The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2133: contain

The momentum released by Meng Zhang is still entangled with Tang Lun's three people, and it is difficult to separate for the time being.

   Obviously, Meng Zhang didn't want to stop there, but wanted to continue entanglement with Tang Lun.

   The three of Tang Lun tried to get rid of Meng Zhang several times, and then got away, but the aura released by Meng Zhang was like a bone gangrene, which firmly entangled the three of them.

   Of course, the three of Tang Lun's superiors could not allow Meng Zhang's qi to lock and entangle themselves, and they also had to release their qi to resist Meng Zhang.

   In this way, the four of them are intertwined and entangled with each other, and they cannot easily get rid of it.

  Under this situation, no matter who among the four people is, if they leave rashly or make a big move, they will encounter an attack from the other side.

  Especially Meng Zhang's intent to fight is not concealed, he is eager to try, and seems to attack at any time.

   If Tang Lun and three of them leave in a hurry, revealing their flaws, under the entanglement of energy, Meng Zhang's desperate shot, it is really possible to cause huge damage to the three of them, and even kill one or two of them.

   Although Tiangong used the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array to deter them, the reaction of the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array was not as fast as theirs, and could not stop Meng Zhang from doing it in time.

  Meng Zhang really wanted to take a heavy hit and even kill his opponent. Afterwards, whether it was against the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Formation or facing the punishment from the Tiangong, that was all for the future.

   Tang Lun, the three seniors of the dark alliance, know how unwelcome the heavenly palace and the sacred sects are to them.

   Although for some reason, the Tiangong and the sacred sects have always ignored them.

   But Tiangong and the sects of the holy land are absolutely happy to see them unlucky.

   If they rashly fight in Junchen Realm, it will give Tiangong an excuse to embarrass them and the dark alliance.

   Suddenly, the three of Tang Lun's superiors were actually retained by Meng Zhang, and they were unable to leave here for the time being.

   The grumpy Lin family brothers were about to attack, and they were about to fight Meng Zhang, but they were secretly stopped by Tang Lun.

   Unlike the brutal and brutal Lin family brothers, Tang Lun's Supreme Being has always been resourceful and strategic, and prides himself on being a wise man in the dark alliance.

   He rarely acts impulsively and blindly.

  Meng Zhang's name has spread throughout Junchen Realm long ago, and his brilliant record in the power of returning to the void has caused waves of wonder.

   As the largest intelligence organization in Junchen Realm, the Dark Alliance is even more speculative about some of Meng Zhang's hole cards.

   From the bottom of his heart, Tang Lun is not willing to be an enemy of Meng Zhang, and even less willing to start a war with Meng Zhang.

  Unfortunately, as a member of the Dark Alliance, even if he is the Supreme Void, he is often involuntarily involuntarily.

   This time the matter is huge, the dark alliance high-level can't watch Meng Zhang continue to pursue the investigation, and have to intervene.

   Tang Lun took the two brothers of the Lin family, more of a deterrent to Meng Zhang, hoping that Meng Zhang would be afraid of the strength of the dark alliance. This is the end of this matter, do not continue to investigate.

   They succeeded in killing people and cutting off the clues Meng Zhang traced, but Meng Zhang stayed here.

  Meng Zhang, this kid, is still too young. If you are stubborn when you shouldn't be stubborn, and you have to blindly make enemies, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

   Tang Lun thought in his heart.

   He has never seen any big storms, and he is calmly dealing with the current situation.

  Since Meng Zhang didn't want them to go, they stayed temporarily.

   Anyway, the longevity of returning to the virtual world is long, and they are not afraid to slowly get entangled with Meng Zhang.

   When it takes ten or eight years, or even several decades, hundreds of years, there will always be a day that Meng Zhang can't go on.

   As far as Tang Lun's master knew, Taiyimen and the sacred sects had always been hostile, and there were a lot of troubles with Meng Zhang.

   He didn't believe it anymore, Meng Zhang was able to leave everything behind and entangled with them all the time.

   Indeed, Meng Zhang is now entangled in everything, it is rare to have leisure.

   Apart from anything else, the time he spent in the late stage of Advanced Void Return was too short, and he needed a lot of time to practice in order to deal with the next powerful enemies.

   And the big change in Jun Chen world is imminent, he needs to make preparations in all aspects.

   But if you want Meng Zhang to give up, he watched Tang Lun three people come and go freely, he was extremely unwilling.

  Meng Zhang and the four of them restrained each other, and they were in a stalemate, and the thunder in the sky began to slowly disappear.

   The Tiangong side discovered their state through the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array.

   Tiangong will not interfere with their grievances, and will not intervene at will.

   Tiangong has no opinion on how long they are willing to stay here.

   Even if they are entangled to the extreme, they have nothing to do with Tiangong.

   Of course, if they fought a big fight and launched a battle to return to the void, it would be absolutely impossible.

   A thunder suddenly rang in their ears, giving them a great shock.

   This is a warning from Tiangong, warning them not to cross the line.

   Then, Tiangong didn't bother to take care of them, and just monitored their latest movement through the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array.

  Meng Zhang also had **** this time, and he definitely didn't want to let it go.

   There is no statement about the matter this time.

   Meng Zhang still has many doubts in his heart.

   The dark alliance has an affair with the magic way, the dark alliance cultivates magic repair secretly, Meng Zhang has long known about it.

  Why did the dark alliance introduce and hide a bunch of magic repairs on the Taiyimen site?

   Could it be that the Dark Alliance is really going to cause a disaster on the Taiyimen site?

   The high level of the dark alliance is not a foolish fool, and should know the strength of Meng Zhang and Taiyimen.

   The gang of magic repairs hidden on the Taiyimen's can at best add some trouble to the Taiyimen, but it is difficult to cause huge damage to the Taiyimen.

   An organization like the Dark Alliance should be sensible enough at the top to act with interests first.

   Although Meng Zhang and the Dark Alliance had some grievances, they were almost resolved long ago.

   The previous Taiyi Sect, following the practice of Junchen Realm, allowed the Dark Alliance to establish branches on its territory.

   Taiyimen and the dark alliance have always cooperated, and there is no conflict.

   Taiyi Sect faces the pressure of the various sacred sects, and it is even more impossible to provoke the dark alliance for no reason.

   What is the reason for this incident? Why does the Dark Alliance dispatch the Void to kill people?

   Meng Zhang desperately wants to know all this, instead of being kept in the dark like a fool.

   The three Tang Lun Shangzun will definitely not tell Meng Zhang the truth.

   If Meng Zhang wants to solve these questions, he has to investigate it himself.

   Silently, a strand of Meng Zhang’s spiritual thought entered his mustard space, turning into a humanoid phantom similar to his image.

   After Meng Zhang had captured the Taoist Youhuan, he had been imprisoned in his mustard space.

   Meng Zhang’s spiritual incarnation came to Taoist Youhuan and restored her consciousness.

   As soon as he regained his consciousness, Taoist Youhuan first glanced around, and then persuaded Meng Zhang to prevent him from becoming an enemy of the dark alliance because of impulse.

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