The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1525: Yin and Yang Mixture

Seeing Meng Zhang being entangled, Yuan Jue did not look at him.

He sits on the ground with his legs crossed, his hands are pinching the Dharma seal, and his fingers move quickly, as if a lotus flower is in full bloom.

A huge lotus throne appeared on top of Meng Zhang's head, and it pressed down heavily towards him.

Yuan Jue was really powerful, and he broke Meng Zhang's most powerful method as soon as he shot, and now he has performed a sharp killer move.

Meng Zhang, who seems to be in trouble, not only shows no signs of panic, on the contrary, he is extremely calm.

Although the Avenue of Space has always been his effective means against the enemy.

But his major avenue has always been Yin Yang avenue, and the space avenue is just a minor.

He used to have the Void Cauldron in his body before he was used to using all kinds of space magical powers.

Now that the Void Cauldron is not there, he, who has entered the Yang Shen stage, can also fully utilize the power of various spatial supernatural powers.

After passing through the baptism of thunder robbery, he deepened his understanding of the space avenue and mastered more powerful related powers.

Even the minor road progress is so great, not to mention the Yin-Yang road major.

He has not fully demonstrated the power of Yin Yang Dao, but used it as a hole card.

Meng Zhang before Lei Jie and Meng Zhang after Lei Jie were totally different.

Now, he wanted to let these guys see the power of Yin Yang Dao.

Meng Zhang retracted the Taiyi Lightsaber that had just been released, allowing it to withstand the falling lotus throne.

He raised his hands, and two air currents, one black and one white, sprayed out of his body, forming a circle on the top of his head.

This black and white circle began to turn, and it turned faster and faster, and more and more violently.

Yuan Jue and the Great Demon King had the strongest cultivation bases, and they felt an unknown aura first.

The two of them attacked with all their strength, trying to stop Meng Zhang from casting spells.

The divine light of the sun and the moon turned into a sky full of light and fell, covering Meng Zhang's body strictly.

All external attacks fell on this layer of light curtain and were quickly resolved.

The black and white circle rose from the top of Meng Zhang's head, rose to a higher air, and turned into a whirlpool.

A black hole in the vortex began to appear and slowly took shape.

It seemed that there was endless suction emanating from the black hole, firmly sucking all the Demon King and Barbarian King present.

These Demon Kings and Barbarian Kings are not weak, but after being attracted by the huge attraction, they all feel very strenuous and difficult to move.

The attraction in the black hole is getting stronger and stronger. Not only does it hold these demon kings and barbarian kings firmly, making it difficult for them to move, even Yuanjue and the black eagle don’t even bother to attack Meng Zhang, but go ahead. Resist the huge attraction from the black hole.

Everything around, unable to escape the black hole's attraction, was sucked into it one after another.

Several Demon Kings and Barbarian Kings who were struggling desperately were sucked into the black hole with almost no resistance.

Yuanjue didn't know what was inside the black hole, but he didn't want to use his life to explore it.

The lotus throne he released just now, as well as the rosary beads that anchored the surrounding space, were all sucked into the black hole.

Yuanjue is also a very decisive figure, knowing that it is not appropriate to stay here for long.

He had underestimated Meng Zhang before, and didn't know that Meng Zhang would be so powerful.

If you continue to delay here, who knows what kind of assassin Meng Zhang can come up with.

He spouted a mouthful of blood, tried his best to stimulate the potential of the golden body, and suddenly broke free of the black hole's attraction, and flew towards the distance.

The Great Demon King was preparing to follow Yuanjue's actions, but he was still a step slower.

Since Yuanjue had already escaped, Meng Zhang had to make this Great Demon King his main target this time.

The huge black hole descended from the sky and quickly fell towards the great demon king.

A huge black eagle spread its wings and flew, trying to escape here.

The huge black hole firmly attracted the black eagle, and continuously pulled it towards the black hole.

The Black Hawk also struggled desperately, breaking free from the attraction and restraint of the black hole.

Meng Zhang continued to use secret methods, constantly increasing the attraction of the black hole.

After a long time, the Black Hawk finally couldn't hold on, and the whole body was slowly attracted into the black hole.

At this time, Meng Zhang started to finish casting spells, ending the big killer move of Yin and Yang.

Yin-yang mixing hole is a powerful method for cultivators to forcefully break the void with the two qi of Yin and Yang, and manifest the black hole to kill the enemy.

No matter what kind of enemy, as long as it falls into this type of black hole, it will be slowly melted away by the yin and yang qi, and eventually become nothing.

If you want to practice this Taoism, you not only need to have extremely high attainments in Yin Yang Dao and Space Dao, but also have extremely high requirements on the cultivator's understanding and talents.

Even a genius like Meng Zhang had spent a lot of effort after entering the Yang Shen stage to get started with this Taoist technique.

Although all the enemies have been sucked into the black hole, it still takes Meng Zhang to spend time to slowly refine.

He ignored other things, sitting cross-legged on the ground, began to revolve yin and yang, slowly refining everything that had been sucked into the black hole.

Fortunately, this place is still quiet for the time being, and no one has come to bother Meng Zhang. Yuanjue who ran away didn't dare to look back.

It took most of a day for Meng Zhang to complete the preliminary refining and avoid backlash in the mixed cave.

It will take a long time to completely refine everything in the mixed cave.

Meng Zhang stood up and observed the surroundings.

The soldiers are fierce and the war is at stake, and he is reluctant to join this kind of war.

In this level of battle, even a Yang Shen Zhenjun like him can't be autonomous, and he has to fight for his own life.

If you are not careful, you will worry about your life.

He took out the jade pendant on his body.

This is the jade pendant that he was given when he first came here.

The scene of his victory in the battle with several demon kings and barbarian kings before this has been recorded in the jade pendant.

He clicked on the jade pendant with one hand, temporarily sealing its recording function.

Next, Meng Zhang chose a direction away from the battlefields and hid secretly.

Although there are many strong people around, everyone has their own Under normal circumstances, no one should deliberately search for Meng Zhang.

After more than half a month, the war began to slowly end.

Meng Zhang did not hide in one place, but moved the hiding place from time to time.

And he tried his best to observe various battlefields and pay attention to the movements of all parties.

The group of Buddhist monks who first showed their decline was the group of Buddhist monks.

That tall pagoda was completely destroyed under the fierce attack of two void warships.

The pagoda was broken into several pieces, and from the broken pagoda, a Buddhist monk tried his best to kill it out.

A large number of Buddhist monks fled the pagoda one after another, fleeing in all directions.

The Taoist Golden Core monks, that is, the Buddhist monks of the relic period, can barely survive in the void.

If you want to move quickly in the void, you need at least the cultivation base of the Primordial Spirit Stage or the Golden Body Stage.

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