The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1281: Who is this?

"I can fully exert the Judgment Day wheel and turn the enemy fortress into a ruin. At that time, the other party loses its defensive advantage, letting the monster be fierce and fierce. In the end, it should be difficult to attack the army. Only after that blow, the next battle will have to look at yourself. Novel."

Kazpasi, who heard this, was twitching all over the heart.

Hell, who is this? An opening will make Rohringburg into a ruin?

After all, their emperor is so impetuous, is not to recapture Fort Laurin, but also to seize the resources and territory on the opposite side?

If this makes you hit it down, it will be turned into ruins. What are they doing so much? After a game, nothing can be done? !

In this way, after swearing at the other party’s proposal, Kazpasi is quite euphemistic...

"Lord Shali, this is not very good?"

Having said that, I only listened to him and turned around again.

"It is better to do this. The army is temporarily retired. Waiting for the follow-up reinforcements of our army to arrive, what is the plan?"

In this regard, Sharier did not express any other opinions. After all, his wave is to support, and there is only a 10,000-winged army in his hand. Naturally, he must cooperate with the Europa army as the main force.

Shahr's cooperation made Kazpasi greatly relieved, and while sending people to send messages to the emperor, it was also quickly set up after the layout.

On the other hand, as the one with heavy casualties, it is now busy dealing with wounded soldiers and rehabilitating the southern defenders. In a short time, naturally, there is no other action.

In this round, the two sides can be said to be quite tacit to enter a state of truce.

This subtle situation has made the next half of the winter very peaceful.

In comparison, the days of Luo Ji are still not idle.

The recruitment of 100,000 reserve soldiers is light, but after the order is issued, the things that need to be arranged can only be said to be too many, enough for him to be busy for a while.

In the meantime, in addition to the need to deal with this series of things, Luo Ji also needs to keep an eye on the output of the arsenal and dwarf explosives workshop.

What do you need to fight? In addition to soldiers and food, it is weapons and ammunition.

The latter two things are notoriously burning money.

There is a saying that is good, the cannon is ringing, and the gold is two.

This does not actually mean how expensive the artillery shell is, but that once the war starts, the burning money will burn up.

In just a few months, how many bullets and shells did his army of the Wanfang civilization kill?

To be honest, Luo Ji didn't even want to see it even when he saw it. He saw more meat pain.

A 3,000-person infantry phalanx, a round of volley shots, three thousand bullets are gone, how many bullets can be destroyed in a battle can be imagined.

Not to mention a war, in addition to bullet consumption, there are a series of consumable weapons such as shells, mines, and grenade.

In addition, each soldier's daily consumption of food, monthly salary, and in the event of injury or even death, should be distributed to their family's pension and so on.

This sum of money adds up directly to an astronomical number that is enough to make people faint on the spot.

Since the beginning of this all-out war, the ministers of the Ministry of Finance and Civilization of the Wanjie Civilization can be said to be losing weight.

One batch after another, the continuously produced ordnance gunpowder, directly loaded on the train, sent to the border battlefield as quickly as possible, and the grain is naturally the same.

It is no exaggeration to say that the supply of these resources, even if any one of them is broken, can cause the border guards to collapse directly.

This year, I started to fight, and it was resources. It was money.

The party with more abundant resources will undoubtedly occupy a more obvious advantage.

Resources and forces, from production to transportation, from training to mobility, at this moment, a whole Wanxiang civilization is like a precision machine that is running at high speed.

After a month, the cold season is almost coming to an end.

The audit report of the dark department of the Mirror Division was only sent up now, which made Luo Zhen feel an accident.

He had always thought that according to the efficiency of the dark department, it should be done quickly, but did not expect this time to spend far more than he expected.

In this regard, Zhang Tang, who is the commander of the dark department, naturally avoids asking for a sin.

Later, in Zhang Tang’s report, Luo Ji finally learned that the winged soldiers who were captured by them, the vast majority of the winged people, were like a group of “mad believers”.

To put it bluntly, this is a group of people who are not strange when they go to the square with gasoline for the sake of faith.

For these creatures, which may have been a bit abnormal, the general method of torture is really useless.

At the beginning, several people were killed in succession, and no useful information was found from their mouths.

In the end, Zhang Tang changed his way and personally shot it, so that it was not easy to find a winged soldier with a relatively weak belief and asked for some intelligence information.

Looking at the report of Zhang Tang presented in his After reading it, Luo Ji finally got a clearer understanding of this special civilization.

Simply put, this particular race is collectively referred to as the 'winged man'.

And this winged people, he pays attention to a bloodline theory, often the more purely winged people, the stronger the power, the higher the status.

Wings like their apparently stunted wings behind their wings are undoubtedly belonging to the civilian class. In other words, they are the most common winged.

And ascending to a level, those who have strong wings and are able to fly freely in the sky, known as the Tianyi species, this is already an elite class.

Under this premise, if you go up again, it is the holy wing of the aristocratic class!

The sacred wing is planted among the winged people, and it can be said that it has the most noble blood and the most powerful ability.

But at the same time, under the premise of the same holy wing species, there is a difference in the level of bloodlines, which can be roughly divided into two categories...

Among them, the common holy wing species usually have four wings, and the white wings behind them will bring a little gold.

Among the sacred wings, the six wings, the golden part of the wings will become more obvious.

To some extent, the golden wings are the biggest criterion for judging the strength of a sacred wing.

At present, a whole winged civilization, in addition to their great queen, has only six people in the six-winged holy wing species, and Shariel, who is responsible for leading the troops, is obviously one of them!

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