The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1733: Hit the door

The thoughts in Meng Zhang's mind fluttered, and he soon thought of the various possible calculations of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

There were various problems in Taiyimen and it was in a dangerous situation. No matter where he hid, Meng Zhang had to show up after receiving the news.

With the introduction of Meng Zhang, the Ziyang Saint Sect had the opportunity to organize Yang Shenqi monks to besiege him.

As long as Meng Zhang can be eliminated, the remaining power of the Taiyi Sect is not worth mentioning, and it will be completely resolved by the Ziyang Saint Sect soon.

Meng Zhang wanted to negotiate with the Ziyang Saint Sect and ease the relationship.

But the same sentence, only if you can fight, you can make peace. Meng Zhang must show enough strength to make Ziyang Shengzong feel that the elimination of Taiyimen is not worth the loss, and he has to sit down and negotiate with Taiyimen.

Now that the Yang Shenqi cultivators of the Ziyang Saint Sect had already hit the door, Meng Zhang had to respond.

With a preliminary idea in his mind, Meng Zhanghaosheng calmed down the middle and high-level leaders and said that all problems should be solved by him.

As the master of the revival of Taiyimen, Meng Zhang has the supreme authority in the door. Now that he has returned to the mountain gate, everyone has the backbone, and there is no need to worry anymore.

After dismissing the middle and high level of the door, Meng Zhang went to visit Xu Kongzi again.

Xu Kongzi and Xiao Mofei of the Ziyang Saint Sect were injured in a battle, but fortunately, they did not hurt the root.

He was in the process of healing, but after getting help from Meng Zhang, his injury soon healed.

The Taiyi Gate of the Void Ding in its heyday was the treasure of inheritance in the gate.

As a fourth-order magic weapon, possessing the spirit of the spirit, gave birth to the wisdom, and participated in many important events in the door.

Of course, Xu Kongzi is not a human monk after all, and cannot enter the decision-making level of the door.

He didn't know the top secrets of the door at the time, but his insight and vision were good.

Xu Kongzi is very clear about what Meng Zhang's advanced stage of rebirth period means.

He was as excited as everyone else in the door.

After going through the thunder tribulation of the sun god, Xu Kongzi became a completely independent creature, able to cultivate Dao like a human monk.

From then on, he also had a yearning for the Dao.

There is no prioritized learning, and the achiever is the first.

Xu Kongzi is considered an old predecessor of the Taiyi Clan in his generation, but on the road, he lives behind Meng Zhang.

Taiyi Sect had Meng Zhang's power of returning to the void, and Xu Kongzi also had a backing. On the road in the future, there are also seniors like Meng Zhang taking care of him.

Meng Zhang talked with Xu Kongzi for a long time before leaving there.

Next, while waiting for the Yang Shenqi cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect to come to the door, Meng Zhang gave instructions on the practice of the younger generation in the door.

From time to time, Meng Zhang will visit the construction site of Fudi.

After knowing the news that Junchen Realm was about to change drastically, the middle and high level of the door was almost fully devoted to the construction of the blessed land.

This blessed place not only can be used for the daily practice of the true monarch in the door, it is also a place of refuge in the future, and the monks in the door are not concerned.

The power in the door is all inclined to the blessed land, and massive manpower and material resources are constantly being invested.

Even if there was a problem in the underworld and the income in the gate was greatly affected, Taiyi Gate still worked hard to ensure the normal construction of the blessed land.

The middle and high levels of the door do not hesitate to take the initiative to compress their own support, and they must ensure that the construction of the blessed land is not affected.

The construction of Fortune Land is relatively smooth, basically keeping up with the planned progress.

Before long, it will enter the final stage.

When the blessed land enters the final stage, it needs to be able to make a move.

In the past, Meng Zhang also considered asking for the help of the Venerable Venerable.

Now that Meng Zhang has advanced to the stage of rebirth, there is no need to bother others.

It's just that he needs to practice well and master the construction method proficiently.

Among the three disciples of Meng Zhang, Niu Dawei, the eldest disciple, was a great monk in the late Yuanshen.

There is no lack of the secret method of crossing the catastrophe in the Taiyi Gate, as long as the accumulation is enough, Niu Dawei can overcome the catastrophe.

The second disciple An Xiaoran and the third disciple An Moran were both cultivated in the middle stage of the Yuanshen, and both had their own strength.

Especially An Xiaoran is still the chief alchemist in the door, and his alchemy technique is extremely clever.

Meng Zhang stayed in the mountain gate this time, focusing on the practice of the three disciples.

The current Taiyi Sect, although because of the existence of Meng Zhang, is considered the top sect in the cultivation world.

But because the development is too fast, the development is very uneven, and the top combat power is still relatively lacking.

There is one monk in the Void Return Period and the Yang Shen Period. Especially the number of Yangshen Stage cultivators is still too small, far from keeping up with the expansion of Taiyi Sect.

The current confrontation between the top sects in the cultivation world mainly depends on the strength of the respective Yang Shen stage monks.

The current strength of Taiyimen is more than self-preservation and insufficient expansion.

The big change in Junchen Realm was imminent, and Meng Zhang had no intention of continuing to expand the territory of Taiyimen.

If the vast territory currently owned by Taiyimen can be fully developed, it would be more than enough to support the entire Taiyimen and the Hanhai Dao League.

What Taiyimen and Hanhaidao League can do is to defend the territory they already own in the midst of great changes.

In fact, even if Taiyimen intends to expand, it can't find the direction of expansion.

In the north of Junchen Realm, to a certain extent, Taiyi Sect has expanded to a certain limit.

The neighboring neighbors are not what the current Taiyimen can Meng Zhang patiently waited for the monk Ziyang Shengzong to come.

The other party didn't let Meng Zhang wait too long. In less than a month, Xiao Mofei visited with a fellow junior.

Xiao Mofei's junior is also a Yangshen stage cultivator, but his cultivation base is a bit weaker than him.

After Meng Zhang broke through to the Void Rebirth Period, he did not make a big announcement.

Except for the senior officials of the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall, it was probably Granny Qiansi who knew that he was already capable of returning to the void.

Naturally, these people would not take the initiative to communicate with the Ziyang Saint Zong.

Go back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate and summon the middle and high level of the gate.

Someone in the high-level of the door proposed to hold a grand celebration for Meng Zhang's rebirth, to celebrate Meng Zhang's becoming a rebirth power, and to announce it to the world.

Not only did Meng Zhang reject this proposal, but he also kept the middle and high-level men in secret for the time being so that the matter should not be leaked out.

As for Meng Zhang's order, the middle and high-level men naturally did not dare to disobey.

Therefore, Xiao Mofei and his younger brothers still don't know that Meng Zhang has become a power in the rebirth period.

According to the original plan, they slapped the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, deliberately provoked and tested the reality of Taiyimen, elicited the strongest combat power of Taiyimen, and eliminated them as much as possible.

Xiao Mofei and the two swaggered down from the sky, and arrogantly came to the sky above Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

Meng Zhang had long sensed their arrival, floating quietly in the air, standing with his hands in his hands.

A long distance away, Xiao Mofei saw Meng Zhang, his expression changed.

Let alone the grievances between the Xiao family and Meng Zhang, just last time in the black jade forest, Meng Zhang triggered the murderous intention of the cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

If it hadn't been for this guy to see the opportunity early and escape fast enough, he would have been taken down by the Brother Ziyang Saint Sect.

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