The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2105: Talking about tuberculosis

Since the Dragon King took the initiative to report the letter by name, Meng Zhang must respond regardless of whether the opponent was first courtesy and then pawned.

   The two parties did not have any personal hatred before, and the other party is a strong man of the same level as himself, and deserves the least respect.

   "Meng Zhang, the head of the Taiyi Sect, has met the Dragon King."

   Hearing that Meng Zhang reported the calendar, Ganglong Wang's face changed slightly.

   "It turns out that you are the famous Taiyimen Meng Zhang."

   "Back then, the king of Dinghai, Ying Longfei, who was defeated by you, was still the king's grandnephew."

   "This kid has been obsessed with you for many years, saying he wants you to take revenge."

   "He advanced a few years ago, and his strength was so advanced. He thought it was enough to beat you, and he was ready to come and avenge him."

   "It seems that fortunately, this kid was caught by other things and couldn't get out for the time being, so he didn't come to the door to humiliate himself."

   Dragon King Gang looks like a rough man, and it is said that he is also a brave and brave generation among the dragon clan, but he did not expect that there is a tendency to talk a little bit now.

   Judging from the reaction of the Dragon King, he is no stranger to Meng Zhang.

   This shows that the true dragons are not ignorant of the internal situation of the human cultivators.

   As for Meng Zhang's true cultivation level, the dragon king was aware of them as soon as they met each other.

  The Dragon King Gang looked at Meng Zhang with interest, still talking non-stop.

   "The old man is different from the lady-in-law of the Jade Dragon King who only knows how to fight and kill. The old man always doesn't like killing and fighting."

   "The old man also has some respect for the heroes of your human race."

   "I heard that your kid is a rising star of the human race over the years, very extraordinary. Now it seems that the rumors are true."

   "Your kid has grown up under the noses of those sacred sects with eyes above the top, and in turn fought against these sacred sects, it is really interesting."

   Regarding Ganglongwang's attitude, Meng Zhang was silent and did not take the initiative to speak up.

   "Boy, what do you think of the battle below?"

   After a long time, the Dragon King just entered the topic.

   "The following battle does not make any sense, but only increased casualties."

   "Enemies should be settled but not settled, and there is no hatred that cannot be solved. It is better to suspend troops and strike each other and go back to each family."

   "Harmony is the most important thing, and harmony is the most important thing."

   Meng Zhang replied seemingly relaxed.

   "A good friend should be settled but not knotted, and a good one is more expensive."

   "Boy, do you think that the old man is confused and you can fool around at will."

   "Nanhai was originally the hometown of the Hai nationality, and the Hai nationality has lived peacefully here for many years."

   "You cultivators who killed the sea clan and occupied the South China Sea, and said that there is no hatred that cannot be solved."

  Speaking of this, the original seemingly amiable King Ganglong suddenly became a little more serious.

   Ganglong Wang Yi is righteously speaking, as if he is in the early days of the sea clan.

   It sounds, what he said does make sense.

   Sea Clan is the native creature in Junchen Realm, and Terran Cultivators are out-and-out outsiders to Junchen Realm.

   Now that these outsiders dove occupy the magpie's nest, they are still persecuting the Sea Clan on a large scale, almost exterminating the natives of Junchen Realm.

   If you didn't know the origin of the true dragon family, Meng Zhang would have been bluffed by the Ganglong King.

  Although he is reluctant to engage in a meaningless verbal battle with the Dragon King, it is better to fight a verbal battle than a fight. Meng Zhang has no intention of fighting the real dragon clan to death.

   "Senior Dragon King, don't laugh, your true dragons are also outsiders, forcibly conquering and enslaving the Sea Clan, causing countless murders, what right do you have to blame my Human Clan?"

   Although Meng Zhang is accusing the Dragon Clan, his tone is not so harsh.

   The power of the weak is the truth of the Void World, and Junchen World is no exception.

   The natives of Junchen Realm are not strong enough to be defeated by foreign cultivators.

  As the aboriginals of Junchen Realm, the Hai Clan originally prevailed in the Shinto civilization. Numerous large and small aboriginal gods were enshrined among the major ethnic groups.

   Later, the true dragons invaded Junchen Realm and came to the sea.

   The true dragons are the overlords of the ocean in the Void World. This seems to have become a common phenomenon.

   No matter how powerful the sea clan, when facing the true dragon clan, it will be suppressed by the bloodline, become weak and weak, and dare not resist.

The    true dragon clan used extremely **** and cruel means to cleanse the Shinto civilization that prevailed among the sea clan, and wiped out almost all the native gods.

   Now the Sea Clan in Junchen Realm are all the survivors and their descendants after the massacre. They have been incomparably obedient by the True Dragon Clan, and they are the loyal and reliable servants of the True Dragon Clan.

  Meng Zhang is well acquainted with the history of Junchen Realm, and naturally knows what happened to these sea tribes.

   After listening to Meng Zhang's rebuttal, Ganglong King did not overreact, but rather patiently talked with Meng Zhang.

   "Looking at your young age, you are already a member of my generation. The old man will give you face."

   "As long as your human cultivators withdraw from the South China Sea, so that the Sea Clan can return to the old place, the old man will order you to let you go, so that these guys will stop chasing you."

   Listening to the tone of the Dragon King, I don’t know, but I thought that the human cultivator side took advantage of it.

   How could the Hailing faction withdraw from the South China Sea like this? The Dragon King clearly mentioned an impossible condition.

   The Dragon King Gang is not a fool, he should know that he will not agree.

   He still wants to say that, what's the point?

   "Head Meng, I heard that you are on the side of your human race, and life has never been so good."

   "The sects of the sacred places are jealous of the capable and persecuted you many times."

   "Although you have today's cultivation base, Head, you think you can compete with all the sacred sects. But without strong support, how long can you support?"

   "My dragons are thirsty for talents, and I like young talents like you the most."

   "If you have the support of my dragon clan, you don't need to worry about the various sacred sects."


   Listening to the chattering words of the Dragon King, Meng Zhang felt a little amused.

   What is going on inside your real dragon clan, you just don’t know what the dragon king is.

   The true dragons are absolutely racist, they believe that they are the most powerful race in the void, and the other races are lower races in front of their own.

  True Dragons are a race that is absolutely bloody.

   In the eyes of those pure-blood true dragons, even the mixed-blood dragons are inferior.

  Meng Zhang, as a human cultivator, ran to seek refuge in the real dragons, unless there was a hole in his head.

   What's more, once a human cultivator of the level of Meng Zhang defected, he would surely usher in full pursuit, including Tiangong.

   However, the Dragon King Gang knew that it was very different from other dragons to win Meng Zhang.

  From his words, he knows that he is very familiar with the internal situation of the human cultivators, he also knows the situation of Meng Zhang, and he knows that Taiyimen is the enemy of the sects of the holy land.

   Of course, Meng Zhang will not take refuge in the true dragon clan, but he can reach some tacit understanding and even cooperation with the true dragon clan.

   It's just that all of this must be done in private, and cannot be exposed in public places like this.

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