The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1698: Born

Although the immortals did not enter the underworld, they still used their great supernatural powers to destroy a large number of natural ghosts and gods, and even prevented the continued birth of natural ghosts and gods.

   The indomitable handle of the underworld, because of the great influence of the fairy magic, some completely dissipated, and some escaped into the depths of the underworld, and then disappeared without a trace.

   True Monarch Cannibalism, the demon cultivation, did not know how to find the trace of a certain authority, and has been planning to unearth it and use it as his own.

   Of course there is more than one authority.

  Different authority represents different power.

   is not just the underworld, in the Yang world of Junchen Realm, there was also authority at the beginning.

  Before the immortals from the spiritual world invaded, the rulers of the Junchen world were various aboriginal gods.

   The lucky ones among these gods have grasped the corresponding authority.

   When the immortals invaded, these gods were the enemies of the immortals.

   Of course, the final result is well known.

   The immortals who have mastered all kinds of celestial arts have vast magical powers and possess countless clever means.

  Many aboriginal gods in Junchen Realm don’t know how to practice, they just relied on their instincts to strengthen themselves.

   Even those gods with authority have a very single method.

   The native gods were defeated and were basically killed.

  The power of the Yang world was mostly destroyed during the war.

   The current Jun Chen Realm Yang Shi can no longer find complete authority.

  Even if there is real authority to be born, the sects of the sacred land, including the Tiangong, will immediately send the strong to compete.

  Only in the underworld, discovering the authority of no master, can it be encroached on by others.

  Meng Zhang himself has read many books, read countless classics, and only knows a little bit about authority.

   The part of the essence of Tai Miao's body that came from the natural ghosts and gods made him unable to withstand the temptation of authority and wanted to take it as his own.

   Part of the memories left by natural ghosts and gods made him even more familiar with the importance of authority in front of him.

   Seeing authority emerge, Meng Zhang finally figured out a lot of things.

  Situ family, why would a holy land family acquiesce in the actions of True Monarch Cannibalism, and even provide cover for them?

   Why is the Jiuxuan Pavilion exerting force on the side of Tiangong to hinder the action of the Demon Temple?

   Why did the Dali Dynasty be so interested in this matter? Why did Emperor Ba Wu actively provide assistance to Taiyimen?

   The answers to all these are above the authority in front of me.

   What they ask for is the authority in front of them.

   Now that he wants to understand this matter, Meng Zhang can naturally expect that these behind-the-scenes forces will definitely have back-ups to ensure that they can seize power from True Lord Canslaughter.

   So, Meng Zhang prevented Tai Miao from participating in the competition.

   It's too early to shoot now, it's not the time yet.

   Meng Zhang called a bit unwilling to be too wonderful, quietly disappeared from the battlefield, and found a place to hide.

  Meng Zhang knew that since the authority had already appeared, then it was time for all kinds of monsters and ghosts to appear on the stage.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter held his authority in his hands, and fought fiercely with that **** general.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter didn't expect that he made a desperate move, launching the arrangement for many years, and he was so successful.

   Many years ago, he found clues and knew that there was a scattered authority, hidden deep in this area, protected by the power of the earth veins.

   As a Demon Cultivator, he was naturally disgusted by the will of Heaven in Junchen Realm.

   The power of the veins deep in the underworld has a strong repulsive effect on him.

   If he sneaks into the ground forcibly, disturbs the power of the earth veins and alarms the authority, the authority will immediately fly away without a trace.

   So, he carefully designed, even at the risk of revealing the wind, and cooperated with Tianshihui to make precise arrangements in various places.

Once the    arrangement was activated, the earth dragon turned over, and the power of the earth veins fell into chaos, which was when he seized power.

   The top level of the Tianshihui is a sensible person, knowing that the promise of Moxiu cannot be believed, and has not said beforehand that it is required to share authority.

  According to the thoughts of the top leaders of the Tianshihui, once authority is born, it is time for each to rely on its own ability.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter, as a Yang Shenqi Demon Cultivator, is indeed powerful.

   But Tianshi will have a lot of ghosts and ghosts, many of which are strong in the late stage of the soul.

   Tianshi will have been prepared for a long time.

  Once the arrangement of True Lord Canslaughter is activated and the power comes to life, the many ghosts and ghosts on the side of the stone society will immediately set up a large array to trap True Lord Canslaughter.

  In the hands of some powerful ghosts and gods, they have even prepared a lot of treasures that specialize in restraining the demon monks.

   No matter how strong the True Lord Cannibal is, he can never escape this trap specially prepared for him.

   With various targeted arrangements, even if the level of strength is insufficient, using his life to pile up and launching a sea of ​​tactics, it will be able to take down True Lord Cannibal.

   After all, the powerhouse of the Yangshen level is not the power of returning to the emptiness, and there is no such insurmountable gap between the primordial spirit stage.

   The Tianshi Club was well planned, but accidents happened frequently, and all its calculations were in vain.

   Taimiao’s Xuanjia Yin Army combined with two Dao soldiers lent by Emperor Wudi to annihilate most of the main force of the Heavenly Stone Society and defeated him.

   The forces on the side of the Heavenly Stone Society have long since withdrawn from the battlefield.

   Even if there are still a few ghosts and gods left behind, watching from the sidelines, the Heavenly Stone Society is powerless against the True Lord Cannibalism.

   Relying on the strength of the Tianshihui alone, it is no longer qualified to participate in the fight for authority.

   Meng Zhang and Tai Miao forced their patience and did not make a move for the time being.

   Now that he is actively fighting against True Lord Canslaughter, it is the power of the Great Li Dynasty.

   The importance of authority Meng Zhang naturally knows.

   If it is too wonderful to gain the authority in front of, it will certainly greatly enhance his control over the underworld, and even challenge the Great Li Dynasty.

   Too Miao is inevitable for the authority in front of him. As the deity, Meng Zhang will naturally go all out to provide help.

  Meng Zhang is calm enough not to be dazzled by authority.

   He knew that the forces behind the scenes that secretly supported True Lord Cannibalism hadn't all appeared yet.

   The ownership of authority is still very variable.

   Now that the long-awaited wish has been fulfilled and the authority has been granted, what True Lord Cannibal wants most is to leave here as soon as possible, find a safe place to slowly refine the authority, and master the rules of heaven and earth in the underworld.

   But that **** will not care about his own safety, he will never stop, making it difficult for him to get out.

   True Lord Canslaughter's true cultivation base and combat power are above this **** general.

   But he had launched arrangements before to fight for authority, and now he has to work hard to quell the authority's resistance.

   The remaining power used to resist the **** general is still slightly insufficient, let alone get away when mentioned.

   Especially that group of authority sensed the magical aura of True Lord Canslaughter, and instinctively began a fierce resistance, wanting to get out of True Lord Canslaughter's control, which greatly affected his strength and mind.

   Under the desperate and fierce attack of the **** general, the mad rush, the real lord of the slaughter unexpectedly fell into a disadvantage again.

   This time, he fell into a disadvantage. It was because he was really weak, not as reserved as before.

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