The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1046: The shock of 2 ancestors

Latest URL: The situation is so complicated!

The battle for the emperor's honor and the battle for the throne of the people's palace, the cross-effects made the emperor Hong's scalp feel numb, and there was always a disaster of extinction.

Once the Emperor's family has an accident, the ancestral land of the human race will not have a great magician sitting in the town, and in the current chaotic and complicated situation, there will only be a way to destroy it.

Neither the senior ancestors of the human race, nor the Dihong family had the idea of ​​staying asleep.

How to say, all human races are flood-race races, capable of surviving dozens of yuan, no matter how hard and **** they are, it is really about to reach the point of life and death, and they will definitely not lack the determination and courage to fight the final battle with the enemy. .

How can Di Hongshi be a big Luo Jinxian strongman, who has experienced countless dangers throughout his life, would it be a good stubble to survive to this day?

As a member of the People ’s Palace, he also lacks the experience of fighting with power, and also has the consciousness of God ’s death.

It is a pity that the entire human race had been a big Luo Jinxian strongman before. Considering the safety of the human race's ancestral land, he restrained him too much energy, and he could not let go of his actions.

Suddenly learned that the elder elder of the East China Sea is likely to be a great magician in the Daluo realm. Di Hongshi was excited and immediately sent a high-standard messenger to the East China Sea territories to invite. The ancestral land urgently needed the great magical people to sit in the town and stabilize their hearts. .

As long as the security of the ancestral land is guaranteed, he can fully participate in the disputes of the people's palace, not to mention how much he can gain, or at least not to let the nearby supernatural powers take advantage of the human race.

Although curious about the origins of the elders of the East China Sea tribe, the Emperor Hong is not too concerned about the mystery of the flood world. Even the most top great magical people, such as the fallen emperor and the empress, have no confidence. When it comes to knowing how much the flood plain world is, why bother too much.

As long as the elders of the East China Sea are tribal, they will become human beings. There is no need to entangle some of them, but it will be bad if they are broken.

It is a pity that the messenger who is still waiting to return is still a little displeased in the hearts of the Dihong family and the senior officials of the ancestral land. An elder of the East China Sea is unwilling to come to help.

Whoever wanted to explain it through the messenger knew that they had misunderstood it, and at the same time, it was a bit inadequate. Only considering the situation of the Daozu land did not allow paradise, and forgot that the East China Sea tribe also needs a master to sit in, at least it must be the East China Sea tribe.

At the same time, when the messenger talked about everything, after seeing and hearing about the people of the East China Sea, all high-level ancestors, including the Emperor Hong, were all shocked, but they were shocked.

They are devoted to dealing with the harsh external environment. Most of their minds are spent in their homeland. How can they care about the situation in the East China Sea?

Who would think that since the appearance of the elders in the East China Sea, the earth has changed dramatically in just a few hundred years. Not only has it become a dominant player on the East China Sea coast, but also the talented people in the clan. Jinxian has more than a dozen breaths, The ancestral land is not comparable.

As for the farms made by the Donghai people, they have aroused great interest from the senior officials of Dihong and their ancestors. This is a coup to solve the food problem of the people.

I heard that this is the handwriting of the elder elder of the East China Sea, and it is naturally more urgent to see the mood of this eminent human being.

However, it is not so simple to want to draw a sufficient amount of strong people from the ancestral land and go to the East China Sea territory.

Looking at the ancestors who have such strength and qualifications, there are only three ancestors.

However, they are the ancestral land and the only three Taiyi Jinxian people. They have always sat in the ancestral land and have a good understanding of the ancestral land. At the same time, they can also manage the ancestral land very well in the absence of Emperor Hong. The ability to handle various affairs is not lacking, it is the right and left arm of Emperor Hongshi, who is most dependent on the palace.

No matter which tag goes to the East China Sea resident station, Di Hongshi is a bit reluctant and feels very uncomfortable.

However, the situation of the East China Sea tribe is there. If the ancestral land did not send a sufficient amount of power to sit in town, presumably the elder of the East China Sea tribe would not rest assured to leave. When can I come to the land to help, it would be very clear. .

After careful discussion, the Emperor Hongshi finally decided to send the two ancestors of the Tairen and Ziyi, the Taiyi Jinxian strongmen to the East China Sea territory, in exchange for the East China Sea elder Thunder Tiger to come to support.

The reason for this generosity is to strengthen the relationship with the East China Sea.

Including the emperor Hongshi, the senior people of the ancestral land were so stunned by what the Donghai people described as being described by the messenger. Good proof.

They did not want to cause problems in the development of the East China Sea territories because of their ancestral land, but also a means to strengthen ties.

From the messenger's mouth, it can be clearly felt that the situation of the Donghai people is quite good, and their lives are much better than their ancestors.

In addition, there are many places in the development of the East China Sea territories that are worthy of reference and learning. Taking a photo of the past of two Taiyi Jinxian-level ancestors in one breath is the best way to understand the East China Sea development model.

When the two ancestors appeared in the East China Sea territories, they immediately caused a huge sensation in the entire East China Sea.

Regardless of the Dai people or the Ziyi people, they are the well-known ancestors of the Honghuang people who have been sitting in the ancestral land of the town. However, they did not expect that the Donghai people's territory would suddenly be known.

After attending the lively and extraordinary reception banquet, the two ancestors couldn't wait to communicate with Lei Hu, the elder of the East China Sea ethnic group, conveying the ideas of their ancestors, and also showing their attitude.

"There are two human races sitting in this town, this seat can naturally go to the ancestral land with ease!"

Lei Hu didn't sullen himself, and said directly: "As for the East China Sea tribe, there are two ancestors to look after!"

Later, they called on the Mu Qing patriarch to explain it carefully, and told some situations in the presence of the two ancestors, and then quietly left without alarming anyone.

After understanding the overall situation of the East China Sea tribe, the Zi people and Ziyi clan were surprised that the living environment of the East China sea people was good, and even moved the idea of ​​relocating their ancestors.

And when the two ancestors saw and felt the power and subtlety of Thunder Tiger ’s arrangement of the guardian amulet, this kind of thought was even more enthusiastic.

It ’s not that they are angry with Dou Chao's bad thoughts. At this time, the Honghuang people's policemen were not very good. They were united internally, otherwise they were all difficult to survive. Mutual help was the norm.

Not only that, the two ancestors were shocked by several martial arts monuments that were planted in the main square of the Donghai Terran Territory. After careful study, they were shaken.

Nima, Thunder Tiger, the elder of the East China Sea, is really generous.

Jinxian and below military generals' cultivation methods, as well as the practice of drawing from the witch tribe's cultivation method, also reach the Jinxian level, and are especially suitable for human cultivation, which is definitely the only way for the rise of the human race.

When the two ancestors learned from the heads of the Muqing clan, if the senior members of the Donghai ethnic group strongly opposed it, they would fear that the practice of the Grand Presbyterian to the Taiyi Jinxian level would be all the exercises. .

The ancestors of the two people also shivered, their faces were very serious, and they were scolded. Lei Hu was really generous. I do n’t know if it would cause disaster to the people.

Of course, this hand is also very powerful. At least that group of people are attached to other ethnic groups in the East China Sea. The reason why these open practices of the East China people have played a key role.

Again, the cultivation resources are in the hands of real powerful forces, not the ordinary low-lying flood plains, or the weak and scarce ethnic groups can obtain valuable resources, and sometimes they just want to pay for it, and they cannot find the way.

Don't look at the level of Jinxian in the flood-waste world, but it is for the powerful forces that are famous for flood-waste, ordinary small and medium-sized ethnic groups can have a Tianxian level practice method, which is the core of the patriarch's pulse Inherited.

Ordinary low-level people who want to cultivate, even if they make great contributions, may not be able to be taught.

The Donghai people have released many Jinxian-level practice methods in one breath. Although these practice methods are specifically targeted at humans, they can still be extremely valuable resources for other ethnic people who depend on the Donghai people.

Maybe these high-level races have other thoughts, but among the lower-level people, the prestige of the Donghai people is undoubtedly quite amazing.

This is also the main reason why the East China Sea tribe does not have a Taiyi Jinxian level strong man, but they can still stably adhere to the race.

Even if there are any ideas of the upper ethnic groups, it is helpless for the middle and lower ethnic groups not to cooperate or support. Unless he is not willing to take out the core heritage in his hand, otherwise he wants to grab the hearts of the people with the East China Sea tribe.

Seeing and hearing, both feet were very surprised.

Nonsense human beings, as a relatively disadvantaged race among the races in the flooded world ~ ~, have always been dependent on the other strong races. When did other races depend on the races?

Anyway, such a novel experience can only be experienced by the two ancestors in the East China Sea. Although the taste is strange, it is quite cool.

In order to continue to enjoy this wonderful taste, they did not intend to forcibly intervene in the policies implemented by the East China Sea people, at least until they fully understood the situation of the East China Sea people.

Although the ancestor's name is loud, they have a lot in their minds, and it is not that simple to want to thoroughly convince the East China Sea people.

They don't have the terrifying strength of the elder Thunder Tiger, then they can only slowly talk about the influence infiltrating the Jin Donghai people. When they can achieve one word at a time, that is, the two ancestors are not very sure.

Thunder Tiger naturally did not know this, but he had no other extra thoughts, and quietly left the East China Sea territories, holding the tokens given by the two ancestors, and was going directly to the ancestral lands of the central area of ​​Honghuang.

It was just stopped by Tai Suyuan Jun of Guanghan Palace halfway ... 0

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