The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 892: 3 years of rapid expansion

In other words, Zhang Fei didn't stop at the yellow scarf collar in Qingzhou.

I seem to be very curious about everything about the yellow scarf collar. Except for the normal communication with the high-ranking seniors in Qingzhou, the rest of the time is spent on travel.

Against Zhang Fei, the defense of Qingzhou's yellow towel collar was not as strict as Tian Kai's and his party.

I have said before that although Tian Kai is mixed up, but he is from the Youzhou family, he is naturally two classes from the yellow scarf, and he can't urinate at all.

It is because of the situation that the bad living environment forced Tian Kai to hold the thigh of Qingzhou Yellow Scarf. He hoped to be able to use his forces to survive. His heart must have a bad attitude towards Yellow Scarf.

So, do n’t look at Tian Kai ’s stay in the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou for a short time, but all he can see is the surface state. The top of the Yellow Turban is just to let him see the power of the Yellow Turban Army. As for other deeper content, I ’m sorry ya Eligibility.

According to the leader of the Yellow Turban Thunder, Tian Kai and Huangjin Army are exactly the existence of two opposing classes, and there is no possibility of concurrence at all.

I changed to Zhang Fei and the situation was different.

This 厮 is from a strong origin, but to be honest, it is just a pig killer, but it is a bit bigger, and it is completely incomparable with the true family members.

I talked about it again. It was normal to follow Liu's big ears, and it was normal to move away from home. All day, I was mingling with a group of generals and soldiers. The class label in my heart was very thin.

Even if I watched the family's lungs, I was surprised at best. The most important thing to consider was whether I could copy it on my own site instead of trying to suppress it.

Coupled with Thunder Tiger's intention to support Liu Da's ears, this gave Zhang Fei the opportunity to see the secret measures of the Qingzhou yellow scarf.

In the month of the Huangzhou collar of Qingzhou, how many things Zhang Fei saw and how many things he remembered in his heart, no one knows, but when he left, he looked a little embarrassed and obviously received a lot of stimulation.

After Xuan sent away two waves of men and women, the Qingzhou yellow scarf collar returned to peace.

Regarding the attitudes of Tian Kai and Liu Daear, Lei Hu made it very clear at the high-level meeting of the Yellow Turban: "The Ministry of Tian Kai is our barrier, which specifically shields the threat of the Jizhou Army, and appropriate support can be given. But there is no need to take it too seriously! "

"As long as the current confrontation is maintained, the longer the time, the better for us!"

"As for Xuzhou Liu Beina, someone thinks that it should be vigorously supported!"

"Don't look at Liu Bei's entry into Xuzhou now. It seems that the forces have moved us far away. In fact, this is not the case!"

"Xuzhou is one of the most prosperous realms in the Han Dynasty. Because of Cao Jun's aggressive killing, he had to invite Liu Bei to fight against Cao Junbing. This is only a temporary measure at a critical moment!"

"The power of the family in Xuzhou is very strong. Before Zhang Fei and Mi Zhu came to buy weapons and supplies, this was the power of the local family to Liu Bei!"

"With Liu Beijun's strength, if you want to gain a firm foothold in Xuzhou and use Xuzhou's rich resources for your own use, don't expect it at all in a short time!"

当然 "Of course, no matter how mixed Liu Bei is in Xuzhou, it has nothing to do with us. Let's not look at the problem so short-sighted. We must see a longer term to survive and develop better!"

"If Liu Bei is unlucky, the wealthy Xuzhou will fall into the hands of Cao Cao. This is not a good man, and he is definitely a hero who is not born. Once he has occupied the land of Xuzhou, he will quickly digest the huge harvest, and the next soldier They will attack us, and then the situation will be linked by military and calamity! "

"In order to avoid such a bad situation, the best way is to support Liu Bei to gain a foothold in Xuzhou. There are local family clan restraints, and there are fierce threats from Cao Jun at all times. Liu Bei just wants to grow and threaten us. ! "

"In short, the current situation is very favorable for us. The longer the time, the more beneficial it is. Let us take a decade to take care of the business. By then, we can rely on the strength of our Qingzhou yellow scarf alone."

After a few words, it was easy to persuade the senior management of the Yellow Turban to follow the plan formulated by Thunder Tiger.

Xun Leihu's prestige at this time has reached the point where he is full of words in the yellow scarf of Qingzhou.

He did not rely on strong force. Since crossing the world to join the Yellow Scarf, he has never shown strong force. He can have his current status and prestige, all relying on his own wisdom and super power.

The development of the yellow scarf collar can be said to have completely exceeded the expectations of all the yellow scarf leaders. Even dreaming has never dreamed of such a great situation.

Grain is three to five cooked a year and has completely got rid of the problem of food and clothing. Education for all has allowed them to see the strong development potential of the Qingzhou yellow towel, and the close connection between production and life together with runes has opened their eyes. I have also enjoyed great convenience and a development mode that is completely unimaginable.

I can say that at this time, the seniors of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban had fallen into the terrific life of the territory.

I can live a good life, and no one is willing to fight and kill all day long. If I can make An An develop steadily for a few years, no matter whether I can develop to a position of esteem, I hope Ann will live longer.

Obviously, the thoughts of the leaders of Lei Da are basically consistent with their wishes, and naturally they will not invite opposition.

Uh ...

Time passed quickly, three years passed.

On this day, Tai Shici led hundreds of elite riders to patrol the border area of ​​the Yellow Turban Collar. He had complete armor but did not feel the slightest weight, as if the armor covered with runes was paper-like.

Not only is the armor on his body, but also the steeds under him are wearing a layer of leather armor, with a bow and arrow hanging next to the long saddle in his hand.

If you are familiar with the unique charm of Qingzhou Yellow Scarf, you will find that there is a very clear communication rune on the back of the steel gloves of Tai Shici and his hundreds of elite riders.

In other words, Tai Shici and hundreds of elite riders have fully realized the convenience of sharing rune communication.

Look at how they whispered from time to time while patrolling. Obviously, such small-scale and large-scale communication and sharing technology is fully mature, and Tai Shici's orders can be reached to designated individuals.

Needless to say, Ethereum ’s commanding ability and the powerful role of communication amulets at this time can completely achieve the degree of the opponent to ride a hundred fingers, once the assault force is launched can be imagined.

In the past three years, the site of the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou showed no sign of expansion, and the deserted border area was originally desolate. At this time, it was slowly adding a lot of messy villages.

I have to say that the survivability of the people at the bottom is stubborn. Qingzhou has been suffering from war since the Yellow Turban chaos. In addition to several major cities that have barely maintained their popularity, the vast rural areas have been scourged. The whole village is shrouded everywhere.

At that time, Qingzhou people suffered a lot of casualties during the war, and the whole Qingzhou was greatly injured.

Waiting for the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army to change its style of operation and settle in the land of Beihai County, the population of the entire Qingzhou land is already less than one third of the heyday.

At that time, there were no chickens in the hundred miles, and the sight of thousands of miles without people was very common in Qingzhou.

There are no-populated and broken villages everywhere, everywhere is barren and thousands of miles, no one cultivates fields covered with weeds, and the order of production and life in Qingzhou is withered.

However, after Qingzhou Yellow Turf gained a foothold in Qingzhou hinterland, and seized the land of the two counties to vigorously develop agricultural industry and commerce, the yellow Turban collar quickly developed. Not to mention, the original people scattered around the place were like starving ghosts who smelled the fragrance. Coming together, the number of people in the Yellow Turban collar in Qingzhou has doubled in just three years, and now there are more than 1.5 billion people.

Most of the people gathered came into the Yellow Turban Collar and became part of the construction and development of the Yellow Turban Collar. They and their families also settled in the Yellow Turban Collar, and there was a stable living and living environment, and enough to support their families. There is even a surplus food supply.

What surprises these people most is that their children still have the opportunity to read and improve, and the life in the yellow scarf collar is as unreal as dreaming.

Qingzhou yellow scarf collar not only has a very good living environment ~ ~ For the people who have suffered from war and wandering, it is just like the fairyland in legend.

In addition, there are Taoist sages to believe in, which fill the void in the soul, so that all ordinary people who are willing to actively participate in the life of the Yellow Turban Collar quickly become members of the Yellow Turban Collar. Think of myself as a member of the yellow scarf.

The power of the Taoist faith is quite powerful. Thunder Tiger only used it a little to make the strength of the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf multiplied by more than one billion people.

Of course, most of the poor people are willing to take the initiative to integrate into the living environment of the Yellow Scarf of Qingzhou and turn themselves into a member of the Yellow Scarf. However, a few people are not willing to change their status.

Although the Han Dynasty has collapsed, the order of the Han Dynasty was destroyed and exhausted during successive years of war, but the imprint of the Han Dynasty still deeply affected the thinking and habits of many people.

The Yellow Scarf was a thief as defined by the court of the Han Dynasty. Some of the people who kept the integrity of the clan during the process of displacement were unwilling to bear the label of thieves.

Although they were broken by survival, they subconsciously moved closer to the yellow scarf collar of Qingzhou, but they were not willing to actively integrate into the yellow scarf collar. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they simply set up another village around the edge of the yellow scarf collar to settle down.

With the stable environment in the hinterland of Qingzhou in recent years, the number of these villages that are unwilling to actively integrate into the yellow scarf collar has gradually increased and gradually formed small villages. Although the life is more difficult, they can still survive, and There are also signs of getting better.

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