The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1795: Xuanao Taoist

"The most important thing is that an extraterritorial invader has jumped into this vortex, and it should have broken into the sea of ​​origin."

The Lord of the Cold War gritted his teeth a bit.

Source Sea is the foundation of Junchen Realm, and even the high-level cultivators of Junchen Realm are not qualified to enter it.

Now that an extraterritorial invader has broken into it, this is definitely a major event that can shock the entire human race.

Meng Zhang thought of one more thing.

Many years ago, he had heard that the immortals who opened up Junchen Realm slept in the depths of Yuanhai thousands of years ago.

I wonder if those extraterritorial invaders who broke into Yuanhai were directed at these immortals?

Of course, immortals are immortals after all, possessing magical powers that mortals can't imagine.

Even if they are in deep sleep, the immortals can never be unprepared, they must have a certain means of protection.

Most of the extraterritorial invaders who broke into Yuanhai could not help these immortals.

But if they were allowed to act recklessly in Origin Sea, they might harm Origin Sea and damage the foundation of Jun Chen Realm.

Meng Zhangdu can think of things, not to mention the Cold War Supreme.

"The old man should have chased and jumped in and killed the intruder."

"But the old man is too powerful. Once you enter Yuanhai, it may cause huge waves and cause many bad effects."

The Lord of the Cold War continued.

"It's you, it's not long before the advancement and the return to virtual stage, and the level of strength is average. After entering the source sea, as long as you do not deliberately destroy it, it will not cause much impact on the source sea."

At this point, the meaning of the Cold War Supreme is already obvious.

It was to Meng Zhang and the three of them to enter the sea of ​​origin to chase the intruders.

Upon hearing this, the three men of Meng Zhang looked at each other.

It is conceivable to be able to forcibly break into Yuanhai under the eyes of the cold war.

Moreover, Yuanhai has many special features.

As far as Meng Zhang knows, even the power of returning to the void cannot stay in the source sea for a long time.

The power of Yuanhai will erode all outsiders.

Yuanhai's digestive power is extremely strong, even if a small world falls into it, it will quickly be digested.

If the monks below the ordinary primordial spirit true monarch enter the sea of ​​origin, it is equivalent to providing nutrition for the sea of ​​origin.

Even if the Void Return can enter the Origin Sea, it won't last long.

If you really want to enter Yuanhai to chase the intruder in accordance with the cold war master's will, the outcome is hard to say, the good and bad of Meng Zhang and the three of them are unpredictable.

The Cold War Supreme Being Patience and Meng Zhang said so much that they wanted them to take the initiative to enter the source sea to chase the intruders.

But after the three of them listened, they all fell silent, which made the cold war superior's expression unsightly.

At this moment, a figure flew over from a distance, and suddenly fell to the side of the Cold War Supreme.

The Meng Zhang trio recognized the person at a glance.

This person is the Xuan Ao Taoist of Jiu Xuan Pavilion.

The cultivator of Jiuxuan Pavilion can be said to be the most arrogant and unscrupulous person in the entire Junchen Realm.

Even in the face of the monks of other sacred sects, the Jiuxuan Pavilion monks looked domineering, let alone treated other monks.

Taoist Xuan Ao, as the Nine Profound Pavilion's Void Returning Power, is naturally not weak. But he is most famous for his domineering style.

This servant has always been aggressive and domineering, provoking right and wrong everywhere and offending countless people.

If it hadn't been for the protection of the Jiuxuan Pavilion, he might have been calculated by the enemy.


Taoist Xuan Ao is notorious, even Meng Zhang has long been known by his name.

Many years ago, Jiuxuan Pavilion sent it to the Tiangong Fighting Hall.

Tiangong Fighting Hall is the most powerful force organization in Tiangong, and all the sacred sects are actively infiltrating into it, placing people in it, trying to strengthen the control of this organization.

Seeing Taoist Xuan Ao coming over, the Cold War Supreme Master asked, "Did you not catch up with each other?"

Taoist Xuan Ao nodded.

"The two guys who escaped are clearly distracting us. Their real goal is to cover their accomplices and sneak into the source sea."

"Even if you catch up with them, it doesn't make much sense."

"The old man simply came over first and let the two Taoist friends continue to pursue them."

For the judgment of Taoist Xuan Ao, the Cold War Supreme certainly recognized.

In fact, if it weren't for the purpose of giving an explanation to the high level of Tiangong, they would not have to pursue the escaped enemy at all.

As Taoist Xuan Ao said, the real target of the enemy is within the source sea.

Taoist Xuan Ao glanced at the three of Meng Zhang and the others, and said impatiently: "Why are you still wrestling here, don't you hurry in and chase the enemy."

Everyone is a cultivator of the same rank, and Taoist Xuanao's arrogant look made Meng Zhang's three people very uncomfortable.

It's just that the three of them are very scheming, and there is no expression on the surface.

Meng Zhang was very disdainful.

Taoist Xuan Ao's cultivation may not be much stronger than him, but he can give orders here, but relying on the power of his own sect, it is really a bully.

Even if Meng Zhang and the three of them enter Yuanhai, whether they are willing to do their best is another matter.

It is precisely this truth that the Lord of the Cold War has been talking to them happily, hoping that they can take action voluntarily.

Probably because he was worried about Taoist Xuan'ao's bad attitude, the Cold War Supreme took the conversation and introduced Meng Zhang and the others about the enemy's situation.

Aside from the enemies who attacked here before and are still being pursued, there are only two intruders who entered the sea of ​​origin.

One is the demon master of the demon clan, and the other is the big demon.

Hearing this, Meng Zhang couldn't help frowning.

The Demon Lord and the Human Race's Void Returning Ability exist at the same level.

The human monks of Junchen Realm have fought with the monsters of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm for many years.

But the appearance of the big devil is a bit rare.

You must know that for so many years, the great demon of Demon Dao seldom dared to show up in Jun Chen realm in an upright manner.

Of course, there are many magic repairs in the Junchen realm, and there must be some magic repairs to keep in touch with the big demon.

The Great Demon Society will positively influence Junchen Realm, spread the magic way to Junchen Realm, and cultivate magic cultivation.

But the Great Demon itself will not participate in the attack on Jun Chen Realm.

There must be a big conspiracy when a big demon is taking the initiative to break into the source sea.

Meng Zhang has had many dealings with monks of the Demon Dao, eliminated countless monsters and demon repairs, and undermined the conspiracy and tricks of the Demon Dao.

His body was once marked by the Great Demon and even the Demon God.

Meng Zhang and Mo Dao are not at the same time.

Hearing the news of the Great Demon, Meng Zhang was very vigilant in his heart.

Emperor Bawu and Chunyu Zhongda were not very afraid of the demon master. But when I heard about the existence of the Great Demon, they all seemed very jealous.

After the attack here, not only was there a lot of movement, but the garrison also took the initiative to issue a warning.

During the time when Meng Zhang and the others were talking, a cultivator who had heard of well-known people appeared here one after another. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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