The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1082: Imperial palace

Congenital Heluo battle?

Lei Hu laughed softly and said, "It seems that I returned to the People's Palace in advance, as if I missed something!"

呵 "Oh, the Emperor ’s means are truly extraordinary!"

The dormant look was delicate, and he said leisurely: "The congenital Heluo array is regarded as the top formation of the flood and wasteland. The mighty power can be a threat to the Holy Strong. This power is enough!"

Yes, it is true that the large array of threats against the Holy Strong is enough for the twelve ancestor witches to weigh well. Is it worthwhile to fight against the heavenly army that is fully prepared when the goal is achieved?

Wrong, isn't the twelve ancestors of Nima have the twelve capital gods, and the terror group that can consolidate the Pangu real body is much stronger than the congenital Heluo group, why is there no idea?

However, Lei Hu did not know. At this time, the twelve ancestors of the ancestors did not have enough time to think about the twelve capital gods because of their great differences in cultivation.

Another point is that the twelve ancestors at this time behaved abnormally and liked to use their fists and head-to-head singles to solve the problem. They did not form a unified concept of group fights, and waited for them to suffer a lot from the powerful formation of other forces. Only then will they start to think about joining forces to perform a powerful battle.

"Palace, what is the loss this time?"

Xun Leihu shifted the topic and asked directly: "Feng Qishan, it seems that there are several great magical powers fell directly!"

Speaking of this, Fu's face suddenly became very ugly, that is, with his gentle character, he could not help emitting a violent atmosphere, it took a long time to converge, and he smiled bitterly: "This time the loss is quite large!"

The twelve ancestor witches are one of the greatest powers in the flood world, and the big witches are not good stubble. They are also fierce.

They were still attacking this time, and they suddenly hit Feng Qishan by surprise, and they felt heartbroken after the war.

Fuxi did not hide it, and took a deep breath and said with a bitter smile: "The five supernatural beings who belong to Fengqi Mountain alone have fallen into five this time, and the two great supernatural beings in the Royal Palace have also fallen directly. There is only one in our palace. Serious injury! "

Xu Wenyan said that Thunder Tiger could not help changing his color and exclaimed: "So miserable?"

I lost seven Da Luo Jinxian strong men in one breath. This time, Feng Qishan was afraid of hurting his muscles. The twelve ancestors were really fierce. This feud broke out.

After this battle, the great protoss power of Xunfeng Qishan was trained, and there were not more than a dozen people who cultivated it. They devoted a lot of resources to cultivate it, and the careful guidance of the son-in-law, a quasi-sacred person, did not even want to recover.

The Didi Palace also lost two great supernatural powers. In addition, the Didi Palace was split at this time, and its ability to interfere with heaven has weakened to the extreme.

I can only say that, fortunately, the great magical powers that the Royal Palace went to support this time have not fallen, otherwise the status of the Fuxi Palace Palace will be shaken.

After all, it was Fuxi's personal decision to go to support Feng Qishan, and it had nothing to do with the great magical power of the people's palace.

It is not a good thing for Fu Xi if he suffers casualties.

Also, Thunder Tiger ’s performance in the Battle of Fengqi Mountain also played a role in boosting morale. At least when he came out of the customs, he did not notice anything unusual about the atmosphere here.

不仅 "Not only that, there are a lot of Taiyi Jinxian and Fengxian falling in Fengqi Mountain and the Imperial Palace!"

The dormant tone was low, and he continued: "There are still people's palaces, and there are a dozen Taiyi Jinxian fallen, and the loss is not great!"

"Don't blame yourself too much!"

Xun Leihu persuaded: "No one expected that the twelve ancestors would come in such a hand, and if they had the opportunity to return, they would be back!"

"It can only be so!"

Fuxi Fu smiled helplessly, and then Feng Feng said, "It's just that this seat is going to sit in Fengqi Mountain recently. I'm afraid it's difficult to take care of the people's palace.

This is, let me help you see where it is?

Lei Hu firstly laughed, and then laughed: "The palace owner joked, there are a lot of people in the palace, so I can't take the lead to preside over the whole situation!"

He was not polite at all, and made his words clear. It would not be impossible if the **** Fuxi really provided support. After all, the strength of Thunder Tiger was there, and the performance of Feng Qishan was not a joke.

"Rest assured, this seat will be clear with the other lords in the palace!"

Dormant smiled: "There is a respected person watching, this seat is not assured!"

This is not a false statement. Although it was said that the twelve ancestors were attacked in this Fengqishan war, Fuxi had some suspicions in his heart, for fear that there were black hands behind the scenes.

According to Lei Hu ’s statement, ‘whoever benefits is the biggest pusher’, it ’s clear that this time things ca n’t be related to Tiandi Dijun.

I just, the matter of Feng Qishan was solved by Emperor Jun after all, even if Fuxi had doubts in his heart, it was not easy to speak directly.

He is a great magical person facing the palace of the people, and he is not good at 'nonsense'.

Only Thunder Tiger, who had also been prepared for Emperor Jun, could reveal his thoughts a little bit and temporarily entrust the palace.

At the very least, Lei Hu temporarily took charge of the palace, and there would be no fooling around by Di Jun, and finally he did the wedding for Di Jun.

Xu said that with the arrogance of thunder tigers, there is no problem in temporarily holding the palace.

If anyone is dissatisfied, you can find an opportunity to fight against the ancestor Wu Dijiang, and you can safely get away and talk.

Sure enough, when Fuxi summoned a great magical person from the palace, made the situation clear, and did not attract opposition, they all agreed that the palace would be temporarily controlled by Thunder Tiger.

I put it plainly, the People's Palace is not a place with strict rules, but a relatively loose organization, and the restraints on the great magical people are extremely low.

Even if he is the palace master, he is not qualified, and he has no right to force the supernatural beings to do unwilling things. To put it bluntly, no matter what they do, it must be done by the supernatural beings themselves, otherwise everything is useless.

Xun Leihu didn't care much, as long as he could temporarily manage the palace.

He valued the core resources of the People ’s Palace, and only those who were entitled to the palace ’s resources, such as the top practice methods in the People ’s Palace ’s collection, and various precious elixir treasures.

For these reasons, Thunder Tiger was not unable to borrow or obtain it through other methods before, but there were always inconveniences and it could not get what it wanted.

After all, some core resources are only known to the palace master and veteran supernatural powers. Thunder Tiger has not even heard of it. So open to the palace master Fu Xi or borrow or exchange?

I have a good heart. Fuxi temporarily entrusted the control of the people's palace, and Thunder Tiger was qualified to look at them. Maybe there will be an unexpected surprise.

The temporary transfer of rights was very smooth and no moths appeared.

I'm still saying that, Lei Hu showed enough strength, even if some great magical people were enthusiastic about the temporary power of the people's palace, they didn't have the courage to directly challenge.

I joked that with the amazing performance of Thunder Tiger in the battle of Fengqi Mountain and the ancestor of the space ancestor Wu Dijiang, if they took the initiative to provoke, they might be confused.

Especially, I have seen Thunder Tiger and Dijiang fight against each other for space magical powers. The ability to control the space magical powers extremely deeply, I feel panicked, but I have no courage to directly confront Thunder Tigers.

Seeing that there were no provocative provocations, Lei Hu didn't take it seriously, and quickly applied his mind to the top practice methods in the palace collection.

I do n’t want to transfer, but to learn from some of these top exercises, as well as to understand the secrets of the laws. The whole mind is immersed in it and it is difficult to extricate itself. It has no thought and energy to care about others.

He was the emperor Tiandi, who knew the changes of the people's palace for the first time.

"Thunder Tiger!"

I read the name gently, remembering the information I had before, Dijun's eyes flashed coldly, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

It was Ji Momeng and Yingzhao, two demon sages. After hearing about the changes in the palace, their faces became a little ugly.

They have not forgotten that what they had done in the unreliable and enlightenment of the wind and law world at first was simply a monster and a humiliation. Now I heard that one of the parties, Thunder Tiger, was mixed with wind and water, and it was no wonder that he was in a good mood.

It's a pity that even if they are upset again, they can't be the master of Emperor Jun.

Besides, they have heard the reports that Di Jun heard before, and they were all shocked by the powerful fighting power displayed by Lei Hu. If it is not necessary, it is better to provoke less, otherwise it is just asking for trouble It's over.

"Your Majesty ~ ~ Let's find a chance and give Thunder Tiger a deep lesson so as not to break our big event!"

Ji Jimeng couldn't help but open up and proposed: "Even if he is strong, as long as he sends three brothers, it will be enough to let him know how powerful!"

"No such need for now!"

Xi Dijun waved his hand, disapproving: "The big thing is the most important thing, and there will be opportunities to target this strong man in the future!"

Zhe Leihu's powerful fighting power has won the respect of Emperor Jun.

It is him. Without the use of the best congenital Lingbao River Turuo book, he dare not say that he will be able to deal with the ancestral witch emperor river. After all, the opponent is the head of the twelve ancestor witches, and the space magic power is extremely difficult to deal with. .

Time passed quickly, and it was another ten thousand years.

Over the past 10,000 years, the world of floods has been surprisingly peaceful.

The celestial beings have no accidents, as if the celestial beings have fallen in succession before, there is no such thing.

Is it so possible?

Wu Fengqishan suffered heavy losses during the war. Fuxi and son-in-law were sitting in the old nest. For ten thousand years, they just called Fengqishan to relieve their sigh and opened the road to recovery.

The twelve ancestor witches succeeded in attacking Feng Qishan. Although Feng Qishan was forcibly intervened by the emperor, the twelve ancestor witches also achieved the original purpose, forcing the son-in-law of God to surrender part of the power to the palace.

The ancestral witch who held most of the palace's power in his hands did not know what he wanted to do. In the end, he had been nesting in the Nether Emperor for no time, and the mysterious and mysterious people could not be guessed, and it was not easy to guess ...

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