If things go on like this, the energy will gradually dissipate, and in a few hundred or thousand years, it will completely disappear.

Just when it lost sight of the future.

Something in the body seemed to riot suddenly, and the extremely severe pain spread rapidly.

This is--

The Vortex Demon God opened his eyes in horror. This kind of pain that penetrated into the bone marrow had been experienced once before.

That scary guy is at it again!

Ignoring the severe pain in his body, with a buzzing sound, the Vortex Demon God got up and was about to run away.

But in the next second, it was tied into a ball again, with only one head exposed.

A nasty smiley face appeared in front of it.

The Vortex Demon God calmed down his terrified heart at this moment. There was only endless humiliation, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Scholars can be killed, but you can't be humiliated. You play tricks on me like this, you really insult your dignity as a strong man."

The syllables of the Vortex Demon God are very ancient, and under the translation of the chat room, they still show the taste of vicissitudes.

Ye You blinked, "Dignity of the strong? What is it? Do you know Hui Ye?"

"do not know."

"Yeah, normal people who mention this."


Ye You floated up with the Vortex Demon God and asked, "Make a deal?"


The little snake head slid over with a proud gesture.

"It's fine if you don't want to."

Ye You doesn't talk nonsense.

The branches were entangled, and its last head was also sealed.

Then the lustre of the Void Tree circulated, and Ye You continuously transformed the power of elements to repair the body of the Vortex Demon God.

The Vortex Demon God in the ban was stunned for a moment. How could he have such a strong elemental power? !

This guy is just afraid of being uneasy and kind.

But even so, the Vortex Demon God couldn't care about so much. In order to restore his strength, he swallowed the sea and sucked it up.

Hui Ye looked at Ye You and said with a light smile, "You are really a devil."

The next day, at 5:32 a.m.

"The matter of the space shock will trouble you. Kuangsan."

Two figures stand atop Big Ben in London, overlooking the city.

The fog filled the air, and in the billowing white fog, only a few conical roofs protruded.

Ye You will only actively cause space earthquakes. There is no way to predict such space earthquakes. Ordinary people have no time to take refuge.

And space earthquakes caused by elves passively can often be predicted in advance, which also reduces personnel damage to a very small number.

Although Ye You doesn't like Europe and the United States, she won't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Yeah." Kuang San nodded, overlooking the DEM club hidden in the thick fog, she naturally understood what Ye You was going to do next.

So Kuang San was full of smiles and raised his palms high.


A harsh whistle pierced the sky over London.

After confirming that the residents' evacuation was completed, Ye You released the Vortex Demon God in the center of the city.

A huge shadow hangs over London.


Like a meteorite falling to the ground, smoke and dust splashed everywhere.

At the same time, all over the city, wizards took off and swept towards the Vortex Demon God.

Among them, Ye You saw Ai Lian, the strongest wizard.

I even saw a girl with long brilliant golden hair - Artemisia Bell Ashcroft. She is also one of the top wizards in the world, and the chief ace of the British SSS (Special Sorcery Service) against the Elf Force.

"Don't die, whirlpool sauce."

After saying this, Ye You flew to the building of the DEM company.

Westcott must be standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the highest floor, holding a red wine glass, quietly enjoying the battle.


The light film invisible to the naked eye closed the entire building, and Kaguya opened the barrier of [forever]. No matter what happened here, from the outside, this area was forever [unchanged].

Ye You came to Hui Ye's side, and the princess handed Ye You a spell card, "This is the power of [Su Yu]."

It can use and act by gathering moments that humans cannot perceive.

Ye You took the spell card, slowly raised her head, and looked at the room where Westcott was.

Chapter 348 superseded. DEM is mine now

Aizac Ray Pelham Westcott, one of the only four pure wizards left in this world, has the ability to absorb the crystals of the inverted spirits of the inverted spirits.

If he was given the conditions to grow, he might be able to reach a height comparable to that of the Origin Spirit.

Westcott has also been working on the reversal of the spirit, as long as the goal can be achieved, he will not care about the means used.

The purpose of Westcott was not mentioned for the time being, and Ye You did not want to know his interest.

Just by confirming the point of "killing the elf and causing it to reverse", Ye You had to clean him up.

There were constant explosions from the east of London, and the huge vortex demon was constantly creating storms in an attempt to break through the encirclement of wizards.

They can't communicate with the Vortex Demon God. In this case, any action will be regarded as a hostile judgment.

Moreover, the Vortex Demon God has no plans to communicate. It is arrogant and will not look like a human head.

Even the humans here seem to be very powerful.

It's just that the Vortex Demon God seems to understand a little bit now, why that disgusting guy would kindly replenish himself with the power of elements.

Are you trying to use me as bait?

If that's the case, then show all your power.

Suppressed for thousands of years, and did not rub off his water chestnut.

The Vortex Demon God didn't want to help Ye You, it just wanted to sing along in high spirits, even if it only lasted for a moment.

He was already a little tired, and he didn't want to be played by that devil and applauded.

In this way, on the battlefield of another world, the curtain ends with the most gorgeous gesture, without losing the name of the devil.


He raised his head high, and the sound of gold-piercing rubble turned into a visible shock wave that swept out, setting off pieces of smoke.

The two strongest wizards in active duty in this world, Ellen and Artemisia, clenched their lightsabers and flew to kill.

Ye You entered the imaginary space to concentrate, no one noticed his movements, and quietly came to Westcott's office all the way.

He was frowning gazing eastwards of London, where the buildings had all but been razed to the ground.

The appearance of the Vortex Demon God made him unexpected.

To be honest, he had absolutely no idea what it was.

The purpose of appearance, the mechanism of operation, the composition of the body, everything is a mystery.

Yesterday, he received a report about this huge monster. The monster that appeared on the island of Nirell, which looked like the Orochi in the legend of the Far East, attacked the laboratory.

It suddenly appeared in central London again today.

Is there any connection between this?

Obviously such a huge body, why is there no sign every time it appears?

Westcott thought, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Is it deliberately summoned by someone?"

If so, it seems to make sense.

If the purpose of the first appearance was to save the elf, then what purpose is this appearance for?

--not good.

Westcott's heart rang alarm bells.

When such a monster appeared in London, it was natural that all the fighting power would be poured out immediately.

So, here... poof—

A hand came out of his chest.

Westcott felt his vitality fading rapidly, and in front of his vision was a beating heart.

He lowered his head in a daze, and a hand suddenly grew out of his left chest. No, to be precise, it was pierced by a hand from the back. Then... bang, bang, bang,

The beating heart ahead is your own?

Immediately afterwards, he saw branches spreading out from the heart.

As his consciousness was about to fade away, his eyes slowly became dark.

To this day, he still doesn't know who actually attacked him.

Westcott wanted to turn his head and see the man's face, but found that the stiff body seemed to be completely out of his control, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

At the very least...speak and let me know your voice.

Otherwise, it would be a little unwilling to die.

But still not.

Yes, just silent death spreads.

Westcott felt that some hard object was rampaging in his body, bursting blood vessels, destroying internal organs, and shattering bones. Any sound, not only the vocal cords were cut off, but even the breathing was not controlled.


Westcott knelt on the ground and fell limply.

Then the branches completely wrapped it, and the power of the fire element surged, burning his body to the point where not even ashes were left.

From beginning to end, Westcott, who thought he was in control, didn't even know a single bit of information about the man who killed him.

With a click, Ye You staggered back a step, fell on the seat, her face was pale, and the sweat dripped down her forehead.

"Hey, it hurts!"

He didn't expect to be completely [etched], and even the pain he felt would be recorded together.

What a misstep.

But it went smoothly.

It took about three hours to completely record Westcott's information, but it only took 5 seconds using the power of the princess's [Shutan].

This ability is really strong.

Ye You was also worried that a battle might break out, so she asked the princess to set up a [forever] barrier outside.

Now it seems that it is completely useless.

Westcott was weaker than he thought.

There was a dark shadow in the room, and then a figure emerged like a dance class.

"Ah, did Mr. Ye You kill him?"

Kuang San walked in front of Ye You with a "dong, dong" like a dance step.

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