blunt tone, Elina slightly narrowed her brows.

“…You don’t speak like Confucius.”

I didn’t object, but turned my eyes to Elin.

“Hey Elin. I’d like to protect you in Neftam’s temple, but it’s dangerous right now. If you don’t mind, Elin-nim, why don’t you get help from our Confucius?”


Elin’s mouth twitched.

She seemed to want to say something, but eventually nodded.

And then, for some reason, he glared at me.

It must have been because of sabotaging the plan.

Apparently, it seems that the two saints of the good and evil gods have earned hatred at once.

“Then are you telling His Highness the Duke about this very thing now?”

I shook my head at Elina’s question.

“…No, don’t tell me. If I tell my father, he will mobilize an army. But they’re a secret organization.” “If a large organization like the military moves, they all know…then it’ll be rather hard to catch. Is that what you mean?”

“right. So I’m going to move personally. Did you see it before? My magic skills.”

He nodded to Elina, whose head was spinning in a clever way.

Of course, not for that reason, simply because all of this is a lie.

In fact, if there is such an organization, it would be quicker to tell my father and lead the army to solve it.

Who will personally move?

“You look amazing.”

“Thank you for noticing. Now then, let’s go to the castle.”

At my end, the girls started moving.

I raised my head and looked at the moon.

The moon was already obscured by clouds.

Apparently, today’s treasure search had to end here.




A dark alleyway without moonlight.

There was a man hiding in the shadows cast by the light and listening to the story.

The man was one of the men chasing Elin, who had run away.

It wasn’t originally meant to be like this.

Everything happened by coincidence.

While chasing Elin, the shoelace suddenly came undone, and it was the beginning that it was delayed arriving at the scene.

When the man arrived at the alleyway, his colleagues had already captured Elin.

The man was relieved to have safely caught the slave girl, and walked into the alleyway with a smile.


Good catch. I couldn’t say everything.

The next moment, the man looked away.

Another beautiful silver-haired girl who looked just like Elin was being held captive by her colleague, Galden.

‘Are those two little kids?’

It was a girl who looked exactly like the girl she had captured as a slave, as if facing a mirror image.

I was at a loss for words, puzzled for a moment by the sight that could hardly be called a coincidence.

The man was distracted by the girl and belatedly discovered that a boy had suddenly appeared between Galden and the girl.

It was a boy who looked about 10 years old. For some reason, his complexion was pale, and his health did not appear to be very good.


At the second sudden incident, the man stopped for a moment and watched the flow of events.

The boy’s hand touched Garden’s wrist.

Then, fearlessly, in a slightly bored voice, he spoke as if warning Galden.

“Let go of this hand.”

It is an organization with many strong people due to the nature of the work.

Galden was a guy who couldn’t lose to anyone, even among the members of the organization.

It was certain that such a sickly-looking boy would break like an apple with one of Galden’s fists.

“Who is this kid looking at and giving orders…”

Galden, who had a fiery personality, screamed.

The man hoped that the fearless boy’s last journey would not be so painful.

Galden’s fists will soon hit that boy like crazy.

But the next moment, he doubted his eyes.

Galden’s knuckles holding the girl who looked like Elin snapped back one by one with an unpleasant sound.


A high-pitched scream echoed through the alleyway, like a girl from Garden, never heard before.

The man who witnessed the scene froze on the spot with a chill.

‘It’s a wizard!’

Originally in the capital, the man who had served the wizards immediately recognized the boy’s level of magic even vaguely.

Most wizards only spoke grandly, but those who used powerful magic with practicality were rare.

However, that boy broke Galden’s hand right away without even chanting properly.

He looks like a 10-year-old, but he’s not the kind of wizard you see in town, lighting a candle from a distance.

He is a wizard who has risen to a considerable level that can only be seen in the royal castle!

And the man knew what such a wizard could do.

Other colleagues who were holding on to Elin ran towards the boy.

Colleagues who have been together for 3 years.

The man thought he had to stop it in order to save his comrades, but…

‘No, no, that’s not it. I can’t even throw away my life.’

Clearly betrayed.

And outside the alley, he lowered himself and hid.

Sure enough, with one swing of the boy’s hand, the limbs of the comrades who rushed to him broke.

As his comrades collapsed in tatters, the man applauded his late arrival.

‘I’ll run away after that boy is gone.’

The man thought so and hid himself.

A conversation between a boy and a girl was heard at first glance.

A girl named Elina seemed to be a candidate for the paladin of Neftam, and seemed to be thinking of taking Elin to the temple of Neftam.

‘Then it’ll get in trouble!’

The temple of Neftam is always guarded by armed paladins.

If Elin was protected in the temple of Neftam, it was clear that it would be quite difficult to recapture it.

This is not the time to hide.

I hurriedly told the captain what to do before the two girls reached Neftam’s temple.

It was the moment when the man half raised himself.

“…These guys double as a terrorist organization against religion. They hate religion regardless of whether it is a good god or a bad god.”

What do you mean by that?

“I heard that they infiltrated the Church of the Evil God Yuan. Thanks to that, the Yuan Church must have almost perished. I heard that you showed more than necessary cruelty in the process. Open arms and legs alive one by one…”

The boy was saying something on his own.

“But it’s okay if it’s me. come with me I will protect you guys.”


The voice of the girl, who couldn’t tell if it was Elina or Ellin, contained questions.

And finally, the man heard the identity of the boy.

“The duke’s son.”

And the four little kids, who were talking more about something, left the alley.

Leonhardt did not know.

When talking about the identity of the Red Serpent, Leonhard said so as not to contradict the development or setting of the novel.

His pride as a seoldeok could not tolerate the destruction of the setting.

In any work, there is always an empty space that the artist has not thought of.

And the words Leonhardt spat out fit exquisitely into the empty holes in the setting.

As if dead, the man who had been silent, gasped for breath and rose from his seat.

He felt something about him change, but he didn’t know what.

I only felt a slight discomfort.

the man ran

The place where the real dying man arrived was the hideout of an organization disguised as an ordinary commercial union.

Trembling, he entered a room in the deepest part of the hideout.

square. square.

Inside, the regular sound of cutting a palm-sized tree with a dagger echoed.

A man making a piece of wood was sitting on an antique chair decorated with fur.

Red hair stretched like a lion’s mane, ferocious red eyes like a beast. And, as if to represent his ferocious nature, he was a man with a large, muscular body.

He was examining the sculpture in the shape of a girl he had just made, then looked at the man who ran in, sweating profusely.


The man who ran in was frightened by the growling voice and bent over.

Aizek, the leader of the Red Serpent.

His roar was enough to stir fear deep in the heart as well as loyalty.

“…yes. Ha, but in that situation, I couldn’t help it.”

“Can not help it…”

The man put the wooden statue he was carving on the table.

The wooden statue was exceptionally similar to that silver-haired girl.

Isaac slowly stood up and picked up his longsword, which he had left on the side of the table.


Isaac, who pulled out his grisly blue sword, moved slowly, like a condemned prisoner on the verge of being executed.

The man stiffened at the cold intimidation.

Isaac stood right in front of the man and spoke in a low voice.

“Say it.”

Isaac’s words contained a warning.

If Isaac didn’t understand, that sword would cut his throat in one fell swoop.

“that is…”

The man explained eagerly.

Why he was late, the kid who looked like a wizard, what happened in the alleyway, the girl who looked like a paladin candidate in Neftam, and even the fact that the little wizard was Gongja!


Isaac brought the sword to the man’s throat.

The man gulped.

The next word will tell the difference between life and death.


“I know? What?”

“…What kind of organization is our red snake?”

For a moment there was silence in the room.

Only the candles, which were burning with smoke, flickered coldly.

And the next moment…

“What? How did know?”

Isaac said in surprise that the true purpose of the organization he had been protecting for over ten years was revealed by a boy.

“…Mo, I don’t know.”

“It’s a big deal. If it is known to the duke…”

“no. That little boy…what confidence he has, it seems he intends to face us alone. We can handle this for now! Cover your mouth!”

Isaac pondered for a moment at the words of his subordinate.

And soon, he turned around and lifted the wooden statue on the table.

The man then went to a display case and opened the door.

In it, the man placed the wooden statue he had just hewn.

Soon, however, the statue was buried among other statues around it, making it impossible to recognize what was new.

It was only because the cupboard was full of statues resembling Elina and Ellin.

It was a trace of the madness he had harbored for a long time.

“I must kill you.”

Isaac declared so, his voice tinged with flesh.

He never failed to keep his declaration.

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