The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2120: implicate

Taiyi Sect has always been very clear when it comes to dealing with the issue of the magic way.

   Especially after Niu Dawei and other high-level officials began to pay attention to the matter, the tactics in the door were even sharper.

   Regardless of who it is, what kind of background and identity, or which power of cultivation is involved, the Taiyi Sect monk will check to the end, and will not tolerate it.

   As the Taiyi Sect monk pursued more and more deeply, more and more problems were exposed.

  Hanhai Dao League no matter which monk colluded with the magic way, they would be directly dealt with by the Taiyimen monks.

   Some comprehension forces that have been deeply involved in this matter have even encountered the strict purge of the Taiyimen monks, and the door has been brutally cleaned again and again.

   A small family in which all members were enchanted was completely obliterated by Taiyimen.

  Taiyimen's thunderous methods shocked many members of the Hanhai Dao League.

   At this time, everyone finally remembered the **** history of Taiyimen.

   It didn’t take long for all the forces in the entire Hanhai Dao League to conduct rigorous self-examination and self-correction to clear everything related to the magic path.

   With the active cooperation of the entire Hanhai Dao League, the Taiyi Sect monks have achieved more and more results, and they are getting closer and closer to the source of the magic repair that appeared this time.

   These magic repairs that appeared in various places in the Hanhai Dao League have complicated origins and different sources.

   A large part of it is the remnants of the remnants of the Great Li Dynasty.

   Many cultivation families of the Great Li Dynasty have secretly enshrined Moxiu, or secretly had a deal with Moxiu.

   In order to compete with Ziyang Shengzong for the inheritance of the Dali Dynasty, and to seize more of the original territory of the Dali Dynasty, Taiyimen used a lot of means of empathy and even bribery against the comprehension forces that originally belonged to the Dali Dynasty.

   The time for these comprehension forces to be incorporated into the Taiyi Clan system is too short, and they have not been completely digested by the Taiyi Clan.

   Taking this opportunity, it can be regarded as a cleansing and identification of these comprehension forces.

   The Five Punishment Sword Han Yao was originally in a high position in the Dali Dynasty and knew everything about the Dali Dynasty.

   He hates the magic way, and has been tirelessly hunting down all the magic repairs.

   His current Yang Shenqi cultivation level is enough to calm the scene.

   He was appointed by the middle and high level of the door, specifically responsible for the investigation of those comprehension forces that originally belonged to the Dali Dynasty.

   All cultivation forces that are involved in the magic way must be investigated to the end, and everything related to the magic way must be thoroughly eliminated.

  Dali Dynasty originally had several large chambers of commerce, which had great influence internally.

   These chambers of commerce, headed by the Datong Business League, once entered the Jiuqu province that year, and fought with Taiyimen for many years.

   Taiyimen and Dali Dynasty experienced several transformations in the relationship between enemy and friend.

  The relationship between the Taiyimen and these big chambers of commerce is also the ignorance of enemies and friends.

   Later, in order to maintain the relationship with the Dali Dynasty, Taiyimen took a very gentle attitude towards the branches of these big chambers of commerce in Jiuqu province and acquiesced in maintaining their semi-independent status.

   After the upper capital of the Dali Dynasty was converted into a ghost domain, in order to receive all the legacy of Dali Dynasty as soon as possible, Taiyimen opened very generous terms to attract these big chambers of commerce.

   Merchants are originally profit-seeking people, and there is no loyalty to anyone.

   At the very beginning, these big chambers of commerce tried to find a way to go between Ziyang Shengzong and Taiyimen, buy them well, and try to maintain their independent status.

   Ziyang Shengzong is an old-style sect, and the scope of interests within the sect has basically been clearly divided long ago, and there is not much room for outsiders.

   For these big merchants, Ziyang Shengzong doesn't take it seriously.

   Under the command of Ziyang Shengzong, similar business organizations have long existed.

   It's just that, in order to compete with Taiyimen, the Ziyang Saint Zong was particularly kind, and did not be too harsh on these big merchants.

  The Great Li Dynasty has long been history, but these big merchants have survived.

   A large part of their forces are in the territory of Taiyimen, but they have kept some branches on the side of the Ziyang Saint Sect as a way of retreat.

   Taiyi gate up and down, have long been uncomfortable with these guys on both ends of the first mouse.

   It’s just that due to historical reasons, Taiyimen gave them many generous treatments, giving them a semi-independent status.

   Taiyimen seniors were unwilling to violate their original promises, so they pinched their noses and endured them all the time.

   Now, these big businessmen are all suspected of colluding with the magic repair, such a rare opportunity, of course the Taiyimen must seize it.

   In Junchen Realm, Demon Dao is the public enemy of all forces.

  Clearing everything related to the magic way is what people want and has a righteous name.

   Taiyimen high-level leaders have reached a consensus and must make good use of this opportunity to check the magic repairs, solve these historical problems, and completely abolish the semi-independent status of these large businesses.

   They will either completely submit to the Taiyi Sect and fully integrate into the Taiyi Sect's ruling system; or they will be purged by the Taiyi Sect because of collusion with the Demon Dao, and they will completely die out.

   In order to prevent these big businessmen from jumping over the wall and colluding with the Ziyang Saint Sect to cause chaos, Taiyimen dispatched a lot of forces and even organized an army of monks to prepare for the rebellion.

   Even Meng Zhang, who was in retreat after returning to the mountain gate, exited early and was ready to take action at any time.

   According to Meng Zhang's estimation, it is unlikely that the Ziyang Saint Sect will participate in the war this time. On the contrary, some small-scale conflicts between the two sides should be unavoidable and will gradually intensify.

   In addition, although we have to take advantage of this opportunity to clear the magic way to solve these major merchants, we can't delay business matters.

   For the magic, we must do our best to eliminate evil, and we must not have the slightest indulgence.

   Given Meng Zhang's cultivation base today and his status in the cultivation world, he will not easily make a move.

   Unless there is a monk of the same level who infringes on the Taiyi Gate, or discovers an extremely powerful magic repair.

   Fortunately, on the side of the Ziyang Saint Sect, there is no sign of being able to participate in the conflict.

   As for the magic way, although there are a lot of magic repairs and monsters that have been exposed so far, they are not the strongest in the Primordial Spirit Stage.

   The current strength of the ether gate can be handled independently.

  Actually, in the process of clearing the magic way this time, some human relations are more troublesome than the strength of magic cultivation and monsters.

   The Taiyi Sect showed a decisive attitude that was not at the same time as the devil.

   Those cultivators who have colluded with the Demon Dao and have had a direct relationship with the Demon Cultivation will naturally be thoroughly cleaned up.

   But there are some guys who are purely unlucky, or simply implicated in them, they seem very innocent.

   In this regard, the Taiyi Sect’s attitude is very clear, that is, it is better not to indulge in it, and it is better to kill three thousand by mistake than to let one go.

   For this, even if some cultivating families and sects were slaughtered, they would not hesitate to do so.

   Anyway, today's Taiyimen has enough confidence to do so and will not fear any opposition forces.

   Of course, because of the Taiyimen's attitude, it is inevitable that there will be some random juggling and magnification, trying to muddy the water and fish in troubled waters.

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