The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2114: meet

Meng Zhang couldn't understand the current trends of the true dragon family.

   Gang Dragon King led this group of dragon clan powerhouses to the South China Sea, not just to fight against himself, temper the juniors in the clan.

   Several months have passed since Meng Zhang came to Nanhai.

   There have been many battles between him and these dragon clan powerhouses.

   Meng Zhang has clearly felt that these dragon clan powerhouses have made very obvious progress in all aspects after this period of battle.

   Meng Zhang is very reluctant to be a role like a whetstone, but there is no other way to think about it.

   He couldn't even release water during the battle.

   This group of strong dragon clan makes a ruthless and merciless action.

   If Meng Zhang doesn't show some real skills, he really can't stop them.

  Because the Dragon King was staring very closely on one side, Meng Zhang also had no chance to deal with this group of strong dragons.

   Despite his unhappy heart, Meng Zhang had to admit that the current situation is a good situation for the Hailing faction and himself.

   In any case, the strong of the true dragon clan did not swarm up and start a full-scale battle, it is not too bad.

  Meng Zhang just complained in his heart that the wrangling between Tiangong and the sects of the holy land has been too long, and there is no result yet.

   What made him feel a little wary is that now he is getting information about the heavenly palace, and it has become a little bit awkward.

   The ancient capital Taoist, who had been secretly communicating with Meng Zhang, was sent to the Void Battlefield not long ago.

   Through other channels, it is difficult for Meng Zhang to obtain the latest information on the Tiangong area.

   Meng Zhang was a little puzzled, was this accidental, or was he deliberately targeted?

   At this moment, Gang Longwang suddenly contacted him.

  During a routine battle, the Dragon King suddenly secretly communicated to Meng Zhang, wanting to meet him privately, and made an appointment with the time and place.

   Since the last time the Dragon King Kong failed to solicit Meng Zhang publicly, the Dragon King Gang seemed to be dead, and he has not communicated with Meng Zhang.

   Every time Meng Zhang fought against those strong dragon clan, even if the Dragon King Gang was close at hand, he didn't talk to Meng Zhang, but was busy pointing out the younger generation in his family.

   Dragon King Gang suddenly requested a private meeting this time, which made Meng Zhang hesitate for a while, wondering if he had ulterior motives.

  Meng Zhang was not worried about King Kong taking the opportunity of the meeting to ambush him, but worried that if this matter was exposed, the sects of the holy land would take the opportunity to make a fuss.

   But he changed his mind to think that the sects of the holy land and him have long been enemies. If the other party wants to deal with him, there is no shortage of such an excuse.

   actually met with the Dragon King in private, so you can take the opportunity to inquire about the news.

   After understanding this, Meng Zhang had no resistance to meeting in private.

   At the appointed time, Meng Zhang sat cross-legged in the air with a blue smoke rising above his head, turning into an illusory figure, and plunged into the sea like this.

   There must be no harm to others, no defensiveness.

   Even if Dragon King Gang did not show hostility this time, Meng Zhang would not trust him, let alone give him the opportunity to ambush himself.

   Meng Zhang has long mastered the ability to distract and transform minds into gods. Incarnate a divine mind and go to the appointment, even if there is any accident, it will not hurt the foundation.

   After this divine mind incarnation entered the seabed, he used the technique of water escape and rushed to the agreed place.

   Although it is just a ray of divine consciousness clone, it is derived from Meng Zhang's power of returning to the emptiness, not to mention the strong breath, and there are not small magical powers, the spirits in the water, and I dare not easily offend it.

   Meng Zhang’s divine mind clone did not spend too long on the road, and soon came to the agreed place.

   That is above a trench on the seabed, with several ocean currents passing by, which has a certain shielding effect on the spiritual mind of the cultivator.

   After the incarnation of Meng Zhang’s spiritual mind arrived, King Gang Long has not appeared yet.

   Meng Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party hadn't set an ambush here in advance.

   Meng Zhang didn't wait too long, and just as soon as the Dragon King appeared carelessly.

   The Dragon King Gang looked at Meng Zhang's incarnation with a bit of disdain.

   "Your kid is cautious, do you suspect that the old man will be against you?"

   "The old man really wants to deal with you, if it is so troublesome, I will find you directly."

   Meng Zhang’s divine mind incarnation smiled and did not answer the question.

   Since this place is not far from the location of the deity of Meng Zhang, the incarnation of Meng Zhang can synchronize information with the deity at all times.

   In other words, Meng Zhang can grasp everything that happens here in real time.

  Meng Zhang can also talk to King Ganglong in real time through this divine incarnation.

   The Dragon King Gang seems to be deliberately looking for faults.

   "Boy, you are really disrespectful to meet the old man with the incarnation of God's mind."

   "The old man was ready to remind you. If you don't trust the old man so much, the old man will not say anything."

   Meng Zhang’s divine mind incarnation showed a gentle smile.

   "Senior, I really can't help it. The younger generation has no choice but to make this bad move."

   "Senior, you also know that the younger generations have too many enemies, and they have a lot of grudges against the sects of the holy land."

   "The younger generation did this to hide their behavior, so as not to provide others with truthfulness, saying that the younger generation colluded with foreign enemies."

   The Dragon King Gang didn't know if he was moved by Meng Zhang's words, or if he was pretending to be a posture.

   "Boy, the old man is pleasing to your eyes. And during this period of time, you accompany the younger generation of this group to fight and help them accumulate combat experience. There is no credit ~ ~ also has a bit of hard work."

   "Therefore, the old man showed great compassion and revealed a message to you."

   "Not long ago, the envoys sent by several holy land sects secretly met with the senior leaders of my true dragon clan to negotiate."

   "After they talked for a while, they reached an agreement."

   Hearing this, the face of the deity of Meng Zhang changed drastically, and he was shocked.

   He couldn't believe it at first.

   As the ruler of Junchen Realm, the sect gates of the great sacred land have always been high above them. They have maintained a high-pressure posture against all enemies in Junchen Realm. How could they lower their positions and take the initiative to negotiate with the real dragon clan.

   Then, Meng Zhang thought of the current situation in Junchen Realm, and felt that it was not impossible for the sacred sects of the great sacred land to negotiate with the True Dragon clan to temporarily suspend the civil war in Junchen Realm.

   To fight outsiders, you must first settle inside. If the Junchen realm is unrest, how can the sects of the holy land fight wholeheartedly against the army of invaders outside the territory?

   Although the deity of Meng Zhang was shocked, this incarnation of divine mind still looked calmer.

  Since the Dragon King took the initiative to disclose the matter, he must have attempted. Meng Zhang's spiritual incarnation did not speak, but silently looked at the Dragon King.

  Meng Zhang's reaction makes Gang Long Wang very boring.

   However, before he and Meng Zhang agreed to meet this privately, he had a certain plan in his mind, and now he will not easily violate it.

   Next, he told Meng Zhang according to his original idea.


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