The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1139: Swamp rainforest

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At the same time, the southern part of the setting sun has a large swamp rainforest, and the dark elf army that has been evacuated southward has finally entered the swamp rain forest.

Over the swamp rainforest, the large suffocating suffocation obviously affected the vision of the giant eagle knights, letting them suddenly trace the dark elf army.

"General, what should I do? Do you want to go up and see?"

This suffocating envelope is extremely wide, completely enveloping a whole swamp rainforest, almost forming a natural barrier.

In the face of such a squad, after stopping frowning, Calgan directly ordered...

"The order went down and spread into five squads. One stayed here and continued to stare at the entrance, while the other four explored the edge of the area to confirm the size and topography of the area."

After the order was issued, the Giant Eagles took action.

During this period, it seems that it has not been affected by the suffocation. The dark elf army that entered the swamp rainforest also ushered in another team.

"Gruck, do you dare to appear in front of me?!"

Looking at the lizard leader who appeared in his sight, Radis's face was obviously awkward.

This guy, who ran before, is faster than anyone else!

In the face of Radis's questioning, Gluck did not suffer much.

"The blood of the Grey Elf royal family must be killed by your own hands. Redis, this is what you said. After I saw you playing, I naturally took the people with my hands away. As for the situation... ”

Having said that, Gluck spread his face innocently.

"In the face of a flying beast, I didn't make sense to stay there, right?"

Gluck’s words are naturally reasonable, but this still cannot cover up the fact that the other party sold him!

In the atmosphere of silence, the hands of the dark elf soldiers have been placed on the arms, and the Hydra opened its mouth and made a deterrent to the lizards not far away.

In the face of such a squad, the lizard is naturally unambiguous, and there is a roar of sound in the swamp rain forest behind him. With the collapse of large trees, the next second, a giant figure directly into the darkness. The vision of the elves.

It is a body length of at least 40 meters, covered with earthy brown spikes and scales, with a huge lizard on the head!

This is the killer slap card of the lizard leader Gluck, the giant horned dragon lizard!

At the same time, after the two groups of forces collided together, they did not directly destroy each other, but chose the biggest reason for cooperation.

Because they are clear, they will only lose both sides!

The sharp humming sound of the Hydra and the snoring sound of the wild horned dragon lizard quickly reverberate in this area. The two giant beasts are not retreating from each other, and the atmosphere between the two forces is suddenly arrogant. stand up.

These lizards have been living in this swampy marsh rainforest since birth. Therefore, their physique has a very high antibody to poison gas. The poison of Hydra is probably difficult for them. Causes a fatal blow.

Under this premise, although the giant horned dragon lizard does not have any long-range attack means, the strength of the close-knit battle is extremely strong, and the wound that his Hydra was hit by the dragon before is not yet complete. Healing, still in a state of injury, I am afraid it is difficult to win...

Thinking of this, Redis waved his hand, and the dark elf soldiers behind him suddenly took up the posture.

When Gluck saw it, he also comforted the lizard on his side.

The atmosphere of the original swordsmanship has eased a lot.

"This time the matter ends here. As for the follow-up cooperation, let's talk about it."

In this regard, the lizard leader Glucker flashed a touch of inexplicable color in the vermillion pupil, and then turned around without saying a word, walking towards the depths of the swamp rainforest.

The army of the Dark Elves did not stay in the swamp rainforest for too long.

And the lizards, although this wave did not completely tear the skin, but it is basically no worse.

With his own armor, Redis crossed the entire swamp rainforest and left from the other side.

The giant eagle knights who were squatting in this area were almost aware of their existence in the first place.

In contrast, Redis also discovered the existence of the Giant Eagle Knights.

"It’s really a ghost."

Biting his teeth and facing the Giant Eagle Knight who was staring at them, Reddis still ignored it.

After a few days of marching, a strong wind blowing in the face, mixed with a scent that made the giant eagle knight not know how to describe it, hit him on his face, making him somewhat uncomfortable Wrinkled nose.

Then look up, the next second, under the blue sky and white clouds, an endless blue sea instantly caught in the eyes of the giant eagle knight!

In the Central Plains area, the giant eagle knight who has never seen the sea in this life, was completely shocked by this spectacular scene at this moment.

However, after all, they were trained elite soldiers After adjusting their emotions, they quickly re-seduce.

With a sweep of sight, his attention finally fell to the Dark Elf army.

The army of Redis stepped on the beach all the way, docking a large number of black warships on the coast, letting the giant eagle knights take a breath of cold air.

A large number of dark elf soldiers quickly boarded the warship, and the Hydra was more crisp, so it broke into the sea directly. The huge body picked up the waves and the distance between the eyes went hundreds of meters away. What happened unexpectedly was a sea snake...

After being ready to go, a large number of black warships quickly dislodged from the coast and headed for the distant sea.

In the face of this situation, the giant eagle knights do not know what to do.

When the sea looks at it, you can't see the side. The giant eagle needs rest. It is impossible to fly in the sky. If you can't find a place to rest after you go out to sea, it's too late to fly back.

This time, they know that Radis is so fearless, because the other party is expected to catch up sooner or later.

In desperation, the news on this side quickly gave feedback to Calgan.

After listening to the report, Calgan, the two eyebrows are almost directly twisted into a ball, and this hand of Radis is obviously not thought of.

Just like the fear of his soldiers, the risk is really too big.

At this point, Kargan decisively waved his hand.

"Withdraw! We return to the sunset mountains!"

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The monthly ticket is accumulating seven hundred chapters, and I also thank you for the monthly ticket of the book ‘Jiji Cool’ and ‘Star Shadow’!

(End of this chapter)

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