The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2193: Devil is born from the heart

Meng Zhang, who has experienced many kinds of monsters and magic repairs and has extensive experience, immediately found something wrong and quickly reminded the goddess of the moon to pay attention.

The Moon God hidden in the body of the Moon Worship Goddess also reacted a long time ago, and used the body of the Moon Worship Goddess to take action.

The moonlight condensed into a round moon scimitar in front of the goddess of the moon, and slashed heavily towards the goddess Poshan who was rushing over.

Divine power rushed away from the **** son of Poshan, and colorful beams of light shot out, colliding with the full moon scimitar constantly in the air.

When the two sides fought each other before, they both had their own scruples and unanimously condensed the power of the shot and controlled the scope of the battle.

God Child Poshan is the guardian of this secret space, and naturally he is not willing to cause too much damage to the secret space, but wants to work hard to keep it intact.

And Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon worshipped that they would damage the access to the core position, and they were also very careful when they shot.

Since everyone controlled the scope of the battle unanimously, their previous battles did not cause much damage to the surrounding environment.

But now the God Child Poshan suddenly fell into the demon and became very crazy. Naturally, he would no longer care about other things. He only knew that he would blindly launch a crazy attack, ignoring the consequences.

The strength of the goddess of worshipping the moon was far inferior to the goddess of the mountains, and it was too late to fight him with all her strength, there was still room to take care of other things.

The forces of terror collide unscrupulously. With a loud noise, the huge mountain under their feet began to collapse rapidly, turning into countless earth and rocks rolling down.

Meng Zhang didn't rescue the goddess of the moon in time, letting her and the goddess Poshan fight recklessly, in order to take this opportunity to see her true strength and see if she could force her trump cards.

The goddess of moon worship broke out with powerful combat power, temporarily blocking the crazy son of the mountain broken mountain.

Although they did not fully achieve their goals, Meng Zhang and her are still comrades-in-arms, and some of their carefulness is too obvious. When it comes to rescue, they should not delay too much.

The yin and yang are like waterfalls, sweeping down from the sky, so that the **** son of Poshan has to be distracted to deal with it, and has to temporarily relax the pressure on the goddess of moon worship.

The son of Poshan who was stopped by Meng Zhang became even more angry.

He gave up worshiping the goddess of the moon, and turned around to continue fighting with Meng Zhang.

After the collapse of the mountain, the **** son Poshan seemed to have lost his bondage. He no longer bound his hands and feet, but tried his best to attack Meng Zhang frantically.

After the **** of Poshan became enchanted, his strength greatly increased and he was extremely crazy.

It seemed that he didn't even care about his own life anymore, and launched an attack desperately, in a posture that he wanted to die with Meng Zhang.

Of course, Meng Zhang, who has been tested for a long time, will not be frightened by this battle.

Prior to this, he still had some reservations. He hadn't tried his best, so he had to put out more strength to deal with the soaring strength of the **** son Poshan.

Meng Zhang manifested his own world and law, and the Yin Yang Tai Chi diagram slowly turned above his head, and began to suppress the actions of the **** son Poshan.

The son of Poshan has greatly increased in strength and made crazy moves, not only did not frighten Meng Zhang, but instead made Meng Zhang a little bit excited.

This kind of battle is exactly what Meng Zhang has been waiting for for a long time.

After listening to the voice of the goddess of the moon just now, Meng Zhang also attached great importance to the opponent of the goddess Poshan at first, hoping to see some unusual methods in him.

However, in the previous battle, the **** child Poshan behaved very mediocre.

He didn't use the strength of Meng Zhang's induction, which made Meng Zhang feel like he was using the wrong strength.

He was not like a goddess who had the strength of the late stage of returning to the Void, and he was hardly a threat to Meng Zhang.

Among the strong of the same rank, his combat effectiveness is considered weak.

Meng Zhang couldn't help but wonder, is he hiding his strength, or is his skills stop there?

Are the heroic deeds and brilliant achievements of the Godzi Poshan true?

Is the peerless hero Poshan Shenzi in the mouth of the goddess of the moon the same person as the guy in front of him?

At least, the performance of this guy in front of him is not worthy of the praise of the Moon Goddess.

Now that the God Child Poshan has shown great strength after being enchanted, this makes Meng Zhang satisfied.

After being enchanted, the **** child Poshan didn't use any magic tricks, and it was the original one.

But the same magical skills and magical powers became extremely powerful at this time, which made Meng Zhang's coping with a bit difficult.

Void-returning level demon masters are called great demon, and they often have a variety of strange demon methods.

Although the **** child Poshan had already been enchanted, the devilish energy on his body was not so strong, and there was no weird means like the big demon.

So far, he is not so much a powerful demon, as he is a crazy native goddess.

Meng Zhang didn't despise the son of Poshan because of his current state.

The process of enchantment is generally irreversible.

The current degree of Poshan Divine Child may be relatively shallow, but with the passage of time, his degree of enlightenment is getting deeper and deeper, until finally he completely falls into the magic way and transforms into a real big demon.

It was a surprise to Meng Zhang that the son of Poshan became enchanted at this time, but it was not unacceptable.

Cultivators are often tempted by the magic way, and many people can't control it. But when the gods face the magic way, they are more vulnerable, and they are more likely to fall into the magic way than the cultivator.

The cultivators of Junchen Realm regard Demon Dao as a great enemy, and they have been pursuing and killing Demon Dao for many years, but they have never been able to completely eradicate Demon Dao.

Not to mention Junchen Realm, even in the world of Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm as powerful as the Immortal Dao world, it is inevitable that there will be traces of the Devil Dao.

In fact, even in a world where there is no inheritance of the magic way, and there has never been a world of magic cultivation, it is possible for the trail of the magic way to appear suddenly.

As the saying goes, devil is born from the heart.

Once a cultivator has a mind demon, and is unable to restrain it, and allows the mind demon to grow and develop, the inner demon will eventually induce the outer demon, sense all kinds of information related to the demon path, and finally embark on the path of demon cultivation.

The cultivators of Junchen Realm tried their best to eliminate the magic repair and isolate all kinds of information from the magic way.

The barrier of Nine Heavens also has a strong defensive effect on Modao Information.

However, Jun Chen Realm would still have cultivators invaded every once in a while.

In many cases, these enlightened cultivators are the inner demons motivating the outer demons, and they have sensed the magical information from the outside world.

These demon information comes from the great demon, demon **** and even the demon outside the sky.

A cultivator who cultivates in accordance with the cultivation methods contained in the information of the magic way will embark on the path of magic cultivation, or transform into a variety of strange monsters.

Many demon cultivators will worship and worship the great demon and demon gods outside the sky, hoping to obtain the power bestowed by them in the air, and make themselves stronger.

Many great demons and demon gods sometimes respond to them to expand the influence of the magic way.



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