The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2139: Magic nest

This small world is the lair of the magic way, a real magic nest, and Qin Fangtian quickly made a judgment.

   A series of terrifying demonic energy spewed out of the small world, transformed into a shape in the air, and turned into a strange monster with teeth and claws.

   Qin Fangtian could clearly sense that in this small world, there were several auras of power of the Void Returning level.

   These breaths are full of mania and cruelty...

  Once this kind of aura is sensed, ordinary monks can be demonized and become irrational monsters that only know how to kill.

   Qin Fangtian is very comfortable with this kind of breath.

   After he felt it carefully, he was relieved instead.

   The owners of these Void-Returning-level breaths are utterly irrational, and they are all ignorant and muddled guys.

   If his judgment is correct, the masters of these breaths are all monsters that have the power of returning to the Void, but have no corresponding means, rather than real monsters.

   If several great demons really appeared here, then maybe the top cultivator of the heavenly palace would be dispatched immediately.

   The old man with silver pot and the iron-faced Taoist who searched in the distance, after sensing the breath here, hurriedly rushed here.

   If you follow Qin Fangtian's original temperament, after sensing the aura of the monsters inside, he will probably rush in immediately and clean up all the monsters.

   But he thought of the suggestion from the top of Tiangong to himself before he left.

   Their action this time is only secretly helping the Taiyimen. It is not suitable for direct hostility to the dark alliance, and it is best not to directly attack the dark alliance.

   In this small world, there are still many ordinary cultivators' aura.

   Needless to say, they are all members of the Dark Alliance.

   While Qin Fangtian was hesitating, the iron-faced Taoist and the silver pot old man arrived here one after another.

   The iron-faced Taoist man who has always been jealous and hated, sensed the breath in the small world, and screamed.

   "What are you waiting for, let's go in together, destroy all the monsters, completely flatten this place, and destroy this small world."

   Qin Fangtian shook his head.

   "This is a real magic nest, let's leave it to Taiyimen."

   Qin Fangtian strengthened his tone when it came to the word "Magic Nest".

   The so-called magic nest is a special building of the magic path, which has the functions of dyeing and transforming cultivators, cultivating magic cultivators, and breeding monsters.

   This small world is not small, the magic nest inside is huge and the level is not low.

  If other factors are not considered, it is Qin Fangtian's duty to clean up such a magic nest.

   But because he is familiar with the Demon Nest, Qin Fangtian knows how difficult it is to build such a Demon Nest in Junchen Realm without hiding the eyes and ears of the various forces.

  It can be imagined how much manpower and material resources were invested by the dark alliance in order to build this magic nest, and what a price was spent.

   If you want to hide this devil's nest until now, maybe someone in the upper ranks of Jun Chen world is providing shelter.

   Qin Fangtian faintly heard some rumors that the dark alliance has supporters at the top of the heavenly palace and among the sects of the sacred land.

   The dark alliance has controlled many big names through various means such as buying and threatening.

   Qin Fangtian is also considered a big man, and also a member of the upper echelons of Tiangong.

   But above him, there are many people whose cultivation base is much higher than him.

  The power in the middle stage of returning to the void is unattainable in the eyes of ordinary cultivators, but in the top-level struggle of Junchen Realm, it is far from enough.

   If Qin Fangtian really directly destroys this devil's nest, it will definitely offend the dark alliance.

   If Tiangong directly ordered Qin Fangtian to destroy this devil's nest, he would naturally follow the order without hesitation.

   But now there is no direct order from Tiangong, and before he leaves, Tiangong asks him not to directly attack the dark alliance, so he doesn't want to be troubled.

   The Tiangong side responded quickly, and it didn't take long for the aura in the devil's nest to leak, and the monks who controlled the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array noticed it.

   In the high altitude above the magic nest, thunderclouds began to condense, and the thunder continued to sound.

   Seeing that the Tiangong side noticed this side, Qin Fangtian was a little relieved.

   Next, how to do it will be decided by Tiangong, he doesn't need to be embarrassed.

   Despite environmental interference, Qin Fangtian and the others successfully established contact with Tiangong.

   The high level of Tiangong ordered them to leave here directly, and don't worry about other things.

   The iron-faced Taoist is still a bit reluctant, but there is no courage to disobey the order in the end.

   The three Void Returning Powers soared into the sky and directly returned to the Heavenly Palace.

  Originally, many monsters in the devil's nest, especially the more sensitive monsters, have noticed the terrifying aura of the three powerful rebirths outside, and because of their survival instinct, they have always felt nervous and uneasy.

   Now that the breath of the three Void Returning Powers disappeared, these monsters began to clamor.

   The monks in the devil's nest have always kept quiet.

   These monks have strong control over monsters and can control the general actions of these monsters.

   After these monks noticed the aura of rebirth power outside, they were even more frightened, and they wanted to dive into the depths of the devil's nest and never come out.

   After Qin Fangtian and the others left, it took a while before the cultivators decided to test the situation outside.

   Under their control, a Void-Returning level monster directly rushed out of the devil's nest.

   As soon as this monster flew out, Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array responded.

   One after another, the thunder fell from the sky, constantly slashing towards this monster.

   This monster has a power level of returning to the but lacks the corresponding means and cannot fully exert its full power.

   Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array can deter many of Junchen Realm's powers of returning to Void, and its lethality can be imagined.

   After a bombardment, this Void-Returning level monster was smashed by the sky thunder and disappeared completely.

   With the lessons learned, the monks in the magic nest dare not come out to die at will.

   There was such a big noise here, Yang Xueyi and other three true monarchs of Taiyimen Yangshen, who had been searching this area, also quickly rushed here.

   The terrifying atmosphere in the Devil's Nest shocked all three of them.

  Even if the three of them are determined people, after discovering the demonic energy rising to the sky, they all have the urge to turn around and run away.

   Yang Xueyi and the three of them held their minds and carefully observed the situation here.

   They soon discovered that the sky was higher than the movement caused by the thunder formation of Tianwei.

   They are not the kind of ignorant people, because of the relationship between Meng Zhang, they are relatively familiar with the Tiangong, and they know the foundation of the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array.

   Knowing that Tiangong began to pay attention to this side, they felt a little calm and became calmer.

   Soon, they all discovered the aura of the returning monster in the devil's nest.

   Yang Xueyi and Xu Kongzi were chased and killed by this kind of rebirth monster not long ago, and they also witnessed Meng Zhang refining them with their own eyes.

   The Void-Returning monster in the Devil's Nest should be similar to the Void-Returning Monster released by True Lord Fire Sparrow last time.

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