The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2158: get away

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After there was no interference, the divine power incarnation turned his head, and kept releasing the gray-white light, quickly taking away all the vitality of the rebirth-level monster.

Tai Miao is connected with his own divine power in mind and body, and can see everything that happens in the field through the eyes of the divine power incarnation.

The other three monsters of the Void Returning level and a few monsters of the Yang God level appeared very embarrassed under the bombardment of the sky thunder released by the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array.

It seemed that before long, all the monsters would be bombarded by the sky thunder and turned into scum.

He hesitated too much, and felt that he still couldn't pin all his hopes on the Tianwei Lei Xing Array.

If one day the Wei Lei Xing Array releases a little moth and releases these monsters, then in the end these troubles will still be solved by the Taiyi Sect.

Since the incarnation of divine power had already descended into the Yang world, there was nothing to worry about.

The superb divine power incarnation flashed and appeared in a place not far from the bombardment of the sky thunder.

Tianwei Lei Xing Array had long sensed the breath of this divine power incarnation.

That kind of yin qi that is so strong that it can't be dissipated, and the aura that is incompatible with the yang world, this is clearly the ghosts and gods from the underworld.

If under normal circumstances, the ghosts and gods of the underworld of average strength descend into the Yang world, the Heavenly Palace may not be too lazy to bother.

If the ghosts and gods of the underworld of the Void Returning level dared to descend into the sun world, they would probably become the target of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

However, although the ghost and **** in front of him came from the underworld, they were summoned by the Taiyimen monks, and they were obviously friends and not enemies.

The Tiangong monk who controlled the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array hesitated for a while, as if he hadn't seen the opponent.

Tai Miao, this divine power incarnation didn't delay time, and soon he shot again.

The divine power avatar released a series of burning gods, a series of gray-white rays of light, attacking the monsters overwhelmingly, and launching an attack together with the falling sky thunder.

Seeing a monster-like Void-Returning monster was the most arrogant, and there was more than enough energy to look around when resisting the bombardment of the sky thunder.

The spatial transformation was carried out silently, and the monster only felt the spatial transformation in front of its eyes, and then it left its original position and came not far in front of the divine power incarnation.

Before it had time to be happy because it escaped the bombardment of the sky thunder, this monster immediately discovered that it had fallen into a more sinister environment.

Among the three mouths of the three heads of the divine power incarnation, there were bursts of burning God's Yin fire, which turned into chains, which firmly entangled his body.

Then the six arms of the divine power incarnation swung their weapons, slashing fiercely at the monster.

When the divine power incarnation attacked the monster, Yang Xueyi and the others were chasing and killing the dark alliance cultivators who had scattered and fled.

There are many exits in this magic nest, and there are some very secret exits among them.

The last batch of monsters released by True Monarch Fire Ape almost all left the nest from the largest frontal exit to attract the attention of the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array.

When the gang of dark alliance cultivators escaped, of course they dispersed and escaped from the magic nest through various exits.

The more senior monk, the more concealed the exit chosen.

Most of the exits are equipped with simple space teleportation arrays, which can teleport the people inside to places that are not too close to the magic nest.

It's a pity that it was precisely these spatial arrays arranged to facilitate entry and exit that exposed the whereabouts of these people.

Xu Kongzi is a monk born in the spirit of Qi, and his main void cauldron is a very rare high-end spatial magic weapon.

On the Avenue of Space, Xu Kongzi naturally has extremely deep attainments.

In addition, after he has survived the Thunder Tribulation of the Sun God, he can continue to practice like a normal cultivator. Because of his natural foundation, he has the deepest immersion and achieved the greatest results on the Avenue of Space.

Probably among all the Yangshen monks in the entire Junchen Realm, he could be regarded as the most proficient in the space avenue.

In particular, he is extremely sensitive to various spatial fluctuations and spatial changes, and his sensing ability even surpasses a lot of imaginary powers.

When those space magic circles are activated, it is inevitable that there will be some space fluctuations.

Under Xu Kongzi's careful induction, no matter how subtle and secret the spatial fluctuations, they did not escape.

He followed these spatial fluctuations and directly transmitted to the past, intercepting these dark alliance cultivators who had escaped halfway, killing or taking them one by one.

True Monarch Fire Monkey, as the leader, did not trust any of his subordinates.

All other dark alliance cultivators, in his eyes, are cannon fodder that can be thrown out to attract the enemy's attention.

The exit he chose, except for Tang Lun's supreme revenge power, only the principal who took turns sitting in the Devil's Nest was qualified to know.

This exit not only did not have a teleportation array, or even used magical means, but was built purely with mechanical skills, mainly using various natural terrains to provide cover.

True Monarch Fire Ape successfully escaped from the devil's nest from this exit, without disturbing anyone.

After leaving the magic nest, he hurriedly fled towards the outer area.

Originally, he also considered whether to hide in the nearby area for a period of time after leaving the magic nest. After the Taiyimen cultivators wiped out the monsters, they thought of a way to slowly leave.

However, he later changed his mind and gave up this practice.

As a result, the dark alliance headquarters urged too tightly, he shouldn't be delayed on the road for too long.

Secondly, in order to completely eliminate all monsters, Taiyimen will definitely search the nearby areas strictly.

True Monarch Fire Ape has fully seen the power of Taiyi Sect, and Taiyi Sect might even send out the Void Returning Power to search.

He was not completely sure that he could hide under the close search of the Taiyimen monks.

Therefore, it is better to flee here as soon as the monsters have not been wiped out and are still attracting the main attention of the Taiyimen monks.

True Monarch Fire Ape hid all the way, smoothly away from the magic nest, and came to the edge of this area.

At the edge of this area, Taiyimen arranged a large number of monks to parade here to prevent monsters from leaving this area.

Of course It is impossible to rely on these monks to discover and block True Monarch Fire Ape.

True Monarch Fire Ape is among the many true monarchs of Yang God in Junchen Realm, and he is considered to be the best in every respect.

As a dark alliance monk, he not only has a clever heritage, but also has a lot of life-saving trump cards.

Few of Taiyimen's true monarchs of Yangshen could beat him.

True Monarch Fire Ape did not expend too much effort before leaving the area where the devil's nest was located and entering the sea of ​​death sand.

He hesitated, did not choose to enter the endless sand sea, but turned to the demon wind Gobi adjacent to the death sand sea.

The endless sand sea is also the land of Longxing at Taiyi Gate anyway. Maybe Taiyi Gate has any special arrangement there, so it's better not to take risks.

There is a coastline between Yaofeng Gobi and the West Sea.

He can enter the West Sea from the Demon Wind Gobi.

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