In the past ten years, the mining technology of fire star civilization has also achieved unprecedented development. From the very beginning, 100 mining ships entered, and only a few mining ships could return with blue crystal ore. Later, the return rate increased to Above 50%, hundreds of thousands of tons of blue crystals refined from 1000000 tons of blue crystal ore were embedded in Liu Gan’s main fleet.

These blue-encrusted ships, the energy armor emits a brilliant blue light, and the defense power is at least 4 times higher than before. According to scientists’ estimates, the energy armor defense ability of the fire star civilization blue battleship has now It is not weaker than the golden battleship of Yiguo civilization, which has reached at least 80% of Yiguo civilization.

The substantial strengthening of defense also means that the gap between the comprehensive strengths of the ships on both sides has been further reduced. Now if the two sides fight, Liu Gan is confident to reduce the battle loss ratio to 4 to 3 or even 1 to 1.

In this way, as long as Liu Gan has 4 times the battleship number of the Yiguo Civilization Expeditionary Fleet, he no longer has to worry about defeat. If he has 5 times the battleship number of the Yiguo Civilization Expeditionary Fleet, he even has a lot of confidence to win. This war!

In the nearly 20 years to welcome the Yiguo Civilization Expeditionary Army, Liu Gan has never been more confident than he is now. He even wanted the Yiguo Expeditionary Army to come quickly to test his own development in the past 20 years. Results.

Although the fire star base is still the main base of the fire star civilization, Liu Gan also made 10000 infallible preparations. He found a volume and moon-sized meteor in the solar system Kuiper belt and pushed it out with a planetary engine. After the solar system was transformed into a new base, this new base is mainly a laboratory.

Most of the scientists at the fire star base and half of the civilian population of 5 cars and 5 civilizations were transferred to this base. After storing a large amount of energy and materials in the base, the base was continued to be pushed into the depths of the universe by the planetary engine and hid. It’s 2 light years away from the solar system.

The new nuclear-powered eco-cabin is enough to ensure the normal operation of the base. After doing so, the fleet of 10000 Yiguo civilization is too large, and even if the solar system is destroyed, Liu Gan has nothing to worry about.


“An acquaintance was detected.”

One day, android suddenly reported to Liu Gan.


“Well, the ancient energy group has been found again. This time it seems to be much stronger than last time.” Android answered Liu Gan.

“Looks like I’m full again!” Liu Gan couldn’t help exulting when he heard the news.

During the last battle with the Energy Group, all of Liu Gan ’s ships did not have energy armor, and they exploded shortly after being attacked by the energy group. Now it ’s different. All of Liu Gan ’s formidable power has been greatly improved. With the ship protected by the energy armor, the defense is not as good as before. If this energy group dares to come over, Liu Gan will more effectively tear off pieces of “fat” from it.

“It’s an energy crawler.”

Yin He, who was in the survey ship, gave Liu Gan a more professional and accurate name after observing the energy group.

“Energy crawler?” Liu Gan heard that for the first time.

“Well, they were formed in the universe when Early-Stage was born, but not at all can form a wise life, how to say … for example, like life appeared on Earth, it started with some single ones. Cell organisms, such as bacteria, the universe was born Early-Stage, and energy bacteria also appeared … “

“Then single-celled organisms became multi-celled organisms. Reptiles appeared on Earth. After the same energy bacteria grew, this energy crawler slowly formed. They gradually grew themselves by feeding on energy bacteria in the universe.

“With the development of the universe, energy creatures with higher ranks have gradually emerged, and eventually have the energy family with wisdom, just like Earth has developed human beings.”

“Energy groups that are more advanced than energy reptiles are energy beasts. Energy beasts have higher intelligence than energy reptiles, but they cannot reach the height of energy clans. They belong to semi-intelligent energy creatures. The energy beast is very violent. The giant cosmic energy beast has the ability to destroy heaven extinguishing earth. The energy family known as omnipotent has no way to deal with them … “Yin He told Liu Gan in detail.

“Well, using Earth creatures to describe these energy creatures, it feels much clearer, right, what kind of form do I belong to now? Energy bacteria?” Liu Gan suddenly thought of something and asked Yin He.

“This form of you … it’s hard to say, it should be some kind of variant, right? A combination of human, machinery, and energy?” Yin He was a little confused.

“Uh … it looks like I’m a four.” Liu Gan looked a little depressed.

“Whatever you are, you are my favorite.” Yin He laughed.

“Can you communicate with it?” Liu Gan watched that the energy reptile continued to approach the solar system. It seems that this thing is quite revenge. Long ago, after eating Liu Gan’s big loss here, now he has grown fat, Want to come back for revenge!

“Can’t … in the past 100 years, I remembered something. I was actually … just an Avatar of the Neng clan. If I change my body, I can easily kill this reptile, but …” Yin He looked a little embarrassed.

“This doesn’t require you to deal with it, I’ll deal with it.” Liu Gan heard Yin He said that she was just an Avatar, and it is not surprising that Ryoko was the mysterious eye of Avatar.

If Yin He is the body of the Neng clan, even in the state of extreme aging, it is still the existence of destroying heaven extinguishing earth between the fingers, not as weak as she is now.

Speaking of which, now it ’s really time for this energy crawler to come. Liu Gan has been suffering from being too weak. After the war between 2 civilizations, the shuttle-type exploration ship can only stay away from the battlefield. Occasionally find an opportunity to come in and do some stealth. Things basically cannot affect the overall situation.

But if he succeeds in devouring this reptile, his strength will be extraordinary.

This can only measure the strength of the reptile. According to Liu Gan’s estimation, it has reached the level of at least ten Annas. Once Liu Gan successfully swallowed it, it will cooperate with the power of mysterious energy. On the one hand, this energy will provide the shuttle-type detection ship. The extra energy armor, on the other hand, you can also try to emit this energy, the destructive power will not be imagined.

Moreover, Liu Gan now has a killing move to deal with this energy crawler, which can ensure that after it is beaten weak again, it can no longer escape.

That is, the curvature trap.

(To be continued~^~)

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