The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1722: Dead end

Among the monks present, there were many smart people.

   As soon as they discovered the power of returning to the void, they fled around like Meng Zhang.

   Ziyang Shengzong’s Yang Shenqi monk also didn’t care about anything else.

   They wanted to assist their elders in killing the Jiazi Dryad. After the war, there were a series of troublesome work in the aftermath.

   Even the person who hates Meng Zhang the most can only let him escape.

   The catastrophe is imminent, and Meng Zhang can no longer care about allies such as the Qiu brothers.

   Meng Zhang believes that with their cleverness, they shouldn't be foolishly waiting for the return of the Void Sun Sect to do it.

   Ziyang Shengzong’s Void Returning Power has already taken action this time, so I guess I wouldn’t mind wiping out some sect enemies.

  Meng Zhang quickly escaped from the Black Jade Forest.

   He was still worried, he hesitated for a while, and fled towards Daheng Cultivation Realm.

   He didn't want to bring the trouble back to the sect, so he didn't meet the Taiyimen monk stationed in the Daheng Comprehension Realm, but fled all the way to the west and towards the West Sea.

   On the way to escape, the terrifying thunder sound continued from behind, and Meng Zhang couldn't help but look back.

   I don't know when a purple sun rose in the sky.

   The purple sun releases endless light and heat, and its light almost covers the original big sun in the sky.

   The purple light did not spread arbitrarily in the four directions, but mainly shone towards the location of the black jade forest below.

   The core area of ​​the Black Jade Forest, that is, the area where the Jiazi Tree takes root, has been engulfed by purple flames.

   The rising flames towered high into the clouds, even if they were far away, they could be seen clearly.

   Even with Meng Zhang’s cultivation base at this time, he just glanced at the purple sun in the sky, and felt chills all over his body, and the pressure was immense.

   Although he has escaped far from the black jade forest, Meng Zhang still seems to be able to sense the heat and terror of the purple flame.

   The purple flame is still spreading in all directions.

   Looking down like this, the entire Black Jade Forest cannot escape this catastrophe.

   The many monsters that were originally contracted in the black jade forest, tightly guarded, and unable to guard, all felt before the natural disasters came.

   I saw the black jade forest immediately boiling, countless monsters rushing around, the huge monster beast team rushed out of the black jade forest like ten thousand horses.

   These monster beasts seem to be fleeing, after escaping from the black jade forest, they scurrying in all directions.

   So many monsters running around will definitely have a great impact on Daheng Cultivation Realm, and maybe it will cause a beast disaster.

   Daheng Cultivation World has been under the rule of Taiyimen for many years, has been included in the system, and has gone through many years of hard work.

   In addition to the direct monks of Taiyi Sect stationed here, many sects of Hanhai Daomen have established strongholds here.

   The original native sect of Daheng Cultivation Realm, such as the Songfeng School, has recovered quickly.

   In order to prevent the invasion of the Sea Clan, Taiyimen and the Jiuqu River Shui Clan jointly established a strict defense system.

   In contrast, these monsters rushed out of the black jade forest. The various demon kings who ruled them were trapped in the core area of ​​the black jade forest.

   Although there are many monsters remaining, the lack of top-level combat power greatly affects their overall combat effectiveness.

  Meng Zhang believes that the emergency system of the Hanhaidao gate is sufficient to deal with this sudden beast disaster.

   Meng Zhang regarded it as a test for the Taiyimen monks, without warning in advance, but wanted to see how they responded.

   Meng Zhang has escaped from the Black Jade Forest for a while, at least for thousands of miles.

  He paused temporarily, stopping to watch the situation develop.

   Ziyang Saint Sect's Void Returning Power has been outrageously shot, and the Jiazi Dryad in the weakening period is probably hard to be spared.

  Meng Zhang, who was thinking about his next move, suddenly smiled disdainfully.

   "You stupid monster who knows nothing about life and death, dare to follow this seat."

   "It's only a few years now, have you forgotten the experience of being chased by this seat, and running away in embarrassment?"

   Amidst Meng Zhang's disdainful laughter, the figure of the Black Gold Demon appeared out of thin air, staring at him and confronting Meng Zhang.

   Monsters such as the Black Gold Demon are often narrow-minded people, who are extremely vengeful, and they must be repaid.

   The army of monsters led by the Black Gold Demon was defeated by Meng Zhang, and he was chased by Meng Zhang all the way and almost died.

   This kind of hatred is simply higher than the sky and deeper than the sea, and it has been imprinted in the heart of the Black Gold Devil.

   In order to escape for his life, he had to take shelter in the Jiazi Dryad, which he regarded as a great shame.

   The Gray Peng King once told Meng Zhang that the body of the Black Gold Demon King was a monster.

   is related to the secrets of the Black Jade Forest. King Gray Peng didn't say too much in detail back then, but just mentioned it briefly.

   The Black Gold Demon is indeed a monster from the Black Jade Forest, and its body is a piece of meteorite iron from the sky.

   More than two thousand years ago, a piece of meteorite descended into the black jade forest.

   All the monsters in the Black Jade Forest live in the shadow of the Jiazi Dryad.

   Low-level monsters are ignorant and live in chaos.

   High-level monsters can fully sense the horror of the Jiazi Dryad, and get trembling.

   The Black Gold Demon is extremely arrogant and ambitious.

   He didn't want to stay under the Jiazi Dryad all his life before leaving the black jade forest, and finally fell into the magic way and became a monster.

   It is a pity that the appearance of Meng Zhang not only ruined the career he had worked so hard to build, but also made him have to go back and beg Jiazi Dryad to take him in.

   The Jiazi Dryad is not kind to take in the Black Gold, but to train him into a powerful thug and slave.

   The Black Gold Demon still has restrictions left by the Jiazi Dryad.

   If it weren't for the Jiazi Dryad that was completely suppressed by the two rebirth powers, and there was no time to urge the restraint, the Black Gold Demon would not dare to leave the Black Jade Forest.

   When I thought that the humiliation I had suffered over the years was bestowed by Meng Zhang, the Black Gold Demon almost lost his mind.

   He left everything in the Black Jade Forest, and risked being severely punished by the Jiazi Dryad, and wanted to follow Meng Zhang and wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

   Back then, the Black Gold Demon and Meng Zhang were both the strengths of the late Yuanshen.

   The Black Gold Demon finally had the power of the Yang God Stage, but Meng Zhang had already advanced to the Yang God Stage.

   The Black Gold Demon thinks that his own magic way is clever, and he has great certainty that he can count on Meng Zhang.

   But he never expected that Meng Zhang would have discovered the Black Gold Demon secretly following him at the very beginning.

   After Meng Zhang left the Black Jade Forest, he actually deliberately slowed down the speed of escape.

   If he fires at full power and runs away with all his strength, the Black Gold Demon will not even be able to see his shadow, let alone overtake him.

   Meng Zhang led the Black Gold Demon to run so far, but also to find a secluded place, slay this monster, and get rid of a major disaster.

   This life-and-death guy dared to follow him secretly, that is completely seeking his own death.

   In a disdainful sneer, Meng Zhang said much lazily, and immediately started to do it.

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