The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 908: Rich yellow oil in Qingzhou

When Zhang Baiqi got the messenger of Qingzhou Yellow Scarf, the news returned was dumbfounded.

"This is the route for the relocation of a subordinate?"

Looking at the rude road map, he did not disapprove. He lowered his head and pondered for a while, wondering, "This is the Black Mountain Range? Is this the boundary of Youzhou?"

"Yes, although the general is assured, the Qingzhou side has already taken care of the several along the way!"

The messenger proudly said: "The general only needs to follow the road map, and there will be enough food and supplies along the way, all the way to the Qingzhou boundary!"

Uh ...

Zhang Baiqi was shocked. In his heart, he underestimated the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf, which was not noticeable.

Heping the Black Mountain Army and Youzhou Gongsun Zan, this ability is extraordinary.

In any case, since you want to go to meet with the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, or to be more precise, you will naturally get stronger.

At least, the strength of Guan Hai is still quite reliable. After the main force of the yellow towel is destroyed, it should be said that the strength of the badger is placed in the entire yellow towel system, which is the best.

In addition, this temperament is not brutal, at least much stronger than the place to be brought and merged.

Although some people can't figure out what's going on in the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf, and how the famous yellow towel system Guan Hai can only serve as the third largest general, Zhang Baiqi can't care so much.

The Qingzhou yellow scarf has set up the road. If he dares to regret it is an endless situation, there is no need to put himself and his subordinates in danger because of fear in his heart.

Zhang Bai's riding department quickly moved. In the surprised eyes of his colleagues in the state, hundreds of millions of horses dragged the old man and slowly moved closer to the Black Mountain Range.


Montenegro army base camp, handsome account.

"Qingzhou Yellow Scarf is really a big deal!"

Zhang Yanduan took the first place and looked at the list of materials in her hands and sighed: "I don't want the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf to be so rich!"

Tens of millions of grains of grass and weapons are enough to equip millions of troops. Such a skill really surprised him.

The Yellow Turban Army is different from the official army. Whether it is logistics or ordnance supplies, it is very difficult, or to be more precise. The Yellow Turban Army basically only understands destruction and does not understand construction. Even if the hand is good, there are no leftovers after so many years of toss How much is more than saying that the Montenegrin Army was originally chased by the army and fled into the Montenegro Mountains. What can be good.

"Big boss, do we have more points?"

The following generals put their eyes full and proposed: "In order to Zhang Baiqi's idea is old, weak and sick, the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf has taken out so many things so that they can pass through our site smoothly. If there is more, it is not a problem. There is only one chance! "

"Yes, the big leader, I didn't expect Qingzhou Yellow Scarf to be so rich, we can't let it go easily!"

"If we could make Zhang Bai ride more slowly in the mountains of Montenegro, wouldn't we get more benefits without risk?"


Obviously, Qingzhou Yellow Scarf's generous 'buying money' aroused the greed in the high-ranking generals of the Black Mountain Army. Not only did they not care for the friendship of the so-called Yellow Scarf counterparts, they planned to maximize the value of Zhang Bai's riding. Even shouted the idea of ​​being hostages.

"Forget it, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban is very sincere!"

Zhang Yan was also very emotional, but after a long time of groaning, she gave up the plan of the empty glove White Wolf, and explained with a chuckle: "We really have to do too much, it is difficult to guarantee that the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf will not give up Zhang Bai in anger. Riding Ministry, then we will be uncomfortable! "

"Furthermore, isn't the messenger sent by Qingzhou Yellow Turbans very clear, as long as we are convenient this time, we can do grain or arms trade with Qingzhou Yellow Turbans in the future, and the annual trading quota can be a lot!"

"One more thing, if Guan Na Nao killed Montenegro in person, which one of you can handle it with confidence?"

The power of the last sentence is not small, and it quiets down the noisy environment at once.

The strongest in the Black Mountain Army is Zhang Yan, who has first-class mid-level generals, and the rest of the strongest generals are only second-class. Guan Hai Na Zhe is known to be able to fight, but it is really difficult to cope with the rush.

Of course, if they ignored the siege of the skin, unless Guan Hai stepped into the ranks of the peerless siege, otherwise the consequences of the provocation in the hinterland of the Montenegro Army will be death.

But if he did that, the reputation of the Montenegro Army in the Yellow Turban System would be completely stink.

Do n’t think that the Yellow Turban system is just a loose alliance and it does n’t pay attention to it anymore. Zhang Yan still has a good mind. Do n’t look at the impressive momentum of the Montenegro Army. At its heyday, it even besieged the state capital Jinyang.

However, Zhang Yan and the Montenegro Army did not have the courage to rob Montenegro of the territory of the county. It is clear that the strength of the Montenegro Army is not enough, whether it is its own combat strength or the heritage is not enough. This is why the 10 billion Montenegrin Army has been entrenching the Montenegro Mountains. The main reason.

At the critical moment, the Montenegro Army did not have the ability to fight against the monoclonal antibodies, and it was necessary to help the yellow turban counterparts in the vicinity to help contain it. Otherwise, if any of the princes' forces were strong, the Montenegro Army would not be able to bear the consequences.

At present, the Qingzhou yellow scarf has given enough benefits and respect. If hundreds of millions of men and horses under Zhang Baiqi were forced to be held hostage, it would be possible to hit them.

Every day, Zhang Yan was too worried about the eating problems of the 10 billion population of the Montenegro Army. However, she was unwilling to accept Zhang Baiqi's hundreds of millions of old, weak, and sick. The burden was not ordinary.

Although he did n’t want to mess with Zhang Bai ’s ride, Zhang Yan was curious about the Qingzhou yellow scarf. Unfortunately, the messenger sent to the Qingzhou yellow scarf had not returned. Otherwise, he had to ask Qingzhou well. What is the situation on the side.

The main thing is, can the Qingzhou Yellow Turban fulfill its promise of annual quota trading?


Heishan Army's messenger's experience in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Collar does not need to be mentioned. Naturally, the bustling side of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban side was surprised by the strangeness.

Prosperous towns, even the villages are rich in oil.

Convenient transportation, magical taxis and tracks.

The popular education, schools in cities and villages, called the uneducated Black Mountain Army messenger to see red eyes, and the emotional turbulence could not be calmed for a long time.

Strong military force, the Qingzhou yellow scarf leads people to be physically and physically strong, the method of exercise in the army has been widely spread, there are also courses dedicated to teaching martial arts in the school, in the eyes of the Montenegro army envoys endless stream, the Qingzhou yellow scarf is powerful enough to suffocate .

Grain production is high, and the scale of ordnance manufacturing is amazing!

The Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is well-trained. No matter it is the so-called field soldiers or local garrisons, all the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong and powerful. The Messenger of the Montenegro Army boasts that it is the most elite soldier of the Montenegro Army.

In short, the experience of the Yellow Turban Collar in Qingzhou deeply shocked the Messenger of the Black Mountain Army.

When Guan Hai personally led a million Qingqi to set off to meet Zhang Baiqi, the messenger of the Black Mountain Army reluctantly returned to God, ready to follow together to return to the old nest of the Black Mountain Army.

"Why don't the generals bring a little more people over?"

After the departure, although surprised by the spectacular scene of millions of light riders, the messenger of the Montenegrin army quickly calmed down this time, asking curiously: "This road is not smooth!"

They had to rush to the boundary of Youzhou, where the Jizhou Army and Youzhou Army broke into a pot of porridge. At least they were all at the level of tens of millions of troops. Although Qingzhou Yellow Scarf Million Qingqi is a rare power, it can be put into the Youzhou battlefield It's inconspicuous, and it's troublesome to be caught.

"Anyway, General Gongsun of Youzhou has promised to help!"

Guan Hai didn't say too much, but he was surprised again by the messenger of the Black Mountain Army.

Youzhou Gongsun Zan, despite his fiasco in the battle with Jizhou Yuan Shao, is now being beaten back to his old nest and can only take the defensive position, as long as he does not die a day, he is a famous prince in the world.

Yuan Shao can despise Gongsun Zan who has lost his spirit, but the Heishan Army absolutely does not have such qualifications.

Unexpectedly, in order to attract or collect Zhang Bai's riding team, Qingzhou Yellow Scarf is really willing.

The messenger of the Black Mountain Army did not know how much Qingzhou Yellow Scarf was buying in Youzhou, but he knew how much Qingzhou Yellow Scarf paid to the Black Mountain Army. Obviously, the price paid by Qingzhou Yellow Scarf in Youzhou would only be heavier.

Really rich, so rich!

After traveling with the army, the ambassadors of the Montenegro army were stunned by the logistical vehicles that accompanied their troops. Nima's group of logistical men and women were still driving the cart, and they were able to keep up with the speed of the light ride.

What made him even more speechless was that although the march was fast along the way, in addition to the relatively simple camp account, eating and drinking was not much worse than when he was in the yellow scarf, which directly subverted his understanding of marching.

On this day of nourishment, the messenger of the Montenegro Army guessed. If he was replaced by the soldier of the Montenegro Army, I was afraid that he would continue to grow into the wasteland. It was so comfortable that the logistics materials were too abundant, and it was so refreshing to fly.

In this way, millions of yellow towels ran out of Qingzhou, and Enron shuttled across the boundary of Youzhou.

Youzhou is barren due to successive years of war, at least it is so outside the city.

Qingzhou Huangjin Million Qingqi didn't mean to go deep into the boundary of Youzhou ~ ~ It didn't have the idea of ​​participating in the war. It was just the spying of Jizhou's elite scouts, but it just got rid of things and didn't have the idea of ​​killing people.

It was so shocking to leave Youzhou to Bingzhou, and walked along the Heishan Mountains straight to the meeting place agreed with Zhang Bai's riding department.

At the place, Zhang Bai's riding department has not arrived yet, but the Black Mountain Army Zhang Yan led a general to rush over early. After seeing a million Qingzhou yellow scarves, he saw that neat leather armor and weapons, and a high spirit. The first thought that flashed in my mind was the elite teacher.

Waiting for a punch in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Million Light Riding Temporary Camp, he was shocked by the formal performance here, and enjoyed a rich lunch, which also made him sigh the atmosphere of Qingzhou Yellow Turban against the generals.

But when he learned from the Black Mountain Army messenger that he was aware of the true condition of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, he was also shocked by the tyrants of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, and even gave birth to some thoughts of fighting against the local tyrants.

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