The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2160: destroy

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The high-level monsters in the devil's nest were basically wiped out, and the dark alliance cultivators who escaped from it fled in all directions. Among them, True Monarch Human Fire Ape had very bad luck, and was actually stopped by the Five Punishment Sword Han Yao.

In the current magic nest, there is no power to stop Niu Dawei from entering.

After carefully observing, he first cast a spell to inform Yang Xueyi and the others, and then strode into the devil's nest.

If you want to completely destroy this magic nest, it is best to figure out the specific situation inside.

At this time, the monks of the Boundless Sea Dao League led by the Taiyimen monks were chasing and killing the fleeing monsters everywhere.

After the original large army of monsters was defeated, there were a large number of monsters that fled around, and there were many of them who were special and difficult to deal with.

Even though the strongest among these monsters was only the primordial spirit level, it still caused a lot of trouble for the cultivators who were hunting down.

It was Yang Xueyi, Wen Qiansuan, and Xu Kongzi who chased and killed the Dark Alliance monk who had escaped from the Devil's Nest very smoothly.

In a short period of time, most of the dark alliance cultivators who escaped were blocked by them, either killed on the spot or captured alive.

Except for a handful of guys with bad luck, no one should be able to escape.

After completing the task, Yang Xueyi and the others came to the Devil's Nest.

Yang Xueyi and Xu Kongzi directly broke into the inside of the magic nest to cope with Niu Dawei.

Wen Qiansuan began to survey the ground veins, and explore the various conditions of the independent space where the Devil's Nest is located.

The independent space in which the Magic Nest is located can be called an independent small world.

Although it still has to rely on the big world of Junchen Realm, the connection between the two is very secretive.

Wen Qiansuan, as a formation mage and geomancer, had spent a lot of effort to figure out the specific situation.

After Yang Xueyi and Xu Kongzi entered the devil's nest, they soon met with Niu.

They rushed and vandalized in the devil's nest, recorded various situations inside, and figured out its internal structure.

Niu Dawei was full of deep disgust in their hearts for the place where the Devil's Nest demonized creatures and cultivated monsters.

But after in-depth observation, they had to admit that the builders of this magic nest had a lot of ingenuity.

Some of the magic nest's ability to make monsters is not without the slightest merit.

At the very least, Taiyimen can obtain some references from creating a nest of Taoist soldiers, which will help in future transformation and improvement.

Of course, Niu Da was very vigilant for them and blocked those things that were extremely tempting about the nature of the magic way.

The resources in the devil's nest have long been exhausted, and it is naturally impossible for them to obtain any spoils.

The monsters with combat effectiveness had already left the devil's nest, and they did not encounter any obstacles.

As for some semi-finished or defective monsters remaining inside, they can completely incinerate them after a few real fires pass over them.

After completing the investigation, the three of Niu Dawei left the magic nest smoothly and returned outside.

After earnestly discussing with Wen Qiansuan who had completed the survey, they decided on a way to completely destroy this magic nest.

No matter how independent the independent space where the Devil's Nest is located, there is always an inseparable connection with the big world of Junchen Realm.

Wen Qiansuo found out all the relevant nodes, and He Niuda arranged them together.

Finally, Niu Dawei, Xu Kongzi, Yang Xueyi, and Wen Qiansuan cast spells together to cut off these connections and directly destroy all space nodes in the independent space where the magic nest is located.

A series of violent wind and thunder, a series of demonic golden lights, a series of void slashes, a variety of powerful Taoist magical powers, constantly bombarded the devil's nest.

Accompanied by a loud noise, the surrounding space violently oscillated, and a major earthquake began to erupt in the depths of the earth.

Fortunately, this is a desolate land with few living creatures. Even if the disturbance is too great and causes a huge natural disaster, it will not harm the human beings.

All the pillars were cut off, the space nodes were destroyed, the overall structure collapsed, and the independent space where the magic nest was located began to collapse.

Terrifying space storms swept across this independent space, and the power of space collapse will completely destroy everything here.

No matter it's the devilish energy or the various buildings inside, they will all be vanished.

All traces of the magic path will be gone.

After the Devil's Nest was completely destroyed, Niu Dawei was truly relieved for them.

They finally completed the task assigned by Meng Zhang, eradicating the huge threat that the sect was close at hand.

Of course, this is not the time to relax completely.

There are still so many monsters in this area still fleeing.

These monsters are not all the kind of foolish fools.

Among them, especially those monsters transformed by magic cultivators, or simply magic cultivators hidden in a group of monsters, are the ones who know how to escape and do the most harm.

Next, Niu Dawei and the others will join the hunting and blocking team, in order to wipe out all the monsters in this area.

Although the high-level monsters have basically been wiped out, the remaining strength is far less than Niu Dawei for them.

However, it is still not an easy task to remove it completely.

Don't look at the fact that this group of monsters has not been entrenched in this area for a long time, but the demon energy it emits has already begun to corrupt the earth and demonize everything.

Fortunately, this area is too barren and desolate, there are no creatures, they did not cause much harm.

After slaying all the monsters, Taiyi Sect had to spend a lot of effort to purify this area.

Of course, the crusade started by the Taiyimen monks' army is beginning to come to an end.

In the Demon Wind Gobi, the battle between the Five Punishment Sword Han Yao and True Monarch Fire Ape was also about to end.

Most of the area in the Demon Wind Gobi is an extremely desolate Gobi Desert, and there is nothing else except the vast yellow sand.

The place where Han Yao chose to stop True Monarch Fire Ape was carefully selected.

It is far away from all the oasis and various There are no people around on weekdays.

Han Yao can unscrupulously release his power without worrying about accidental injuries caused by the aftermath of the battle.

The fight between the two true kings of the Yangshen was a sudden natural disaster for the Demon Wind Gobi, which triggered a series of huge sandstorms and large earthquakes of a large scale.

Demon Wind Gobi is regarded as the territory acquired by Taiyi Sect earlier, and it has been developed and operated relatively maturely.

Basically, there are law formations and forbidden guards in various settlements, and monks from Taiyimen or its vassal forces are stationed.

The monks stationed in various places are still capable of dealing with various unexpected situations calmly and calmly, knowing to protect mortals in time and avoid various natural disasters.

Han Yao is determined to win True Monarch Fire Ape, and True Monarch Fire Ape will not show mercy.

As soon as the battle between the two men began, it entered a white-hot stage, and there was a desperate momentum.

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