The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2129: Monster

Meng Zhang is not a suspicious person, nor is he willing to doubt old friends at will.

   But it happened so coincidental that he couldn't help thinking about it.

   Since Yang Xueyi and Xu Kongzi had an accident, they must immediately reinforce them.

   They are all important people in the door, and there is no room to lose.

   There was an accident that they couldn't handle. Among the current Taiyi Sect, only Meng Zhang was able to deal with it.

   glanced at the Taoist Youhuan who was about to leave, Meng Zhang hesitated, and decided to keep her.

   Since the dark alliances are already in that kind of Chi Guoguo hatred of Taiyimen, it is reasonable to prevent Taiyimen from capturing True Monarch Huoque.

   If this time the matter really came from the calculations of the dark alliance, then Meng Zhang would not have any hesitation.

   Maybe, the Dark Alliance has other vicious conspiracies against Taiyimen.

   In the face of the interests of the sect, what the two countries will not cut off their troops, what kind of friendship... At this time, they must all be thrown away.

   "Friend You Huan, please stay here as a guest temporarily. You can leave after everything is clear."

   Hearing Meng Zhang's words, Taoist Youhuan was full of disbelief.

  Meng Zhang didn't bother to care whether she was really innocent, or she was acting, so she just shot it.

  Meng Zhang is going to rescue Yang Xueyi and the others, leaving behind the hidden danger of Taoist Youhuan is a huge threat to Taiyimen.

   Meng Zhang is not there, no one else in the door can stop her.

   Meng Zhang showed his true ability as soon as he shot, and tried to make a quick decision.

   Two air currents, one black and one white, are mixed together, falling from the top of the Taoist Youhuan, like a cascading waterfall.

  You Huan Taoist is very confused, I don't know why Meng Zhang wanted to make a move.

   Meng Zhang won her, except for angering the dark alliance high-level in vain, there is almost no benefit.

   Perplexity turned into perplexity, Taoist Youhuan couldn't let Meng Zhang take him down.

   Even if she knew she was not Meng Zhang’s opponent, she still had to resist.

   Youhuan Taoist raised a dark jade ring above his head, and took the initiative to meet the yin and yang two qi that fell on him.

   Clouds of smoke emerged from her body, transforming into various strange forms.

   The gap between the late stage and the early stage of return is too big.

   The Youhuan Taoist in the early stage of Returning Void had almost no power to fight back in front of Meng Zhang.

   The jade ring-shaped magic weapon she released, immediately lost all its strength after encountering the two qi of Yin and Yang, and fell to the ground weakly.

  You Huan Taoist probably knew that he was not an opponent of Meng Zhang. She made a gesture of resistance, just to cover her escape.

   Under the yin and yang two airs, all the forms of smoke disappeared.

   Youhuan Taoist originally turned into a shadow, sneaking into the shadow next to the main hall to escape.

   A bright moon suddenly appeared above her head, brightening up. Not only made her visible, but also stagnated her figure.

   Youhuan Taoist screamed, and a pitch-black half-moon scimitar suddenly appeared behind Meng Zhang and slashed towards Meng Zhang.

   Wherever the blade passed, even the space was cut out with cracks.

   This is the last fight of Taoist Youhuan, but it is still a futile attack.

   Meng Zhang waved his hand gently, and the half-moon scimitar fell into his hand automatically like a Ruyan throwing into the forest.

   This is also the last scene that Taoist Youhuan saw.

   The yin and yang two qi lightly brushed at her, and she lost all consciousness and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

   The dark alliance is indeed rich in wealth and profound background, and any cultivator in the early stage of returning to the Void can come up with two magic weapons.

   It is a sigh that many of the cultivators who are born in casual cultivators may not be able to possess a magic weapon in their lifetime.

   Meng Zhang put away the Taoist Youhuan and his magic weapon, without delay, his body disappeared in place.

   After a while, Meng Zhang teleported to the hiding place of True Monarch Firebird through the supernatural powers of space.

  The hiding place chosen by True Monarch Firefinch is an ordinary mortal town.

   Except for the occasional Taiyimen patrolling monks passing by in the small town, basically no trace of other monks can be seen.

   Taiyimen still attaches great importance to the mortal world under his command.

   Mortals are the foundation of the realm of cultivation, and mortals are the source of cultivation.

   In almost all mortal cities, there are monks from Taiyimen stationed there.

   Taiyimen will also send out patrol teams from time to time to patrol the mortal world under its command.

   Like this humble mortal town, many don't even have monks stationed there.

   Even the patrolling monks who come here occasionally are basically the outer disciples of the Taiyi Sect, mainly young monks in the Qi-refining period.

   The true primordial primordial monarch like Huoquezheng is hiding here, and the few little cultivators in the refining period can't see through it at all.

   During the recent period, due to the Qing Suppression Demon Cultivation, the Taiyimen sent out high-level monks to monitor and inspect the territory.

  As soon as the Taiyimen territory was too vast, they could not closely inspect every corner.

  Secondly, in the absence of clear clues, these high-ranking cultivators are all looking at the flowers, passing quickly from high above, at most scanning the bottom with divine mind.

  Under this situation, even if a high-ranking monk in the Taiyi Sect passed by here, it would be difficult to find a true master of the soul that was deliberately hidden.

   The place where Meng Zhang appeared was just in front of the main entrance of the town.

   At this time, this originally peaceful and peaceful mortal town has long since turned into a ruin.

   Amidst the ruins, a monster as tall as a hill with six heads was dragging its long body, chasing and killing two cultivators.

   The majestic magic energy gushes out from this monster straight into the sky, changing the celestial phenomena, and the entire sky is misty.

   Meng Zhang's face changed slightly. When did the Void-Returning-level monster actually appeared on the Taiyimen territory?

   It was Yang Xueyi and Xu Kongzi who were chased by this monster.

   They are hiding from the east, parrying from side to side, and constantly dodge the attack of this monster.

   There is a huge difference between the Yang Shen stage and the Void Rebirth stage. Even the top monks in the Yang Shen stage cannot resist ordinary Void Rebirth powers.

   Fortunately, this monster has the power of returning to the Void, but it does not have enough brains. It seems to be driven by instinct, just like a real beast.

   And Yang Xueyi and Xu Kongzi are not only powerful, but also each have a hole card.

   Xukongzi is the spirit of the Taiyimen's heavy treasure Void Cauldron.

   With the help of Meng Zhang, he will be able to practice as a real creature after passing through the thunder of the sun god.

   The original Void Cauldron, like his body, was refined by his heart, adding a lot of magic.

   Although the current Void Cauldron is still not a magic weapon, it also has the power of an ordinary strange treasure.

   Under the control of True Lord Yang Shen, he can exert his power close to the Void Return level.

   Because of the special relationship between Xukongzi and Xukongding, it is even more capable of exerting its power to the fullest.

   Even if he encounters a true Void Rebirth monk, Void Child is holding a Void Cauldron, and he will be able to parry one or two.

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