The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1760: The battle begins

Obviously, the Xihai Sea Clan side will not allow the Human Clan side to act wantonly, and finally launch a fierce attack on its base camp.

On the one hand, the Xihai Sea Clan sent a number of small teams to take advantage of their familiarity with the marine environment to try to harass the three army of monks and try their best to stop them.

On the other hand, the Xihai Sea Clan gathered all the major ethnic groups under its command, preparing to start a great battle with the army of human cultivators.

Before the cleaning operation, the Xihai Sea Clan learned about the determination of the Human Clan through different channels.

The senior officials of the Xihai Sea Clan are keenly aware that this battle with the Human Race cannot be avoided.

Before long, the Xihai Sea Clan had to start a full-scale battle with the army of Human Clan cultivators.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. The senior officials of the Xihai Sea Clan are not arrogant and ignorant people. On the contrary, they have always been sober, knowing that the Human Race is the ruler of Junchen Realm.

The Terran monks are so powerful that even if the Sea Clan is backed by the True Dragon clan, it is difficult to confront them head-on.

Therefore, many years ago, the Xihai Sea Clan tolerated the establishment of the Human Cultivation Power on the Xingluo Islands.

If the Xihai Sea Clan really went all out, even with the support of the Ziyang Sacred Sect and many mainland powers, the Xingluo Islands would not be able to persist for so long.

For a long time, the Xihai Sea Clan had reservations about the offensive of the Xingluo Islands.

Some sane enough seniors of the Xihai Sea Clan knew very well that even if the Human Cultivation Forces on the Xingluo Islands were completely eliminated, with the power of the Human Clan monks, it would be easy to establish a new sea power again and contain the Xihai Sea Clan. the power of.

Of course, the Xihai Sea Clan is not monolithic, and there are also many differences.

Many senior officials of the Xihai Sea Clan still want to eliminate the Human Cultivation forces on the Xingluo Islands.

However, due to internal restraints, it is difficult for the Xihai Sea Clan to launch an attack on it with all its strength.

Therefore, in the West Sea, there has been a situation where the human comprehension forces of the Xingluo Islands have confronted the West Sea Sea for many years.

In the meantime, although the Human Race cultivation forces encountered difficulties and even dangers many times, they persisted due to various reasons.

This time, the cultivating forces of the human race on the Xingluo Islands received assistance from all sides and launched a massive crusade against the Xihai Sea Race.

From the very beginning, the senior level of the Xihai Sea Clan made a clear plan.

The Xihai Sea Clan took the initiative to abandon large areas of territorial waters and countless strongholds, and its main force avoided the army of human monks and played guerrilla warfare.

As the battle line grew longer and longer, the Xihai Sea Clan sent out multiple teams to harass and try to cut off the human side's supply line.

The Xihai Sea Clan tried to continuously consume the human cultivator army through these actions. After it was exhausted, the Xihai Sea Clan's main force came out again and annihilated it in one fell swoop.

Although the power of Terran cultivators is huge, their power above the West Sea is still limited.

After a fiasco, even if the Human Race wants to regain its strength and make a comeback, it will not happen overnight.

Moreover, the heavy casualties might also cause some problems within the human race.

After being beaten to the pain, certain high-level human races who are not firm in their will may die, or temporarily abandon the crusade against the Xihai Sea Clan.

The Xihai Sea Clan knew that relying on the power of one family alone, they could not fight against the entire Junchen Realm's cultivators.

Their ultimate goal is to delay as much as possible and wait for changes in Jun Chen Realm.

Originally, the main force of the human cultivator and the Xihai sea tribe caught up in the vast Xihai.

Within a short period of time, the army of human cultivators could not catch the enemy's main force, and the two sides had been at odds with each other.

However, in the face of the pressure of the Heavenly Palace, the human race cultivator army directly slammed into the base camp of the Xihai Sea Clan, and the Xihai Sea Clan side had to come out for a battle.

The army of human monks slayed violently, regardless of the true dragon family that was close at hand.

Although the goal has not been fully achieved, the senior level of the Xihai Sea Clan still has enough preparations for this battle.

When the three armies of human monks overcame numerous obstacles and were about to reach the base camp of the Xihai Sea Clan, the main force of the Xihai Sea Clan finally appeared.

The main force of the Xihai Sea Clan chose the weakest right army as the target of attack.

Han Yao, the five punishment sword of the Dali Dynasty, is the supreme command of this army, and the main force in the army is also from the Dali Dynasty. Only a small number of cultivators came from various cultivation forces on the mainland.

The army of the Dali Dynasty is composed of carefully selected sergeants who have undergone arduous training and can be called first-class elites.

The Dali Dynasty did not have any Tibetans this time, and the army sent to the Xihai to support was one of the main forces in the Dynasty.

The army is not only extremely powerful in its own right, but also equipped with a large number of war tools.

汜豜汜. The main part of the army has gone through many battles, and it can definitely be called a battle-tested.

The Xihai Sea Clan chose this army as a soft persimmon, and it would have chosen the wrong target.

Even the sacred sect of Ziyang Shengzong was unable to defeat the army, facing the main force of the Xihai Sea Clan, even though the enemy was few, the enemy seemed unstoppable. However, under Han Yao's command, the entire army was waiting in full battle, exerting its strongest combat temporarily blocked the main force of the Xihai Sea Clan.

After receiving the news of the attack on Han Yao's side, not only the other two cultivators took the initiative to move closer, but even the Taiyimen, which was the rear army, sent reinforcements.

Although there are sources within the human race, the monks of the human race often whisper to them. However, the high-level of the Sea Clan still failed to make a correct judgment on the strength of the Human Race. When making decisions, it is inevitable that some mistakes will be made.

Facing the superior enemy, Han Yao commanded the battle calmly and tried his best to delay time.

The Chinese army led by the Qiu brothers first defeated the sea clan's blocking team and rushed to the battlefield where the main sea clan besieged the Dali Dynasty army.

Immediately afterwards, the cultivator army commanded by the Royal Beast Sect also broke through the enemy's heavy blockade and rushed here.

The army of three-way human cultivators began to approach and was about to meet up.

As a result, the strategies that the Hai Clan's senior officials tried to defeat all went bankrupt.

At this time, the main forces of both sides appeared on the battlefield, and were at an inevitable distance.

Under such circumstances, all strategies and calculations have all lost their effect.

Only by relying on their own strength to launch a full-scale battle can the two sides truly decide the outcome.

Mi He Mi. As a result, a more tragic war broke out.

The three-way human tribe cultivator armies acted as horns to each other, cooperated with each other, advanced simultaneously, and smashed into the main force of the Xihai Sea tribe armies.

The Xihai Sea Clan gathered many ethnic groups this time, and almost concentrated the power of the entire Xihai Sea Clan.

The previous battles were mutually successful, and everyone miscalculated.

At this moment, the only way to break the game with strength and start a **** battle head-on.

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