The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1080: Dafa God Fighting Dijiang


Just after a punch punched the wounded Vulcan Zhu Rong, the power of the situation has attracted the attention of the great magical people present, and the next moment immediately the warning of danger came.

A terror arrow that is enough to kill God and destroy the soul seems to cross the barriers of time and space, and flashes with terrifying power.

On the mountains hundreds of thousands of miles away, Houhou slowly retracted the bow in her hand.

Leihu followed the induction, and reached out with a finger.

One by one, the rune formations came out, which contained the space where the world's way was divided and the water way.

The arrow flew through the world of rune formations one after another, through the space of rune formations one after another, and finally slowed down half a meter in front of Thunder Tiger.

Understanding the internal world rules of the world gourd, Thunder Tiger has been involved in the Three Thousand Avenues, integrating the understanding into the rune formation, showing an amazing power.

At the very least, the arrow of the arrow **** lost the invincible **** power for the first time under the barrier of layers of void runes.

"The law of space, the law of water, who are you, who is so familiar with the two laws and can be used so wonderfully?"

I just stopped the abrupt shot, and suddenly the space in front of them waved slightly. The ancestral witch emperor river suddenly broke into the sky, and his eyes were cold and angry. "I do n’t want to, there is a great magical person. In the way of space Such a profound attainment! "

As soon as the words of the crickets fell, a sharp and overbearing space edge radiated, and the Thunder Tiger was divided into two halves.

"The Emperor Jiang Diwu thinks that this seat is qualified to replace the Lord of Space!"

Xun Leihu laughed and waved, without knowing what method was used, to directly take away the space blades that Dijiang blasted out, and punched back like a dragon.

A muffled noise came out, and Dijiang's body was broken like a mirror.

The next moment, a horrible crack in space suddenly appeared, as if a huge mouth suddenly snapped at Thunder Tiger.

Xun Leihu took a pat, and a rune array flew out, and instantly fell into the bite of the space crack, turning it into a world to fill the space crack, and it was difficult to close for a while.

下一 But the next moment, the space where Thunder Tiger was located was suddenly stretched out as if the whole person had become noodles.

划 Small strokes, just like a hot knife cutting butter, the elongated space is cut away with a long crack, and the originally elongated space suddenly shrinks, making waves of space ripple.

In a short period of time, Didijiang and Leihu fought each other's magical powers, the means were diverse and varied, and the fierce but extremely dangerous supernatural powers were overwhelmed.

Smashing! Really amazing!

I have a saying how to say, space is king and time is respect!

The way of space is, but among the three thousand innate avenues, the ranking rules are extremely high. Therefore, Dijiang became the twelve ancestor witch boss.

The power of the space supernatural power is also very amazing. No one expected that such a newly emerged great supernatural power, such as Thunder Tiger, would be so profound in the cultivation of space.

In the battle with the ancestral witch emperor Jiang, there was nothing left!

At this moment, all the supernatural beings who are concerned about the fighting between the two people are amazed at all their minds, so they don't understand how the Thunder Tiger has such a means and strength.

Xi Dijiang's heart vibrated and he had a strong intention to kill Thunder Tiger.

If before, he only regarded Thunder Tiger as an ordinary opponent. When Thunder Tiger revealed his accomplishments in the way of space, he would kill it.

At present, his relationship with Thunder Tiger has changed from an ordinary opponent to a strong enemy of the road battle, an endless one.

There is a saying called the only avenue, Dijiang is the ancestor of space, and the title of the Lord of space. Obviously, the great magical person next to it will not be allowed. It is possible to touch the avenue of space, even if it is only a small possibility!

Xun felt the killing intention of Dijiang, and Lei Hu didn't take it seriously.

The short and fierce supernatural power competition between Xun and Dijiang allowed him to improve his understanding of the way of space in a short period of time.

Yes, Thunder Tiger did not use its own means to press the bottom of the box. Instead, it used the less-familiar space tactics to fight against the ancestor Wudijiang of the space. In a short period of time, it gained a lot through fierce battles.

Xi Dijiang didn't know these things, otherwise he would anger and vomit blood.

He is also unfamiliar with Thunder Tiger. If he changed to Di Jun, he would not waste time with Thunder Tiger and directly use the killer.

Xun Leihu has a world gourd as his hole card. His understanding of the way of space is all in the world of gourd. At least he has no problem in bluffing the existence of the unfamiliar way of space.

虽然 Although he did not directly display the world gourd, but the power of the world gourd, he can continue to borrow.

完整 A complete Zhongqian world is also quite good. Even if the quasi-sacred strongman wants to completely destroy it, it also takes a lot of time and great strength.

Obviously, Emperor Jiang despised Lei Hu and did not make every effort, otherwise the realm gap between Zhunsheng and Daluo would not make the two men draw a tie.

Shen Shun's space Shentong couldn't even kill Thunder Tiger in one fell swoop. Such a result obviously made Dijiang very surprised, and his face was a little awkward at the same time.

Suddenly upgraded the level of space magic to the quasi-sacred realm, the space was frantic and surging, and various space magic was sent out in a series. It instantly caused Thunder Tiger to fall into an absolute passive state. There is no fighting back.

Not only that, there is also a scepter that emits strong spatial fluctuations in Dijiang's hands. The space spells go hand in hand. At the same time, the scepter of space is flying up and down to cover the sky. It is heavy and fatal. Turned posture.

Xun Leihu raised 120,000 points of spirit, with a long gun in his hand, flying up and down and hovering left and right, as if the dragon went out of the sea, and he tried his best to keep himself safe.

He just, the attack of the quasi-sectarianism is not so resistant.

Although Dijiang has not been working hard for a long time, a few breath kung fu thunder tigers feel a bit overwhelmed, and his heart suddenly retreats.

The previous performance is enough, there is no need to fight with Dijiang at all, after all, the two sides have lost a realm, and the strength is not on the same level.

At the moment, Dijiang obviously moved his true character. Thunder Tiger naturally felt the majestic pressure and even the danger of death. There is no need to resist it.

At this time, the ability of Dijiang to be the master of space was particularly disturbed by Thunder Tiger. The surrounding space was rippled. The figure of Dijiang seemed to change a lot, and it could appear from any direction at any time. The room was annoying and annoying.

"Master of space, dare to fight against this seat?"

想到 I thought of the countermeasures instantly. The style of the spear in Thunder Tiger suddenly changed, and the entire spear seemed to become a complete world. Whether it was stabbing or turning, it brought the power of a thousand worlds.

Suddenly felt the pressure, Dijiang was the ancestor of the ancestor and witch fiercely, and immediately gave out more power to strengthen the space magical power, and yelled in his mouth, "How do you want to fight, draw the way!"

"Haha, let this seat take a good look at the horrific fighting power of the quasi-holy strongman!"

Xun Leihu laughed, the gun in his hand trembled suddenly, and stabbed tens of millions of guns in an instant. The vaguely small world passed by the tip of the gun suppressed the void and completely covered his body in a blink of an eye.

In the faintly appearing small world, with the help of rune-filled void matrix, the entire space of the body is completely frozen.

Xi Dijiang did not expect that Thunder Tiger suddenly made such a move, the flickering figure that was difficult to capture at all, suddenly stagnated in the solidified space area.

It's now!

Zhe Leihu's eyes flickered, and the spear in his hand instantly turned into a vanilla fan, fanning towards the stagnant figure of Dijiang.

Suddenly, the four forces of earth, water, fire, and fire gathered together, roaring the Chaojiang River, and a horror of dragons and claws danced in the shadows, directly taking away the Dijiang River that had just recovered its freedom of movement and had no time to launch a supernatural power.

For a while, the smoke and dust gathered together, the earth dragon roared amazingly, and when everything was calm, where was the emperor's ancestral witch?

The gods in front of Qi Fengqi Mountain could not help but wait. When he saw the pale and unstable atmosphere of Thunder Tiger's face, his heart resumed the fight immediately.

大 At a glance, the great magical beings at the scene saw that the innate spirit treasure that Thunder Tiger had just forcibly used, which directly took away the space ancestors, but that's all.

How amazing the speed of the ancestral witch in the space is that it will never be able to kill it again, but the appearance of Thunder Tiger has lost the possibility of continuing to work with Dijiang.

Obviously ~ ~ The gap between Leihu's strength and Dijiang is still too big.

Of course, none of the great magical people present laughed at him. On the contrary, he was very much admired. After all, he could use Da Luo Xiu as an entanglement with Dijiang for a long time, and he could send it away for a while with the power of innate spirit treasure. Easy.

Even so, Thunder Tiger did not take the initiative to leave, but was outside the fierce fighting circle, giving strong support to the Alliance's supernatural powers from time to time.

It's a pity that Thunder Tiger's great power, defeat, sacrifice of injury, and the success of Fanfei Dijiang did not help the Fengxi Mountain side that was hit hard.

The Tatar witches were prepared. The twelve ancestor witches and a well-known big witch almost contained most of the fighting power of the witches. They still used sneak attacks, and Fengqi Mountain couldn't stand it.

Don't say Feng Qishan, that is, if the Protoss Heavenly Court suddenly encounters such sneak attacks, it is estimated that it will also be crushed at the beginning.

The witch tribe's strength is very powerful, that is, the protoss heaven court has some difficulties to deliberately suppress.

Wu Fengqi Mountain is one of the powerful strength of the Protoss, and it is far worse than the Wus.

Xi is the great supporter of Fuxi God who took a man from the palace to support him in a timely manner, but it only slightly slowed down the time for the tribe to win.

The entire Fengqi Mountain camp, only the son-in-law God is a quasi-sacred power, but there are three in the witches!

Xun Leihu was able to fan the Emperor River by one fan. That was the advantage of unequal information, coupled with an understanding of the laws of space, to achieve such feats.

If you asked him to face the time ancestor Wuzhu Jiuyin, there would not be much resistance ...

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