The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1764: Stalemate

Sha Wu Liang, the strong Yang God who controlled the sea shark clan, Meng Zhang barely achieved the initial goal and had a hole card in his hand.

He didn't rush to act, let alone play this hole card easily, but continued to sit in the Star Rock Islands, silently paying attention to the battle ahead.

The fierce blood battle on the front line continued. After the three-way cultivator army joined forces, its strength greatly increased, but it was still unable to suppress the Xihai Sea Clan army.

The cruel **** battle between the two sides continued, and countless lives were thrown on the battlefield in this way.

Knowing that there are all the Void Returning Powers watching above, the high-level Taiyimen did not dare to neglect, and the organized army of cultivators took the initiative to throw into the battlefield.

Of course, Taiyimen still had to leave a certain amount of strength to guard the rear strongholds and transport supplies.

It is about 70% to 80% of the power that is really thrown into the battlefield.

The battlefield of the current convention battle is simply a cruel meat grinder.

A team of monks plunged into it and soon turned into a corpse.

Although there had been rigorous investigations before the war and had some understanding of the enemy's situation, the Xihai Sea Clan really began to exert force. The strength of the army sent out and the performance was so strong, it was far beyond the expectations of the high-level human race.

A group of Void-Returning Powers stood high, without giving orders, and did not easily come into contact with the human monks, just sitting on the sidelines of success or failure.

The specific command on the battlefield is almost entirely in the hands of a group of Yang Shenqi monks headed by the Qiu family brothers.

They never thought that the battle would go to this level, the battle would be so cruel, and the casualties would be so heavy.

Even the two sacred sects of Royal Beast Sect and Ziyang Saint Sect, the monks who participated in the war were killed and wounded countless.

After knowing the specific number of casualties, the two Yang Shen stage monks of the Royal Beast Sect couldn't help but twitch their faces and their faces were blue.

As the main force, the monks of the Star Rock Islands undertook the main combat missions, and they also took the biggest casualties.

Brother Qiu didn't have any secrets this time, and he sacrificed the monks in Xingluo Palace without hesitation.

Although the Xingluo Palace was an organization established by them, due to the perennial infiltration of the Ziyang Saint Sect, no one can clearly say how many inner ghosts are in the Xingluo Islands.

Although the Qiu family brothers had cleaned up inside the Xingluo Palace many times after the break with the Ziyang Saint Sect, they were still far from being able to clean up here.

The Qiu family brothers were very bold. Since they couldn't clean it up completely, they simply smashed the stall, and after smashing it, they could rebuild their foundation.

This expedition to the Xihai Sea Clan is an order from the Heavenly Palace, and the sacred sects such as Ziyang Shengzong must actively participate, not to mention the strict orders of the Qiu family brothers.

Xingluo Palace didn't dare to resist the order, so he embarked on a battlefield that was almost mortal.

The Xingluo Palace has been standing in the Xingluo Islands for many years, and the accumulated wealth is almost completely emptied this time.

The monks trained hard in the gate were used as cannon fodder and were consumed on the battlefield.

Xingluo Palace is working so hard, and the other forces on the Xingluo Islands have no reason or opportunity for stealing and slipping.

The cultivators in the door joined together to fight for the Floating Cloud View who wanted to replace it with Xingluo Palace.

After the battle, the main force of the monks in the door was almost exhausted, causing Fu Yunzi to jump with anger.

The Yiqitang with the largest number of monks, the whole family was about to drain blood before the many monks persisted for long.

Seeing that the vitality of the sect was severely injured, the foundation was shaken, and the heart of the true monarch was very painful.

Soon, he had no spare time to heartache.

The fighting became more fierce, and the cultivators of the Yangshen Stage had to enter the battlefield one after another.

In the successive battles of Yangshen, the two sides soon suffered casualties.

The battle is so tragic that even the monks of the Yang **** stage may fall at any time.

A character like True Monarch Yiqi, who practiced the secret method of crossing the calamity back then, barely survived the thunder tribulation, but didn't get much benefit.

It didn't take long for him to reach the Yang Shen stage, and his strength was almost the lowest among the Yang Shen stage cultivators.

In the battle of the Yangshen Period, Yiqi Zhenjun was almost precarious and could hardly protect himself.

Soon, retreat was born in his heart, and he had the mind to escape the war.

If he hadn't known that the Void Returning Power was staring at him, he would have left everything on the battlefield a long time ago and fled directly.

Knowing that he could not escape on the battlefield, in order to save his life, the true monarch began to move his mind.

On the battlefield, both sides suffered such heavy casualties, but no one had a tendency to cease the war.

The war continues, and the **** scene remains the same.汜减B*xwx.co汜

The so-called one blast will fail again, and exhausted after three.

After a **** battle for more than a month, the spirits of both sides are not as good as before the war.

In the face of heavy casualties, many of the more sensible high-levels on both sides gave birth to some retreats.

If such a battle continues, there will be no real winners.

For the human monks, many of the cultivation forces participating in the war will decline after this battle.

Even if this battle is won, there is no spare energy to continue to clean up the sea clan, continue to carry out the raid, and it is impossible to have spare power to attack the base camp of the Xihai sea clan.

As for the Xihai Sea Clan, regardless of victory or defeat, after this battle, many Sea Clan groups will disappear and perish, and several core ethnic groups will also be devastated.

The entire Xihai Sea Clan, I am afraid, will usher in the fate of decline.

Again, it is not the guys who participated in the war that really decides whether the battle will continue or not.

Even the Yang Shenqi powerhouses on both sides are just pawns, moving with the will of the Void Returning Power.

As long as the Void Returning Powers of both sides did not speak, the **** battle would continue like A group of Void Returning Powers of Human Race almost all appeared near the battlefield except Meng Zhang.

They sat swaggering high in the sky near the battlefield, sitting indifferently watching the progress of the war below.

The Sea Clan's Void-Returning Power has already revealed its deeds.

They were not fixed in a certain position, but sneaked around the battlefield.

Regardless of its strength or quantity, the Void Returning Power on the Sea Clan's side is not as good as the Human Clan cultivator's side. Sacrifice as

If there is no real dragon clan to intervene, the human being's return to the virtual power does not need the Heavenly Palace to lower the penalty, and they have enough confidence to defeat their opponents.

Probably stimulated by the **** battle below, the Yudie Dao aunt of the Royal Beast Sect was a little bit eager to go to fight the Sea Clan's Void Returning Power.

The status and cultivation base are both the highest Heavenly Thunder Supreme, and he is the well-deserved leader of this battle.

He has always remained calm and has no intention to take the initiative at all, and his behavior on weekdays is very different.

There is a heavenly thunder, and Dao Aunt Yudie dare not act rashly, even if she is moved by her heart.

Meng Zhang, who was in the rear, paid close attention to the battle ahead, and felt a little unbearable in his heart for the increasingly **** scene. Mi He Mi

This is not just because the Taiyimen monks participated in this battle and suffered heavy casualties.

But Meng Zhang himself feels that the war has progressed to this level, and that it will only end with a loss for both sides, and there is really no much value in it.

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