Ning Jing City.

Liu Gan finally looked back at Yin He and everyone, and then walked into the Transmission Gate. Jiang Jinyuan followed Liu Gan and walked into the Transmission Gate.

Guo Tian and Anna also crashed into the Transmission Gate.

Zhang Shengli wanted to chase the past, but at this time the Transmission Gate suddenly disappeared from everyone’s vision, disappeared thoroughly, as if it had never existed. Zhang Shengli rushed over his head and found that he was still standing on the square, and he was disappointed.

Yin He, who had been smiling, had a slight sadness on her face at this time. She had made a decision in her heart, as long as Nana received the signal from Liu Gan and confirmed his position, regardless of the ends. of the earth, no matter how difficult and dangerous, she will pursue the past.

Just when everyone was sad and ready to disperse, the sound of hong long long suddenly made over the square, and a mass of black mist gathered in the air, and the black mist spun violently, forming a black vortex of several meters in the sky. .

Everyone looked at that black vortex in suspicion, and then heard Guo Tian’s scream, fell out of the black vortex, fell to the ground, and hurt his butt, yelled, and cried.

“You’re back? Where’s Elder Liu?” The crowd hurried around and asked Guo Tian in a quizzical manner.

“I’m here.” Liu Gan dragged Anna and Jiang Jinyuan, slowly floating out of the black vortex, and then slowly landed on the ground.

“Why can you fly down, but I have to fall?” Guo Tian looked back at Anna in disappointment.

“Who made you run so fast?” Anna was very proud, just grabbed by Liu Gan and flew down. She was so pretend to like it. She liked the feeling of being forced to fly by Big Brother Liu.

“Come back?” Yin He looked at Liu Gan with some disbelief, didn’t they just leave? He said it would take 3 months to come back. Why did he come back so soon? Wouldn’t you come back for a while and then leave?

“Well, you guys …” Liu Gan looked at the square, and then looked at Yin He in front of him. It was a little frustrated for a while, wasn’t this the scene when he left? No change at all?

“Did you forget something?” Yin He stepped closer and asked him in front of Liu Gan.

“Did we just leave?” Liu Gan looked towards Yin He in front of him, feeling 100 in her heart.

“Yes.” Yin He nodded.

“It seems … we have been in Frozen City for 3 months, but the time here is stagnant …” Liu Gan understood.

“Very good! It means that we have never left! Wow hahaha ha … hasn’t I already become the second best?” Anna looked proud.

“Don’t be too proud … you have a lot of handles in my hands …” Guo Tian whispered to remind Anna.

“Believing or not I froze you into ice cubes and can’t speak anymore?” Anna yelled at Guo Tian.

“Okay, you’re terrific.” Guo Tian had to give up.

When the two were talking, Liu Gan and Yin He were already hugging and kissing, everyone else applauded, and Anna and Guo Tian quickly applauded.

But Liu Gan threw the others aside, and took Yin He to find a place to open the house.

“Will it be very frustrating?” Guo Tian froze Anna.

“What’s missing?” Anna apparently not at all looked upset.

“I didn’t say anything.” Guo Tian looked at Anna carefully, and did not see any lost emotion.

“Hey, let’s listen to the sound of ding ding dong dong hitting the iron.” Anna said mysteriously to Guo Tian.

“What … hit the iron?” Guo Tian obviously didn’t quite understand.

“Don’t you know? Big Brother Liu is iron-clad, why is it always android, Xiao Bie wins the wedding, ding ding dong dong … how interesting …” Anna made a very close analogy.

“Oh! That’s it? That’s really fun … By the way, how do you know that Elder Liu was hit by an iron? Tried it?” Guo Tian’s expression was ambiguous ~ an ambiguous smile.

“Would you mind?” Anna looked a little smug, looking prettier.

“Anna, you can do it. The iron can stand it. Next time on your birthday, I will send you an iron cucumber, hahahahaha …” Guo Tian laughed.

“Go to death!” Anna flew up and kicked on Guo Tian’s chrysanthemum.


“I have something for you.” After ding ding dong dong, Liu Gan handed the chip from the technology ball to Yin He.

“What is it?” Yin He felt familiar with this storage device, and after trying it out, he immediately found a way to read it.

“Some …”

“I’m understood.” Yin He read the data in it and saw the research on plasma life in it, and he already understood how it all happened.

“I hope it’s useful for you.” Liu Gan watched Yin He’s expression … but she always had no expression.

“Are you out for 3 months? It’s only a moment’s time here.” Yin He talked to Liu Gan while reading the contents of the memory quickly.

“Several islands in this world are not unified on the timeline, all are independent spaces.”

“No wonder … well, what have you experienced in the past 3 months? Tell me.” Yin He was curious.

“The experience can be enriched. Anyway, there is time. I slowly tell you.” Liu Gan clutched Yin He tightly, feeling that everything was not real.

Frozen City is 3 months long, too long, it is as long as a lifetime.

“I feel you have changed …” Yin He also looked towards Liu Gan.

“Changed? I haven’t changed, I am still me.” Liu Gan didn’t quite understand what Yin He meant.

“You have become happier than before, no … that many … well, mind.” Yin He struggled to search for the right words to describe Liu Gan now.

“Perhaps, some things have already been released, and after I left, I found that I can return to you. Nothing makes me feel happier than this.” Liu Gan said to her against Yin He’s forehead. .

Liu Gan is telling the truth. Some of those past events that made him unable to let go are now just a passing scene. Now he continues to explore in The Trembling World. He has already set new goals and changed himself. At the same time, we must find spiritual pills and marvelous medicines that can really resist the aging of plasma life and save her life.

At the age of 6, mother’s departure left him unable to let go until it was grown up. At that time, he could not stop her from leaving, but now he must hold the lover’s hand in front of him, and even if he walks through every corner of the universe, he will never let Her life passed before his eyes. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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