The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1548: Xuangui ancestor

The Xuangui clan has always been low-key, and will hardly move its nest once asleep.

Among the ordinary aquariums, the Xuangui clan is not well-known.

However, among the high-level Shui people, especially among the Shui people with a long heritage, the reputation of the Xuangui clan is truly thunderous.

Anyone with sufficient knowledge knows that the Xuangui clan is the real powerhouse among the many groups of the Jiuquhe Shui clan.

For many years, the Xuangui clan has always been the biggest trump card and last resort of the Jiuquhe Aquatic Clan.

Now, it has become a strong enemy of Yuboli.

The number of mysterious tortoises that launched the raid this time is not many, but hundreds of mysterious tortoises.

But among these mysterious tortoises, there are truly powerful men like clouds.

Under the leadership of several soul-level mysterious tortoises, but a mere hundreds of mysterious tortoises, they just have a mighty force.

Not to mention that the army led by Yuboli is now fighting with the enemy, even if he is usually charged like this, he must be prepared to deal with it.

If these mysterious turtles rush into the army at this time, the army led by Yuboli will definitely collapse immediately.

Yuboli, who had come up with various means and had no way to resist, did not panic.

She didn't even get too distracted by these mysterious turtles, still focusing her main attention on the army led by King Golden Hook.

Seeing that these mysterious turtles were about to rush into the target army, Meng Zhang sighed and had to make an advance.

If the army led by Yuboli really collapsed completely, it would be considered Meng Zhang's ability, and it would take a lot of effort to turn the tide of the battle.

Meng Zhang needs to weaken Yuboli and her enemies, but does not want her to completely retreat.

A huge palm fell from the sky and slapped heavily into the mysterious turtle team.

After a loud bang, countless water waves mixed with flesh and blood soared into the sky, and many broken turtle shells were faintly visible.

With a blow from the Yangshen powerhouse, this mysterious tortoise team immediately suffered heavy casualties and was almost defeated.

Even the strong of the soul level, in front of the huge palm, is completely vulnerable.

"The human monk is so shameless, he actually bullied the small with the big, the old man will never spare you lightly."

With a roar, a huge tortoise, almost like an island, rose from the bottom of the water and floated to the surface.

This giant tortoise is just a head, like a hill.

The giant tortoise revealed a terrifying and violent aura from all over his body.

Under the pressure of this kind of breath, the fighting aquatic army, as well as the mysterious turtles who had just escaped, all felt terrified, and panic began to appear in their hearts.

Without Yuboliduo's introduction, Meng Zhang had already guessed the identity of the other party.

The other party should be the legendary ancestor of the mysterious tortoise.

The ancestor of the mysterious turtle in Yuboli's mouth is an expert hermit in the aquatic clan, peaceful and incomparable.

However, the current ancestor of the mysterious turtle is clearly a beast with extremely violent ferocity.

With the appearance of the Xuangui ancestor, even the celestial phenomena have changed, and dark clouds in the sky began to gather.

Meng Zhang was also a little surprised. The momentum of this mysterious turtle was almost as good as a monk at the Yang Shen stage.

Before Meng Zhang had time to do more investigations, the angry giant tortoise had already taken action.

The giant tortoise opened its mouth and sprayed, and a wave of water turned into countless sharp arrows, and it shot at Meng Zhang overwhelmingly.

The endless divine light of the sun and the moon fell from the sky, dispelling the dark clouds in the sky, and fell on the river surface.

Not to mention that the giant tortoise's offensive was resolved by the divine light of the sun and the moon, the divine light of the sun and the moon fell on the giant tortoise's huge body.

Countless rippling water lights appeared around the giant tortoise's huge body, blocking the sun and moon's divine light.

In this way, Meng Zhang and Xuangui ancestors fought fiercely between you and me.

Within a moment of fighting, Meng Zhang could figure out the details of the ancestor Xuangui.

This person's cultivation level has surpassed that of the great monks in the late Yuanshen period, and it is not much worse than the Yangshen period true monarch.

The power level displayed by the ancestor Xuangui is almost similar to that of Meng Zhang.

Of course, in the use of power, he is more than one thing worse than Meng Zhang.

Under the control of Meng Zhang, the divine light of the sun and the moon changed a lot, easily suppressing the ancestor Xuangui.

Although the ancestor of the mysterious tortoise fell into a disadvantage, he was extremely defensive, especially the tortoise shell was simply indestructible, able to resist the attack of the sun god.

If Meng Zhang wants to completely defeat the Xuangui ancestor, it will not be possible within a short time.

After Meng Zhang suppressed the Xuangui ancestor, he still had extra energy to shoot in other directions.

He didn't have much strength, just a few random swipes, and the black turtle team with heavy casualties was completely dispersed.

The black tortoises were like headless flies, running around and fleeing the battlefield far away.

Although these mysterious tortoises are very powerful, they don't have much combat experience when they stay in their old dens and sleep with their heads covered all year round.

With the protection of the black turtle ancestors, they don't need to worry about survival, and don't need to fight for anything.

Having lived peacefully and peacefully for so many years, these mysterious turtles have been completely abandoned.

This group of mysterious turtles rely on the strong to bully the weak, and it's okay to fight the wind.

Once they encountered a setback and suffered huge casualties on their side, they were immediately scared to death.

The ancestor Xuangui let out an angry roar.

He was angry at his descendants for failing to keep up, and he was also hostile to Meng Zhang's painful assassin.

Meng Zhang will not be affected at all, and is trying to slowly concoct this giant tortoise.

After the giant tortoise is taken down, its flesh and blood essence is refined into a pill, which is definitely a great tonic.

The shell of this giant tortoise can also refine many excellent defensive magic weapons.

The army led by King Golden Hook was defeated by the army led by Yuboli, and the ancestor of the mysterious turtle was completely suppressed by Meng Zhang.

The strong murlocs who had been hiding behind finally couldn't sit still anymore and had to fight directly.

In a secret room in the Tonghai Fortress, three strong murlocs with the strength of the late primordial spirit sat opposite each other.

Among the three of them, there is a seemingly primitive and old incense burner.

The three strong murlocs worshipped this incense burner very religiously, and then muttered words and quickly chanted secret spells.

As their power was poured into the incense burner a plume of blue smoke began to rise in the incense burner.

The blue smoke seemed to be just a thin strand, but it gathered and did not disperse. It quickly rose into the air and flew over the Tonghai Fortress.

That wisp of blue smoke turned into a huge murloc with a height of more than one hundred feet, a hideous head and four arms.

The murloc wielded weapons among all four arms, and strode towards Meng Zhang in front of the fortress.

Meng Zhang's face became somewhat solemn.

This huge murloc also has the power level of the Yang God level.

Before Xuangui ancestor had time to get rid of, a new powerful enemy appeared again.

Not only did Meng Zhang show no signs of fear, but he gave birth to a bit of pride out of thin air.

Before that murloc shot, Meng Zhang took the lead.

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